Soviet Central Asia

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Soviet Central Asia
Flag of Soviet Central Asia
Motto: Workers and Oppressed Peoples, UNITE!
Region NSCP
Capital Tashkent
Official Language(s) None (De Facto: Russian)
Leader Gyeidar Aliyevich
Population 100-200 Million
Currency Soviet Rouble 
NS Sunset XML

The United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia, abbreviated USSSCA, USSoSCA or SCA (Russian:Объединенные Социалистические государства советской Средней Азии (ОСГССА)(Obyedinennoiye Sotsialisticheskiye gosudarstva sovyetskoi Sryednei Azii (OSGSSA))), commonly called 'Central Asia', the 'New Soviet Union' or just the 'Soviet Union' is a Socialist country which has existed from 2000, when it succeeded the Commonwealth of Central Asian Republics.

Politically the USSSCA is divided into eight Soviet Central Asian Republics (SCAR's) - Armenian SCAR, Azerbaijan SCAR, Georgian SCAR, Kazakh SCAR, Kirghiz SCAR, Tajik SCAR, Turkmen SCAR and Uzbek SCAR - joined in a democratic Socialist union.


After 1945 all the SCAR's of the USSSCA were united in the first Soviet Union, however with the collapse of the USSR and the 'end' of Communism in 1991 came promises of 'freedom', 'democracy' and economic growth from the Capitalist bureaucrats.

In late 1993, after three years of Capitalism, unemployment, poverty and governmental corruption had all increased threefold. In an attempt to stop the rot, the leaders of the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan created the Commonwealth of Central Asian Republics (CCAR). This was intended to provide free-trade and a larger market economy for the Capitalists to sell their goods.

However in 1995 General Ivan Radich declared himself the victor of the hotly disputed Kazakh elections. As the largest and thus most powerful of the CCAR nations, he was able to force increasingly Draconian laws through the CCAR Parliament. When, in 1998, Turkmenistan refused to follow his orders, Radich invaded Turkmenistan; and then continued across the Caspian Sea, and occupied Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

By mid-1998 the CCAR had become tyrannical dictatorship under General Radich. Freedom of speech, movement and religion were all suppressed, anyone who spoke out against the Alma-Ata regime disappeared during the night.

In early 1999 the exiled Kazakh revolutionary Gyeidar Aliyevich returned secretly to take charge of the Peoples Revolutionary Communist Party, an underground movement founded by Aliyevich. Throughout '99 he prepared the Party for revolution. Until on the night of November 7th, 1999, Aliyevich's revolutionaries simultaneously captured the Presidential Palace in Alma-Ata and with it Radich; and the CCAR Government buildings in Tashkent.

The Revolution spread virtually unopposed across the whole of the CCAR. On January 3rd, 2000, Gyeidar Aliyevich declared a complete victory over the Capitalists within the CCAR. Because of the almost universally popular nature of the revolution, there was no resulting civil war, nor did any other Capitalist nation attempt to invade, although the reasons for this are still unclear.

With the country in his control, Aliyevich's first action was to order a referendum, across the whole of the CCAR (including the occupied nations west of the Caspian Sea) to decide if the people wanted a Socialist Union to replace the Commonwealth. The results came back with 98.45% in favour of the Union.

In light of the referendum, the CCAR was renamed the United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia, and its capital was moved to Tashkent in the Uzbek SCAR.

Immediately after the revolution, in order to maintain stability, the country was ruled by a committee, handpicked by Gyeidar Aliyevich. These committed Marxists organised the reconstruction of the utilities and services which had been damaged in the revolution; and put in place the systems for the democratic ruling of the USSSCA.

The above processes were completed for early 2002. On the 1st February 2002 Gyeidar Aliyevich announced elections for members of the USSSCA's Soviet's. This process was completed quickly, and so, on the 1st March 2002 Aliyevich ordered the Interim Revolutionary Government was disbanded, and that the USSSCA was the first nation ever to be ruled by truly democratic means.


The government of the USSSCA is based on Direct Soviet Democracy. Which is a variant of Soviet Democracy as advocated by Lenin; however Direct Soviet Democracy (suggested by Gyeidar Aliyevich in 1992) addresses a fundamental problem of Soviet Democracy. This loophole allows corrupt leaders to influence the country from the top down.

The Soviets

In the USSSCA, Direct Soviet Democracy is implemented thus: All towns and cities have a Soviet (Council); this Soviet is made up of members elected by, and directly responsible to, the proletariat of the town or city. This means that the members of the Soviets’ do not become the new ruling class, as they can be replaced at will by the proletariat.

The Local Soviets members are elected from different areas of the town or city e.g. members would be elected for the North, South, East, West and Centre of a town or city and in some cases the surrounding rural area too, if the population of said area is not large enough for it to warrant a Soviet of its own.

When a vote is called on an issue, all citizens (of voting age) cast their vote in their local polling station i.e. everyone in the North of the town/city would vote at the Northern Polling Station. When the results are in they would be given to the Local Soviet representative for the North of the town/city, who would take the result for his/her area to the Local Soviet. The Local Soviet would then vote on the issue. The representatives are allowed to vote at their local Polling Station, but they must vote with the majority at the Local Soviet (i.e. if on an issue the Northern representative voted ‘No’, but the majority of people in his/her area voted ‘Yes’, the representative must vote ‘Yes’ at the Local Soviet). The option with the most votes wins.

The Members of the Local Soviet’s all elect a member to represent them (and their people) at the Regional Soviet; this would consist of all the representatives of the Local Soviets in the area. The voting system here remains the same (each representative must vote the way the majority of his/her Local Soviet did, regardless of the way he/she voted in his/her local area), this system remains the same right up to the Supreme Soviet.

The Regional Soviet’s then elect a member to represent them at the Republic Soviet, which consists of the representative of all the Regional Soviet’s in that republic (i.e. Kazakh SCAR).

Finally the Republic Soviet’s elect a member to sit on the Supreme Soviet. This is the highest Soviet in the Union, and consists of the eight representatives of the Republic Soviet’s.

This system allow the proletariat to directly diced how their country is run, plus, it is also flexible, as most issues never need to go above the Regional or Republic Soviet as they only affect the workers of one SCAR or Region; and some votes don’t even get above the Local Soviet, if they only affect a particularly small area.

Citizens of all SCAR’s are allowed to form their own Soviet’s, to allow workers with similar interests to vote the same way, or express their opinions (similar to Trade Unions). In fact all industries have their own Soviets; other groups that have formed Soviets include sports teams and other clubs and societies.

The Politburo

The day to day running of the Union is handled by the Politburo, whose members are all elected by the people, though the Soviets. All Politburo members are elected once a year, and there is no limit to the number of terms any member can serve.

Although the Politburo handles the general running of the Union, any major changes (e.g. changes in the law, international alliances/memberships, etc) must be voted on by the proletariat.

Leader of the USSSCA

Gyeidar Aliyevich is the current leader of the USSSCA; however the Union does not have a post of president or prime minister. Instead, internationally, the leader of the USSSCA is considered to be the person who holds the post of ‘General Secretary of the Politburo of the United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia’, however despite the title, Gyeidar Aliyevich has no real power by himself, as intended; in the USSSCA the workers have the power.

National Anthem

The national anthem of the USSSCA is the Russian version of the ‘Internationale’.


The USSSCA is a peaceful nation, and is committed to finding peaceful and diplomatic solutions to international incidents, however, as with any Socialist nation; there is always the threat of invasion by a Capitalist army. In view of this situation the workers voted for the following amendment of the constitution in 2003:

“At all times the United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia shall maintain an armed force, capable of defending the Motherland. The said armed force must number not less than 5%, and not more than 15% of the USSSCA’s total population.”

Currently the military of the USSSCA is numbers around 13% of the total Union population. The distribution is shown below, together with the material strength (tanks, planes, etc) of each branch of the armed forces:

  • Army: 50%
    • Armoured Fighting Vehicles: 2,500
    • Armoured Transport Vehicles: 1,000
    • Non Armoured Transport: 3,000
  • Air Force: 30%
    • Fighters: 2,000
    • Light Bombers: 500
    • Heavy Bombers: 750
    • Transport Aircraft: 1,100
    • Helicopter Gunships: 186
    • Transport Helicopters: 250
  • Navy: 15%
    • Frigates: 1
    • Destroyers: 1
    • Nuclear Submarines: 3
  • Strategic Rocket Forces: 5%
    • Conventional Missiles: 3,000
    • ICBM: 40
    • SLBM: 50

Demographics and Society

Soviet Central Asia is a very ethnically diverse country with numerous ethnic groups residing within its borders. As of mid-2006, the population numbers between 100 and 200 million.


The majority of the population are Kazakhs (43.97%), closely followed by Turkmen (20.65%) and Uzbeks (18.35%). Other ethnic groups include Tajiks (8.67%), Georgians (3.21%), Armenians (2.40%), Azerbaijanis (1.75%) and Kyrgyz (1.00%)


The Government of the USSSCA is officially Atheist, however Soviet Central Asia’s citizens are free to practice which ever religion they wish, as long as their beliefs do not breach the laws of the Union, they do not intend to convert others, and they do not attempt to use their religion to influence the government, or vice versa. The Union census of 2005 revealed the following religions were practiced in the USSSCA:

  • Atheist: 65.78%
  • Muslim: 20.45%
  • Christian: 9.84%
  • Buddhist: 2.65%
  • Other: 1.28%

Despite the numerous races and religions co-existing together, racial violence and crime is virtually unheard of, due to the progressive social and educational practices put in place by government; and the well supported police force.


As Marx said in his Communist Manifesto, when Capitalism, and therefore production for profit, is ended and is replaced by production for use, under Communism, money will become obsolete. In Soviet Central Asia, this has happened.

On the 1st of March 2002, when Gyeidar Aliyevich proclaimed the USSSCA to be the worlds first truly Socialist Union, he also announced that no more internal trade was to be carried out using currency (for external trade see ‘Economy - International Trade’). In the four years since this announcement, both Soviet Central Asian and external commentators have noticed a sharp decrease in ‘incidents of citizens attempting to procure individual wealth’; and a massive increase in ‘Comradeship, Unity, Community Spirit and Togetherness’. Crime has also plummeted. Other changes have occurred as well, for example the phrase ‘What’s in it for me?’ is now treated with the same contempt as racism and profanity.


Every Republic in the USSSCA has its own national language, for inter-Union communication a universal language is used. Before 1991 when all the CAR’s were republics of the USSR, it was compulsory for all schools to teach Russian. After the collapse of the USSR, many schools continued this practice; and Russian was still taught in the majority of educational establishments even under Radich. It was for these reasons that, in 2000, Aliyevich chose Russian as the official language for inter-Union communication, however the Union as a whole has no official language; this was later ratified by the proletariat in 2003.

The Union Republics

The United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia consists (unsurprisingly) of eight Union Republics, these Republics operate somewhat independently; they have their own governments (the Republic Soviet’s) and their own laws, over and above those in place across the whole Union. However this freedom does come with some responsibilities, all Union Republics must comply with any decision made by the Supreme Soviet, or Politburo (unless specifically stated otherwise), and also the industrial and agricultural products of each Republic are distributed as required throughout the Union.

Armenian SCAR

The Armenian SCAR (ArSCAR) is the smallest of the Union Republics. Located in the Caucasus, it is landlocked. The population of Armenia makes up around 2.5% of the total population of the USSSCA. The Armenian capital and home of the Armenian Republic Soviet, is Yerevan; it is located in the central eastern part of the Republic and lies on the River Hrazdan. Armenia is an important Republic, as its mines produce large quantities of Copper, Zinc, Gold and Lead.

Azerbaijan SCAR

The Azerbaijan SCAR (AzSCAR) is located in the Caucasus; it has a coastline along the western shore of the Caspian Sea. The population of Azerbaijan contributes around 1.75% to the total Union population. The Azerbaijani capital and home of the Azerbaijani Republic Soviet, is Baku; which is located in the central eastern part of the Republic, near the coast of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijani industry includes machine manufacture, petroleum and other mining, petroleum refining, textile production and chemical processing. Agriculture is also important, with Azerbaijani farmers producing crops such as cotton, fruit, grain, tea, tobacco and many types of vegetables.

Georgian SCAR

The Georgian SCAR (GSCAR) is located in the Caucasus; it has a coastline along the north eastern shore of the Black Sea; and as such is home to the main USSSCA Navy port, however due to a Turkish blockade of the Istanbul Strait, USSSCA Navy vessels are only currently able to sail within the Black Sea. The Georgian population accounts for around 4.2% of the total Union population. The Georgian capital and home of the Georgian Republic Soviet, is T’bilisi; it is situated in the centre of the Republic, lying on the River Mtkvari.

Georgia produces mainly Citrus Fruits, Tea and Grapes; however mines also produce sizable quantities of Manganese and Copper.

Kazakh SCAR

The Kazakh SCAR (KzSCAR) is by far the largest of the Union Republics; it stretches across a huge expanse of northern central Asia. It has a coastline along the north eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. The Kazakh population make up around 44% of the total population of the Union. The Kazakh capital and home to the Kazakh Republic Soviet is Alma-Ata; which is located in the extreme south-east of the Republic.

Kazakh farmers produce vast amounts of Grain, Wheat, Barley, Rice and Cotton. Livestock is also important, with chief products being Leather, Meat, Wool and Dairy Products.

Natural Resources are very abundant in Kazakhstan, not only by quantity, but also in the variety of elements found. Out of 110 chemical elements 99 are present, and 60 are being extracted. The deposits of Oil, Gas, Titanium, Magnesium, Tin, Uranium, and Gold are some of the biggest in the world. Significant deposits of Coal, Iron, Copper and Zinc are also present; together with considerable deposits of diamonds. Large deposits of chemicals are also present, mainly Petroleum, Natural Gas. In total, there are 160 deposits with over or 2.7 billion tons of Petroleum. Oil explorations have shown that the deposits on the Caspian shore are only a small part of a huge Oil deposit. It is said that 3.5 billion tons of oil and 2.5 trillion cubic meters of gas could be found in that area. Overall the estimate of Kazakhstan's oil deposits is 6.1 billion tons.

Kyrgyz SCAR

The Kyrgyz SCAR (KySCAR) is the least densely populated of all the Union Republics; landlocked and mountainous, it is situated in the south east of the USSSCA, in central Asia. The Kyrgyz population account for around 1% of the total Union population. The Kyrgyz capital and home to the Kyrgyz Republic Soviet, is Bishkek; which is located in the far north of the Republic.

Agriculture is the dominant industry in Kyrgyzstan, with the main products being Wheat, Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Cotton, Tobacco, Vegetables, and Fruit. Wool, Meat, and Dairy Products also are major commodities.

The Kyrgyz Republic is rich in mineral resources but has negligible petroleum and natural gas reserves; it imports petroleum and gas. Among its mineral reserves are substantial deposits of Coal, Gold, Uranium, Antimony, and other Rare-Earth metals; Metallurgy is also an important industry.

Tajik SCAR

The Tajik SCAR (TaSCAR) is a landlocked Republic, located in the extreme south east of Soviet Central Asia. The population of Tajikistan constitute around 8.9% to the overall Union population. The Tajik capital and home of the Tajik Republic Soviet, is Dushanbe; which sits in the centre western part of the Republic.

The farmers of Tajikistan produce large amounts of Cotton, whilst mineral resources, which are varied but limited in amount, include Silver, Gold, Uranium, and Tungsten.

Turkmen SCAR

The Turkmen SCAR (TuSCAR) is located in central Asia; it has a coastline along the south east shore of the Caspian Sea. The Turkmen population makes up about 20% of the total Union population. The capital of Turkmenistan and home of the Turkmen Republic Soviet is Ashgabat; which is located the south central area of the Republic.

Turkmenistan’s farmers produce the largest amount of Cotton in the whole Union; and Turkmenistan possesses the world's fifth-largest reserves of Natural Gas, as well as substantial Oil reserves.

Uzbek SCAR

The Uzbek SCAR (USCAR) is a landlocked Republic; located in the centre of the USSSCA, in central Asia. The Uzbek population contributes about 18.3% to the total population of the Union. The Uzbek capital, home of the Uzbek Republic Soviet and the Supreme Soviet of the United Socialist States of Soviet Central Asia, is Tashkent; which is situated in the north east of the Republic.

The farmers of the USCAR grow colossal quantities of Cotton, and its miners produce the largest amount of Gold in the Union. It is also a significant producer of Natural Gas, Coal, Copper, Oil, Silver, and Uranium.


The collapse of the first Soviet Union in 1991 severely weakened the economies of the Central Asian Republics; the years of oppression under Radich’s dictatorship further crippled the CAR’s economies. After Aliyevich’s revolution in 2000 all industries were placed in the hands of Workers Soviet’s; these work in the same way as the Governmental Soviet’s, except that there is a system of Workers Soviet’s for all industries across the Union.

In the six years since the revolution the Workers Soviet’s have not just stopped the slide of the preceding nine years, they have increased production to 43% above what was achieved in the late 1980’s.


Due to the enormous mineral wealth, chemical abundance and agricultural variety, the USSSCA is virtually self-sufficient.

Energy Generation

Soviet Central Asia is a vast country with a large population and as such requires huge amounts of energy and despite its enormous Petroleum, Oil and Gas reserves; the USSSCA generates most of its energy from renewable sources, the exact values are shown in the table below:

  • Renewable: 78%
    • Hydro-Electric: 60%
    • Wind: 20%
    • Tidal: 10%
    • Solar: 7%
    • Other: 3%
  • Non-Renewable: 22%
    • Nuclear: 80%
    • Natural Gas: 15%
    • Oil: 5%

Every year the Georgian and Kyrgyz Hydro-Electric dams, the vast wind farms in the Kazakh desert, the wave driven generators in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan and the immense solar power plants in Uzbekistan produce trillions of Kilowatt Hours (kWh) of electricity for Soviet Central Asia.

The rest of Soviet Central Asia’s power needs are mainly catered for by six nuclear power stations; these are all located in the Kazakh SCAR, on the banks of Lake Tengiz, south west of Tselinograd. Eleven Natural Gas and Oil power stations are located all across Soviet Central Asia; however these are only used when electrical demand is very high, and there are plans that once a new Hydro-Electric station is completed in Tajikistan, these can be decommissioned.

International Trade

Because many countries around the world continue to use a system of currency, in order to trade with these countries, the USSSCA government uses the Soviet Rouble for international trade. Very few Soviet Roubles exist because their exchange rate is so high (currently one Soviet Rouble (SVR) is worth $3,567,912,000); there is also virtually no risk of the money leading to corruption, because, as previously stated, it is useless in domestic transactions.

External Links

Soviet Central Asia at NationStates

NationStates Communist Party Forum