Royal Anarchy

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Royal Anarchy
Forum: N/A
Population: 3
Delegate: None
Founder: Bockeklasia
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Official Insignia of the Royal Anarchy. The Five-Pointed Star is a symbol used frequently throughout the Royal Anarchy's Departments and Consituants


Royal Anarchy (RA) is a totalitarian regional organisation, first formed by a coalition of three unlikely nations on the basis that there is “Power through strength, and strength in numbers” (Bokeklasia’s Parliamentary message to its public at the founding of RA). It is remarkable for how its nations share very few common values (the three founding nations being of communist, fascist, and democratic political views) except some sense of collective nationalism: it took seven attempts before the three founding nations were able to hold a stable regional conference without it dissolving into a riot.

Despite the outward contempt between the leaders of the founding nations, they have still managed to agree on some common political policies, although each nation implements these in a different manner. The prime example of this would be their totalitarian surveillance policies, which include implementation of CCTV and citizen ‘bar-coding’.

Group Sovereignty

While the nations within Royal Anarchy maintain their sovereignty and individual governments, most organisations and business within the region work throughout the nations: for example, the most popular newspaper in the region is The Five-Edged Star, which publishes throughout all three founding countries. Perhaps one of the main factures influencing this is that each country speaks a variant of a regional tongue.

While each country operates its own government departments, the Royal Anarchy as a whole has several ministries contributed by all the nations in the region which preside over regional affairs. By far the largest of these is the RA Ministry of Government Propaganda, which is responsible for both the issuing of regional propaganda to the participating nations and the design of said propaganda.

Use of the Media

Royal Anarchy has been under fire recently from foreign nations about its extensive use of propaganda to maintain “national security and public calm” (RA Ministry of Government Propaganda, mission statement). Techniques used throughout the Royal Anarchy include speakers on street corners of major cities (RA Unified Propaganda Order, section 9) which play pre-recorded messages promoting civilian obedience (phrases such as "We are not corrupt", "Surveillance is for your own safety", "You will be happy" and "You are live on closed circuit television. Please do not swear.") have been attacked as "brain washing", and the numerous pro-government posters to the same effect as "threatening". Critics have wondered openly whether these extensive techniques are attempts to keep the governments from losing control of their population. These claims are countered by the fact that the RA Revolution Order categorically outlaws revolts of any description.

Royal Anarchy Departments

This list covers only the departments of Royal Anarchy that have been officially acknowledged in order of size (largest to smallest). Speculated departments are covered under ‘Unexplained interventions’.

RA Ministry of Government Propaganda

The largest department of the Royal Anarchy by a considerable margin, the RA Ministry of Government Propaganda is responsible for the design of totalitarian and nationalist propaganda through several areas of the media for the Royal Anarchy contributing nations. Early 2006, the RA Ministry of Publication was swallowed by this Ministry, making it over twice the size of the current second largest department.

RA Ministry of Collective Defence

Except for the fact that this ministry is concerned with the defence of the Royal Anarchy from external threats rather than internal affairs, no information has been released about this department. A leaked document that was being sold The Five-Edged Star before it disappeared in a police raid was alleged to contain information that this ministry was working closely with the Ministry of Government Propaganda. Interestingly, since the passing of the RA Foreign Relations Order, it is the only acknowledged department of the Royal Anarchy or its constituent nations to be involved with foreign affairs.

RA Ministry for Maintenance of Unity

Formally the ‘RA Ministry of Internal Peacekeeping’, this department was renamed as part of the early 2006 reforms of the Royal Anarchy so as to widen its applicability – previously the department was only involved in border disputes between the Royal Anarchy’s nations – and allow it to work with the RA Ministry of Government Propaganda.

RA Ministry of Unawareness

The smallest of the Royal Anarchy’s acknowledged departments is the RA Ministry of Unawareness. This department primarily concerns itself with setting the bounds of what can be taught in the participating nations’ schools to ensure “no one knows anything we don’t want them to” (RA Head of Unawareness Ministry, November 2004). The departmental motto is "Ignorance is Bliss".

Unexplained Interventions

While the internal policing of member states are left up to the national government themselves, officially, there have been several reported interventions of the Royal Anarchy in the region’s participating countries that seem to be outside of the Royal Anarchy’s acknowledged direct responsibility.

  • May 2005, on the Autostrade section 6 of Bockeklasia outside the city of Cranack - motorists report a helicopter marked with Royal Anarchy colours pulling over an armoured heavy goods vehicle, and approximately twenty to twenty five armed men in black uniforms apprehending the drivers and unloading several unidentified crates. This event was not acknowledged by the RA Ministry of Internal Peacekeeping, and was not mentioned in any official media.
  • November 2005, on the Germanalasian Channel an unidentified, unmarked military submarine sunk one fishing vessel and boarded a second. Men in uniforms bearing the RA insignia apprehended the fishermen who appeared to be of Liliputian origin and then set an explosive on the boat before departing in the unmarked submarine.
  • February 2006, soldiers in uniforms bearing the RA insignia were reported sighted in connection with the disappearance of seven branches of a prominent refugee Liliputian family that had come to Bockeklasia and Transcarpathian Lovkia two years prior. Both the disappearance and the mysterious soldiers were kept out of mainstream papers.

These three occurrences are the most reliable of many rumours, and appear to be the three supposed events at the centre of them. They have prompted speculation of some sort of RA Secret Police Service, but these rumours have been hotly denied by both the governments of Royal Anarchy’s nations and the Royal Anarchy itself.