Gentec Amalgamated

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Gentec Amalgamated
Hyperions Children
Flag of Gentec
Official Languages English
Capital Hyperion, (Pop. Unknown.)
Council Head Hyperion
Head of the Diplomat caste Council Member Elias
 - Total
 - Density

2.3 billion
Founded Formed from Gentec Amalgamated Corporation. Exact Earth year unknown
Government Type See Government Entry
Nation Type Technocratic Republic/Corporation
National Animal GenBird
  - Total
  - GDP/capita

N/A - See economy entry
N/A - See economy entry
Currency Dollar
Time Zone GMT
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Pronunciation (IPA) Gen-Tek
Naval Craft Classification GNV (GenTec Naval Vessel
National Anthem none
Internet TLD none
Calling Code "not currently connected to terran phone system."


Gentec is a technologically advanced nation, led by the Habitats they occupy. Their technology is totally unlike anything seen elsewhere, and even when superficial similarities exist there is often profound if subtle differences on a microscopic level. Their foriegn policy tends to be fairly friendly, though their formidable military force marks them as anything but the pushovers they often seem on first meeting their diplomats. Also, while they have almost no unemployment or poverty as such, there are enormous social divides within the society, with the Lumina forming a strictly caste based upper class, their jobs given to them at birth and training beginning shortly after (Luminates are a genetically distinct race of modified humans with some form of telepathic ability that enables them to communicate irectly with their biotechnology). Humans form a massive underclass, given the freedom their rulers are not, but simultaneously rendered biologically unable to fill any job above menial labourer and servant. Their inability to use complex biotech devices means that any revolt would be doomed to fail.

Additional National information

Traditional Long Form
The Gentec Amalgamated Corporation limited.`
Traditional Short Form
In orbit above Jupiter, Majority of population in an undisclosed starsystem on the outer edge of the galaxy.


Even amongst the Luminate Historians much of Gentec's history is a mystery. No-one knows what caused the Cataclysm that flung the citizens of that small nation so far from home, and no-one knows why Hyperion snatched them from the jaws of obliteration and forged a new nation from the survivors.

What little Pre-Cataclysm history remains is often either financial reports and tax records, or histories of the Earth as a whole. What is clear to those who study the history of the nation however is that far more time has elapsed for the citizens of gentec than the universe as a whole. In the relatively short time it has taken for them to return to the Sol system they have retro-developed the technology used by whoever was responsible for Hyperion and used it to forge their own destinies, taking a cultural and technological path that is massively different to that which was originally pursued by their people. They show all the hallmarks of a culture that has existed for thousands of years, and many of their people claim to be over 200 years old, and many generations removed from the original survivors.

Their history, as they understand it, is as follows: At some point, many generations ago.. there was a cataclysm. an enormous disaster that annhialated the island that Gentec was founded upon and flinging its occupants into a void.

Many died in that void, but a lucky few were rescued, by a Being that called itself Hyperion. Hyperion was a Habitat, the size of a planet it was crafted by an alien civilisation now long dust. its biospheres housed alien ecosystems taht had ceased to exist on their native planets millions of years ago, and it now drifted through space feeding from gas giants and dying stars at the edges of the galaxy.

Hyperion was not capable of anything more than primitive communication with the people from Earth, it had saved them only to watch them fail utterly to survive in the alien world they wer thrust into. Being an expert in quantum physics avails you not at all when your trying to hunt an eight legged herbivore the size of a mammoth with sticks and stones.

To solve this issue, Hyperion created the Lumina.. a race of hybrids with the bodies of Humans and the mind of a habitat. Capable of communicating with the Vessel and its subroutines, these new 'humans' had a selective advantage over their normal counterparts, but they were instilled with a paternal regard for their charges, and quickly became the leading class in the small but now growing Human community.

The Luminate presence accelerated the growth and developement of the Human civilisation greatly. They were soon able to fill the biospheres and spread out into the habitation levels, but they were growing too numerous, too destabalising for Hyperions liking. So again, the Being known as Hyperion stepped in directly, and he created the Second Generation. A series of smaller secondary habitats to house the growing human population.

When the second generation grew large enough to house the humans and their luminate counterparts, hyperion transported them accross, and then dissapeared, never to be seen again by anyone outside of gentecs ruling council. The new habitats housed the human population successfully for many hundreds of years, but eventually the people of Gentec grew restless. The legend of Sol System grew with the overcrowding problems that inevitably arose. Eventually, the Lumina were forced to begin their own series of new habitats, these the first to be crafted by human hands without the aid of Hyperion.

These, the youngest of the Habitats, are the ones now occupying Sol. Iris, Eris and Hephaestus. Each created with a specific role in mind, unlike their unspecialised counterparts. The 'Thid Generation' also marked the fifth period in Gentecs history. They began to explore the galaxy, and seek out their ancestral homelands.

Many hundreds of years passed.. Scientists predictions of where the Sol system should be after such a long time were massively incorrect. For a while, it was feared that whatever cataclysm had destroyed the Gentec Island, had also annhialated the rest of the system.

Then they found familiar space.. and began finally to home in on Sol. not where they had expected it, but instead remarkably close to where it had been when they left.

As they began to approach this densely populated area of space, inevitable confrontations took place, and several skirmishes and outright battles took place. The last of these, against the race of religious zealots, the Dwa'nayzha, nearly cost Eris her life, and forced Iris to jump far further than was safe, almost destroying herself in the process.


Government structure

The ruling body of Gentec is a council of Lumina and the Habitats. for every Habitat on the council there is a Luminate Elder holding a seat. The head of the council, if only in name, is Hyperion. Hyperion is the original habitat that originally rescued the survivors of the Gentec Cataclysm.


It is impossible to 'become' a Luminate, and difficult to gain secondary citizenship within the Habitats.. in general they only allow those with useful skills, and even if one was to get through the official process.. it is unlikely that they would be recieved with open arms by the Human population.. it is hard enough for them to maintain a quality of life allready without immigrants adding to the competition and so those few aliens who do gain citizenship have a hard time adjusting to the highly competitive nature of life in the Habitation levels.


Biological Differences


Physically most Lumina outside of the Marines are perfectly normal with one massive difference. their nueralogical system is totally alien. The very cells are visibly distinct from human Nuerones, and instead resemble those of the Habitats and related Biotech Constructs. Those who are born in the Marines often have top-of-the-line muscular enhancements and axon blocker enhancements to dull or eliminate pain on demand.


75% of Human labourers have some form of muscular enhancment. Biotechnology is cheap, and rife. Many even have specialised organs in order to get ahead in their jobs, and aesthetic modifications are almost universal. Most of the time however, aesthetically they look totally human. there is a lot of pride amongst the Human population and to get modified with non-human appeaarance is seen as turning your back on your heritage.

Social Outlook

Luminate Outlook

Lumina are highly spiritual, reflective people. Their jobs do not, in general, occupy very much of their time and so they spend a great deal of time pursuing things that they are passionate about. Luminate art and poetry is highly developed and complex, and they have huge archives of literary works.

Philosophy is also highly popular, as well as research into ancient history. While most of the Gentec archives were lost, many works remained and the surivors of the Cataclysm spent a great deal of time writing down what they knew for future generations.

Human Outlook

Gentec's Human population is far more pragmatic. As far as they are concerned all that matters is getting ahead. While quite content with their place as second class citizens they are driven to advance as far as they actually can, and status is enormously important in Human culture. Politics amongst humans tends to be macheavellian, and can often get deadly. While the lumina and the habitats stop major riots and open acts of ciolence from taking place, the general concensus amngst humans is that it doesnt matter what you do so long as you dont get caught.


See ethnicities


Personal values

Personal values amongst Gentec citizens are relatively lax.. Even amongst the Lumina, the idea of morality is highly subjective and actions are dictated by an idea of face and dignity rather than right and wrong. Also, their connection to each other means that it is difficult, though by no means impossible, for Lumina to lie convincingly to one another. They have no such problems with humans however, and likewise the humans have no qualms and little concept of morality, with their actions dictated primarily by what they can and cannot get away with.


The habitats and many of their constructs are simple and elegant constructs. their shells are an organic-inorganic composite of Alumina and organic polymer, and shimmers sapphire blue. Even the Marine armour has a similar effect, though the reduced crystalisation on the surface means that the blue is less brilliant and shiny.

Everything in the Habitats is functional and elegant. Straight lines and right angles are non-existant due to the organic nature of their construction and since every piece of furniture, structure or appliance is grown rather than made this fluid aesthetic passes on to everything in Habitat life.


Gentecs economy is based around luxury. The Habitat provides food, water and air enough for its entire population several times over, and medical attention is free and open to all so there is very little true poverty.

What there is though is a system of leisure credits. The habitats biosphere is closed to Humans who do not buy access first, and food with flavour and consistancy beyond nutrient enriched tofu costs money. The Lumina control all of the luxury food growing and use it as another layer of control for keeping the Humans in line. These luxuries, in addition to biotech devices modified for human use form the basis of the economy.

The Unit is the standard measure of currency in Gentec habitats. Its value is standard in all of them, though relative costs of commercially valuable commodities vary depending on the nature of the Habitat, and its production capabilities. Eris for example, is the cheapest place to buy weapons and one of the cheapest places to buy space flyers. However luxury food is extremely expensive, cost usually relative to its proximity to Iris.. Iris has almost no production of weapons or spacecraft but its food and domestic appliance industries mean that those products are cheap.


Gentec citizens are not by nature religious people. The descendants of scientists they endeavour to find logical explanations for things. The exceptions are the Lumina. The Luminate Skein, or psychic network that connects the Lumina and the Habitats and related technologies together, also gives them access to other levels of information. They see the impossibility of the many coincidences that litter human life, and it causes them to wonder. As a result, Lumina are highly spiritual people, each having a system of beliefs that mirrors their own interpretation of how they see the world.

A small group of humans also worships the Habitats. Virtual gods to their people due to their pervasive influence and seeming omnipotence, it is perhaps suprising that so few humans have done so. However the Habitats discourage such talk and find it distasteful.

Religious Groups

  • Atheism: 95%
  • Habitat Worship: 0.2%


  • Luminate: 20%
  • Human: 50%
  • Sentient Constructs: 29%
  • Other (Alien):1%

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