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Flag of Alderande
Motto: Alderande prevails
No Map Available Yet
Region france
Capital Aldera
Official Language(s) Alderaan
Population 4.49 billion
Currency Olocron (Ol) 
NS Sunset XML


The Imperial Confederation of Alderande (Confadora Imperastîl L'Alderân) is a powerful nation of the france region. The Imperial Confederation is located on the Elghino-Alderaan island and its closest neighbor is the nation of Elghinn with which Alderande maintains very bad relations. Alderande is considered as a democratic nation which has a great diplomatic ans military influence through the region (in the RP forum) and it is one of the most important member of a group of centrist democratic nations like The Sthans, Janakan and Jepay.

General Information

Formal name : The Imperial Confederation of Alderande

Capital : Aldera

Important cities : Vertigo, Andorométhis, Prodovandrog, Aldébaran, Andostorine, Teluskan

Population : 4.49 billion

Languages : Alderaan / Corstrisian, Teluskani, Valaquian

Economic rate : Powerful

Civic rate : Good

Political freedoms : Good

Currency : Olocron

Head of the State : His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Cyprius Dante (Në Imperastôr Cypriùs Dânte)

Head of the Government : First Chancellor Llorth Yittreas (Në Doriat Cancelôr)

Legislative : The Imperial Senate and the Praetorian Council (Në Imperal Kenat and Në Praetoria)