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Flag of Al-Imvadjah
Motto: We Shake Our Iron Fist at You
Region The Kingdom of the Midlands
Capital Josphsburg
Official Language(s) English, Imvadjian
Leader King Joseph XXII
Population 1 billion
Currency Al-Imvad Mark 
NS Sunset XML

Quick Facts

The Brinkmanship Based State of Al-Imvadjah is a moderately sized space faring nation which unti recently has pursued an isolationist policy. Its homewolrd is the mountainous planet of Nonistan, where the entire population was moved in the year 2163 by Joseph XVII. All land on Earth (Terra) has been renounced, and Earth is treated no differently than any other populated planet. Recently, Joseph XXII has decided to begin an expansionist policy, looking toward creating an empire of systems. This is being achieved thrugh politics, exploration, and warfare.

Its national animal is the Main Battle Tank, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Mark.


Al-Imvadjah was founded by King Francis I. The nation was small and unimportant until the 21st century, when Joseph VII came into power and began expanding the military and centralizing the government into a system similar to the one used today. Under Peter XIV the Sith Temple was discovered on Earth in 2087, which accelerated Al-Imvadjah into the realm of what is commonly called Future Tech. By 2116, Al-Imvadjah was a spacefaring nation, with small landholdings on Mars and Europa in addition to its territory on Earth. The following year, Faster Than Light engines were installed on a non-research vessel for the first time.

In 2119 Nonistan was charted and claimed as Imvadjian, though its existance was included in the information recovered from the Temple. Operations began to set up colonies on the planet were met with constant failure until 2133, when new advances in quick construction allowed hardened shelters to be erected before the hurricanes could destroy them. By 2145, Nonistan had more Al-Imvad inhabitants than Mars and Europa combined. In 2148 Joseph XVII was in crowned. He believed that the Sol System was overpopuated and would soon colapse into anarchy. During the early years of his reign he decided to encourage the movement of settlers to Nonistan. In early 2153 hecommisioned the construction of the 5 great ships that would ferry the population of Al-Imvadjah to Nonistan, all of which were completed by June 2160. He began the transfer of government power to Nonistan and by March 2161 all but a small contigent of Al-Imvad political and military power was out of Sol. In Februrary 2163 he announced that all Al-Imvad citizens were to be taken to Nonistan, where land would be plentiful and there would be room for larger famlies. A small group refused and formed Al-Khalja, which is still ruled by members of the Al-Imvad royal line but remains on Earth. By the end of 2163 everybody who was going was in orbit around or on the surface of Nonistan. Joseph XVII oversaw the completion of the great walled cities in which the population would reside, the last of which were completed in 2188, the year of his death.

In 2189, with Sol abandoned, Al-Imvadjah turned in on itself during the reign of Peter XII. For the next 60 years Al-Imvadjah worked on improving life on Nonistan and exploring the rest of the system. After Peter died, his son Francis XIV began looking toward the stars again. However, he was unable to expand because of the limitations of early starship technology and the insufficient numbers of ships. He thus began the construction of the great shipyards to supplement the small construction facilities already in orbit. Over the next 50 years those shipyards were built, expanded far beyond the original design, and made capable of producing ships on a scale that was not even considered feasible when the yards were begun.


Domestic Affairs

Domestic affairs are controled by an elected Parliament, with a Prime Minister and his/her appointed cabinet. This cabinet reflects all the major parts of Domestic Affairs and policy. The Parliament has 500 members. It is subservient to the King, though he rarely interferes in Domestic activities.

Foriegn Affairs

Foriegn affairs are under the direct conrol of the King. He is aided by a private council, which contains the Prime Minister and his cabinet, as well as personal appointees by the King and certain high ranking generals and admirals.

Current Activities

Al-Imvadjah is currently involved in a war with ESUS and the AoN. It is also involved with solo relations with the Tkalgren (no RP).

Alliances and Treaties

Al-Imvadjah is a member of the GDA. It is also a signatory of the Temporal Accord.

Ships and Equipment

Pronounced so it sounds like: I'll Invade Ya.

Adjective: Al-Imvad

Citizen: Imvadjian