History of Canada

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Canada is one of this largest user created regions of NationStates. From its humble beginnings in The Early Days to its modern day constitutional democratic system, Canada has evolved over the years, with its history being affected by countless nations and foreign regions from all over NationStates.

The Early Days

Much of the early history of the Region of Canada is sketchy.

It is known that the region was created by one of The True Domination's predecessor nations in late 2002. TD's predecessor nation was the sole member of the region in the early days. Eventually, TD's predecessor nation was abandoned while the number of nations in Canada remained at one. Sometime before the abandoned nation ceased to exist, other nations located to the region, unbeknownst to the TD's now extinct predecessor nation.

Pre 2004-Constitution Era

Six months after TD abandoned his first nation, the nation of The True Domination was created, and relocated to Canada. TD discovered that the previously sparse region that existed roughly six months earlier was now home to 175 nations, a recently created off-site forum, and lots of activity.

This offsite forum was created in early May, 2003. At the time of the forum's creation, there were 175 nations, which, by the end of June, 2003, had increased to 220 nations.

The earliest known delegate of the region was the People's Rep. of Taiga. Not much is known about Taiga's administration.

The Las Chupacabras Era

Sometime in April or May, 2003, The Peoples Republic of Las Chupacabras took over as delegate from Taiga. "Chups", as he was called, enjoyed two terms as Delegate. It was under his leadership that the first constitution and elections took place in the region. At the time, the region adopted an ambitious constitution with a very large cabinet and comparatively complex structure.

Initial elections of the Pre 2004-Constitution Era took place on May 30, 2003. The Results were as follows:

1st Election Pre 2004-Constitution Era
Position Nation
Prime Minister Las Chupacabras
Attorney-General The Maple Leafs Rule
Solicitor-General The Mighty Mof
Minister of Defence Christopholous
Minister of Finance Headpiece
Minister of Foreign Affairs Razamanaz
Minister of the Environment Eel Cezno (bob)
Minister of Immigration Eternal Abyss
Minister of Industry Aarondia
Minister of Agriculture Kamloopa
Minister of Health Canadistan
National Librarian Slis
Leader of the Opposition GoNadsGo
Speaker of the House Heywoodjablowme

Early diplomatic relationships also were forged, with the regions of Africa and Canada setting up embassies in each others regions. An intelligence service was created, called the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service ("CSIS"). However, it failed to get off the ground and was eventually abandoned. [1]

Summer 2003

With Las Chupacabras unable to devote his attention to the region as he once did, [2] in the summer of 2003, True Domination came on the scene and took over the region from Las Chupacabras in late July. True Domination was in power for a few weeks, before going on a voluntary self-imposed international assignment to the Rejected Realms.

With True Domination on sabbatical, Las Chupacabras briefly took over again. Elections took place in August, with the following results:

2nd Election Pre 2004-Constitution Era
Position Nation
Prime Minister Vacant
Minister of the Environment Eel Cezno (bob)
Minister of Agriculture and Deserts Kamloopa
Ministry of Defence Christopholous
Ministry of Music Jakeman

Late Summer Power Vacuum

In Late August 2003, as the number of nations dipped to below 200, a power struggle occurred with respect to the UN Delegate position. At one point, the region had an unprecedented three Delegates in three days. Las Chupacabras, the recently returned True Domination and The Queendom of Tofiti all had a turn as delegate in that three day period. Also, Razamanaz came one endorsement shy of gaining the delegacy during that time.

The True Domination Era

The power struggle was ultimately resolved when True Domination succeeded in securing enough endorsements to become the unchallenged Delegate. As a result of the late August power vacuum, coupled with the sudden decline in regional membership, the elected and constitutional institutions put in place by Las Chupacabras slowly deteriorated. Also, diplomatic relationships with the region of Africa unfortunately ceased.

In December, 2003, near the end of True Domination’s regime, consultations began to remedy this situation. Consultations occurred within the region to canvass the member nations about re-establishing a government and a new constitution. With the participation of several member nations, it was determined that support existed for elections, and work began on a new draft constitution to facilitate new elections.

The Vancouver Crisis

True Domination’s second term was marked by Canada’s increased participation in international events. In early December, 2003, Canada assisted the region of Vancouver in repelling invaders from the region of Luxembourg. The invaders had taken over Canada’s allies in Vancouver by installing a hostile UN Delegate. Within 24 hours, Canada’s participation in a counter-offensive helped restore the rightful delegate of Vancouver in his position, and allowed their democratically elected government to be re-installed.

The Dogs of War

The Vancouver experience was the catalyst behind True Domination’s Dogs of War alliance, a home grown alliance aimed at having a readily available fighting force to aid democratic regions under attack by non-democratic invaders. The framework of the DoW alliance was put in place by True Domination. The DoW transformed itself into Canada's military wing under the guidance of Carbanousa in the year 2004.


Another legacy of True Domination’s second term was a proliferation of Diplomacy, aided by Bweezystan. With True Domination’s blessing, Bweezystan established an embassy in Portugal (with Portugal establishing an embassy in Canada). Further diplomatic ties were forged with the region of Urbanites, a region with similar aims to Canada’s DoW alliance, and also with the region of The South Pacific.

Coinciding with these initiatives was a spike in the Region's population, which hit 250 nations in December, 2003.

Assistance to The South Pacific

Late in True Domination’s second term as Delegate in early January, 2004, a coup attempt in The South Pacific, led by allies of Francos Spain of The Pacific, the greatest dictator in the history of NationStates was stymied in part with the help of a small UN delegation sent by Canada. Led by Boardz, the Canadian delegation helped the democratic regime in The South Pacific withstand the hostile take-over attempt. The South Pacific sent the region of Canada many thanks for its assistance in the crisis. As a result of his leadership in the crisis, Boardz was named official Canadian contact to The South Pacific.

2004-Constitution Era

On January 11, 2004, after much consultation, a referendum was commenced to adopt a new constitution as a precursor to new elections.

The Bweezystan Era

On January 13, 2004, True Domination stepped aside and allowed Bweezystan to take over as delegate.

Constitutional Reform and Election Campaign

Three days into the Bweezystan era, Canada's new Constitution was approved in a Referendum, by a vote of 20-0. Elections were immediately called for February 5-8, 2004. In the first week of the election campaign, the Canadian population hit a new record, peaking at 258 nations, and then hit a peak of 268 nations the following week. Also, concurrently with the election campaign, the Forums were completely overhauled, so as to allow for better communication.

Crisis in Alberta

In the final week of January, 2004, the neighbouring region of Alberta was embroiled in turmoil as two conflicting factions vyed for control of the region's Delegacy. Eventually, invaders from four different regions were drawn into Alberta, sending the region into chaos. Some refugees came to Canada from Alberta on a temporary basis during the power struggle.

Canada was drawn into the conflict by request of both sides to help mediate a settlement and assist the region's return to democratic rule. After some tense diplomatic exchanges, Bweezystan was eventually accepted by Alberta as a special consultant to assist in restoring order, appointing a neutral party to the delegacy on an interim basis and laying the groundwork for a democratically elected government in the region. The Six Point "Bweezystan Plan" was put forth in order to restore democracy. Aided in part by this framework, Alberta's many factions eventually set aside their differences, and emerged into a temporarily solid and stable democracy of 50 nations.


As an olive branch to a few francophones in the region, a bilingual forum was created in the final week of January. It was hoped that this would increase participation of francophones in the region, and further promote the region's linguistic heritage and diversity.

Cabinets of the 2004-Constitution Era

Main article: List of Canadian Cabinets

With a new constitution in place and a reenergized and focused region, Canada matured democratically and the government structure has been preserved and improved. For a detailed description of the history and achievments of each and every cabinet consult the List of Canadian Cabinets.

See also