Cir Lor-Ban

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Cir Lor-Ban
26 May 1981
Marital Status

Cir Lor-Ban is a non-human whose species is unknown. She was found as an infant by Juerg and Maria Kaelin and raised as their own child. All she remembered at the time was her own name and the name's of her birth parents.

From an early age, it was apparent that Lor-Ban had abilities far above normal, even when compared with paranormal species such as Elves. However, she has never wanted anything except a normal life. While she has never posed as human, she has often attempted to hide her abilities and maintain a low profile. Despite her best efforts, the Danaan Ministry for Paranormal Affairs has classified her as a Class 5 Paranormal and kept her under light surveillance (surveillance involving no direct intrustion into her private sphere) until recently. In May of 2006, Lor-Ban vanished and her current whereabouts remain unknown.

Early life

Although her foster parents never hid her non-human origin from Lor-Ban, they raised her just like any human child. She was brought up in the National Protestant Church and attended local public schools. She lived her early life in the small town of Seifert, Zutern. She largely refrained from using her natural abilities throughout this period because of a desire to blend in.

As she grew older, Lor-Ban discovered that she possessed semi-impermeable skin, preternormal strength, preternormal speed, the ability to create intense heat, the ability to create intense cold, telescopic vision, and the completely inexplicable power to fly directed only by her will.

Cir knows almost nothing of her origins are her people. She does know that the name of her birth father is Lor-Ban and her birth mother Kara U-Tharb.