New Caldari

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New Caldari
Flag of New Caldari
Motto: Discipline, Obedence, Unity
[1][2] [3]
Region Federation of Allied Nations
Capital Kimotoro Metropolis
Official Language(s) Caldanese, English
Leader Naoko Onamori
Population 3.056 Billion
Currency Caldari Credit 
NS Sunset XML


  • Summary Coming Soon*

Provinces of the Caldari State

Caldarian Gevon

Caldarian Gevon
National motto: Unity Through Patriotism
National anthem: Orbis Caldari
Capital New Hong
Official languages Caldanese, English
• As Offical Territory
May 5, 2005
 • 2006 est.
Currency font-credit
NSTracker Pipian XML

Caldarian Gevon is the southern half of the defunct Armed Republic of Gevon. The Jewel of Caldarian Gevon is the metropolis of Hong. Hong has been and always will be the largest city in the south. Other cities in Caldarian Gevon include the port cities of Lito, Heilit, Huxingchang and Sujian.

The capital of Caldarian Gevon, New Hong is dominated by the heavily-protected Caldari Adminstration Tower which is the bastion of Caldari authority, built ontop of the now-destroyed palace of Lord Gerald. Victory Plaza is in front of the Adminstration Tower and it is where the Caldari Forces knocked down the statue of Gerald and replaced it with the flag of the Caldari State, signaling the Caldari victory in the 2nd Gevon War.

In the qaint coastal city of Lito, you can vist the naval yards as well as the Museum of Gevon Past, which is the only suriving building containing past Gevonian laws and artifacts from the time when the Caldari Army sieged the city and almost completely obliterated Lito.

However in the industrialized port city of Heilit, you can board one of the many cruise ships and take a trip up and down the Gevonian coast or eat a lobster on the Boardwalk in the Southern City Zone. Heilit is the major industrial production center for Caldari State and its widely reconized as one of the most profitable industrial towns in the entire State.

Caldarian Gevon is pretty much a modern Orwellian demi-state, controlled by the Caldari State, riots and civil discontent are a fact of life in the South and Civil Protection maintain absolute order in the cities, keeping citizens in line through the use of intimidation and physical force - ranging from random beatings, questioning and "inspections," to outright murder. The Ministry of Truth constanly feeded propaganda to the people via the numerous telescreens through the cities and this keep the people in line for the most of the time except for the occational dissent who is vaporized and is never heard from again.

Caldarian Sushiia and Saba

Caldarian Sushiia
National motto: Obedience Leads to Unity
National anthem: Orbis Caldari
Capital Toro
Official languages Caldanese, Sushiian, English
• As Offical Territory
May 1, 2006
 • 2006 est.
Currency Caldari Credit
NSTracker Pipian XML

Information Coming Soon!

The Caldari State Armed Forces


A state built on corporate capitalism, the Caldari State is run by a few mega-corporations which divide the state between them, controlling and ruling every aspect of society. Each corporation is made up of thousands of smaller companies, ranging from industrial companies to law firms. All land and real estate is owned by a company which leases it to the citizens, and government and policing are also handled by independent companies.

Although this gives the corporations dictatorial powers, they are just as bound by Caldari customs and laws as the individual, and the fierce, continual competition between the corporations ensures a healthy, consumer-based social environment, which benefits everyone.

Chief Executives Panel

The Chief Executive Panel is a political entity jointly owned and run by the Caldari mega corporations. The CEOs of the mega corporations sit on the board of the Panel and make sure the mega corporations don't go overboard in competing with each other, smoothing over potential conflicts before they escalate out of control. In a sense, the CEP is the Caldari State's Senate and makes final rulings in terms of foreign policy and declarations of war.

The People's Conclave

The People's Conclave is made up of repersentives of the citizenry of the Caldari State which was just recently established. The people who hold seats in the Conclave are elected in. Delegates are from all over the State from Caldarian Gevon to the outlandish colonies of Rhan Var and Rex Abyssio. The Speaker of the Conclave is elected by the delegates of the Conclave and confirmed by ether the President or by the Chief Executives Panel.

The Conclave has no control over the legslation of foreign policy or declaring war. Their primary focus is the enacting of domestic or national issues. These issues range from welfare relief to universal healthcare. However, this is the primary location for the corruption of the State, so say the plutocrats.

Ministry of War

The Ministry of War has control over all the Armed Forces of the State including the Army (including the Caldarian Legionaries and Terminator Space Marines), the Space Navy, the Surface Navy, the Home Guard (Directorate of Police) and the Caldari Secert Service (CSS). They can only moblize forces with consent from the President or from the Chief Executives Panel.

Ministry of the Interior

The Caldari Ministry of the Interior is the central internal affairs bureau which consists of hundreds and hundreds of major and minor departments which range from the Department of Health and Cloning Services to the Department of Finance to the Department of Welfare. In a sense, the Ministry of the Interior is the large bureaucracy of the State, although usually overlooked by the Chief Execuitves Panel.

Ministry of Truth

The Caldari Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm of The State. It concerns itself with the media and all forms of relaying information to the general populace, controlling what the populace can know and what should not know. Several departments include for example Records (Controls and Recifies Caldari History). Another department is Censorship, which deletes from the Press the names of people who had been vaporized by the CSS and therefore are considered never to have existed.

Inside the Ministry, there are huge printing-shops and their sub editors, there are typography experts, and their elaborately equipped studios for the faking of photographs. There is an tele-programmes section with its engineers, its producers and its teams of actors specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices; clerks whose job was simply to draw up lists of books and periodicals which were due for recall; vast repositories where the corrected documents are stored; and the hidden furnaces where the original copies are destroyed.

The Ministry of Truth mainly works within the confines of Caldarian Gevon, bring Gevon's past into the Caldari State's present and future.

Caldari Business Tribunal

The Caldari are not want to bicker over lost deals or ruthless competition, but when they do, this is the place they come to. The tribunal is the only organization within the Caldari State authorized to cancel deals or agreements made between companies. The Tribunal also hear civilian cases as well and swiftly annouces its verdict, usually these are torture, execution or exile.

The House of Records

The fragmentation of the Caldari government has often proved to be problematic when it comes to documenting events, deals and communications. The House of Records was set up by the Caldari mega corporations to act as a central source for all this information. Information on all transactions, business deals and governmental involvements within the State must be sent here and are stored in huge data banks. The House of Records is the largest facility of its kind and contains all the records and files on Caldari citizens as well as officials.


The Caldari State offers its citizens the best and the worst in living conditions. As long as you keep in line, do your job, uphold the laws and so forth, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. But for those who are not cut out for this strict, disciplined regime life quickly becomes intolerable. They lose their respect, family, status, everything, and the only options left to them are suicide or exile.

Their is a giant break in weath distrubution between the CEO's and major officers and the everyday citizen. Most people live in moderate flats which have slighty high rents but overall they are pretty good and more and more flats are built everyday. On the other side of the scale, the CEO's and high ranking officials live in luxurious penthouse and sometimes their own skyscrapers. Taxes are though the roof as everyone, even officials pay them, although most citizens disagree as to why the rates are high.


The Caldari State is regarded as an semi-oppresive, hard-working and war-loving people, who wish to live as long as they can and live their lives to the fullest extent. Many Caldari believe, that although having fun and leisure is important, working is also very important, and many believe that hard work will lead to a succesful life. They do believe in absolute perfection, as it is possible. The wealth of a person is considered to be exteremly important, as many believe it is a reward given when one works hard enough in life. Wealth also is used to determine the social class your in (See Part 5).

The Caldari citizenry have some freedoms but they have no substancial poltical right but they have outstanding economic rights which allow free enterprise but not so much to infringe on the rights of other megacorporations. They will also accept some peoples and species of all races, beliefs, and cultures as long as they stick to the laws and traditions of the State.

The population likes ceremonies and military parades that will make them patriotic and nationalistic of their country and its glorious heritage. Military parades shows the populace that their nations does in fact have the one of the grestest militaries in the region. Their are also cultural parades, like during the the Caldarian New Year (April 13th-April 19th).

To control their more aggressive habits, the Caldari organize a variety of sporting activities, most of which involve some form of violent competition such as gladiatorial matches. Betting on these competitions is very commonplace, so much so that gambling has evolved into one of the larger enterprises in the Caldari state.

Economics and Industries

The Caldari State is home to one of the largest manufacting and production facilities in the entire Federation. Some of the major industries include gambling, armaments manufacturing, food production, mining and starship construction. The Caldari State has the largest gambling sector in the region and you can find a casino on almost every planet and spaceport thoughout the State. Major games that are played include Blackjack, Roullete, Craps, Poker, Baccerat and Pettokori. Only high ranking officials and officiers of the military can play Pettokori.

The State is well-known for its large weapons manufacturing. The range of side arms go from basic blaster rifles (DC-6) to Graviton Quad Rifles (AH-9) to even the large cannons aboard the Titan-Class Destroyer (Kyon Blaster Cannons and Polarion Cannons). Isuuaya Imperial Armaments is reponsable for the manufacture of these weapons, as they help Cirelere Laboratories in the research.

The State has the largest food production sector as well in the Fedetation. Over 250 planets are solely for the production of foodstuffs for the growing population of the State and even produces extras for other nations. Combined Harvest is the lead corporation in this field.

The Caldari State is home also to some of the largest caches of Tritanium, Nocxium and other space ores. Several belts including the Ta'Ka Belt and the Halak Fields have also some large catches of Tiberium, which at this time is equal in value to the credit. Metal X, used by OBERTH in Maraudersoft is also found in several undisclosed belts on the fringes of the State. Hysayoda, Minedrill and Combined Harvest all share the duties of collecting and refining the ores needed to continue the development of the State.

The State is exteremly well-known for the Jita Shipyards (Part of Colossus l JITA), which produces some of the best starships in the Federation of Allied Nations. Jita Shipyards has been around since the rise of the Raata Empire and the rise of the weapons megacorporation, Isuuaya Imperial Armaments.