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Flag of Kreynoria
Motto: For God and for Emperor!
[ ]
Region Pacifinesia
Capital Kreynoriapolis
Official Language(s) Kreynoriac (official), Swahili, English, Arabic, various Polynesian and African languages
Leader Emperor Manuel III
Population 2.486 billion
Currency mythril 
NS Sunset XML


The Divine Empire of Kreynoria is a nation of Earth II. It controls most of the Pacific Islands. Kreynoria was the co-founder and is now the leader of the Pacifinesia United Alliance, which currently includes Kreynoria, Marimaia, Squornshelous, Terronian, Dweladelfia Prime, and Neuvo Rica. It is also the regional delegate of the Pacifinesia region.


Ancient History

Kreynoria’s history can be traced back to the ancient Byzantine Greeks. During the reign of Basil II at the height of medieval Byzantine power, a Byzantine general named Romanos Cerularius proposed a colonial expedition to a large island rumored to be beyond Britain. The island was probably Ireland or Iceland, or perhaps Greenland.

The emperor approved the voyage, and gave Cerularius 12 great ships and a crew and colonists, with everything they’d need to create and defend a colony on unknown soil. General Cerularius and his followers were never heard from again, and eventually became forgotten by history. What everyone didn’t know is that the expedition actually missed the intended target and ended up in what is now southern Panama. By that time, a quarter of the colonists were dead from starvation or disease. 4 of the ships sank in a terrible storm. Despite these hardships, the remaining 8 ships reached Panama.

After about 20 years, with the colonists suffering from tropical diseases, raids by hostile natives, and the unusual climate, Cerularius decided to leave to a fabled land of wealth and pleasure in the west. 9 great galleys were built, and Cerularius’ colonists set out again. Traveling across the ocean for thousands of miles, they eventually happened upon Hawaii. Here there were few diseases, a pleasant climate, rich soil, and beautiful beaches. The native Hawaiians were also far less hostile than the tribes encountered in Central America. Cerularius decided to stay, and was appointed Emperor of Kreynoria, as the new nation was called. Under his leadership, the new nation grew and prospered. He also encouraged contact and trade with the native Polynesians.

Eventually, the two cultures became one. Kreynoriac, the language of modern Kreynoria, is a blend of Greek and Polynesian. The Kreynorians remained Christian, but adopted many of the customs and traditions of the Polynesians. Greek men were encouraged to wed Polynesian women. Over time, racial distinction disappeared.

The birth of Kreynoria

The new state suffered from rebellion and civil war soon after the death of Cerularius. Eventually, his grandson Tiberius came to the throne, and centuries of peace and prosperity followed, known as the Early Golden Age. During that time, the Kreynorians built a huge trading empire. Kreynorian trading posts stretched up the West Coast of the Americas from Peru to California. They Kreynorians also traded extensively with the peoples of Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the other Pacific Islands.

Hogsweatian occupation

Eventually, these times of prosperity ended with the coming of advanced civilizations from the West. The Hawaiian Islands were invaded by Hogsweatian soldiers. While the Hogsweatians fought with guns and cannons, the Kreynorians fought back with crossbows and swords of copper and obsidian. Resistance did not last long, and the Kreynorian Empire came under the dominion of Hogsweat.

The Hogsweatians instituted a communist government over the relatively primitive Kreynorians. Many of their precious religious artifacts and texts were destroyed by the Hogsweatians. However, a small flotilla that survived the Hogsweatian invasion carried much of old Kreynoria's art, literature, and relics to Jarvis Island, where they were hidden from the Hogsweatians. The Kreynorians remained a rebellious people, although no revolt ever succeeded in shaking off Hogsweatian domination. A great many Kreynorians ended up in distant slave labor camps, never to be seen nor heard from again.

Layartebian control

Eventually, the Layartebians, another foreign culture, came to control the islands. At first, the Layartebians were welcomed as liberators and heroes, since they allowed religious tolerance, greater freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and election of local governments. But with these freedoms came a hunger for more, and a desire for complete independance. Early active resistance was quickly stamped out by superior Layartebian forces. Soon, the Kreynorians realized that outright rebellion was going to get them nowhere and began using civil disobedience and nonviolent demonstrations.


The Empire of Layarteb tried to halt this passive resistance, but the measures they took only seemed to support the idea of "Layartebian tyranny." However, this resistance came to its height under the leadership of Constantinius Comnenus, an ambitious and capable man who quickly became the acknowledged leader of the Kreynorian independance movement. Despite being jailed several times, Constantininius refused to submit to the Layartebians. He was a masterful public speaker, and claimed that he had sustained horrific torture from Layartebian hands, although this was not true. Nevertheless, this propoganda greatly carried forward the "Layartebian tyranny" idea. He also made the independance movement a religious movement, and garnered additional popularity for the movement. Eventually, a treaty signed with Layarteb allowed Kreynoria independence and control of all of Hawaii save the islands of Kauai and Nihau, which were retained by the Empire of Layarteb as naval bases, in exchange for an undisclosed sum of money.

After independence, Constantinius Comnenus, a major leader of the resistance effort, was appointed Emperor and rightful successor to the line of Romanos Cerularius, who was praised as a national hero, the founder of old Kreynoria. Constantinius shaped the early Kreynoria into an isolationist, conservative, highly religious state, where membership in the Kreynoriac Orthodox Church (or simply the Church of Kreynoria) was mandatory, and immigration was utterly forbidden. The new nation's capital of Honolulu was renamed Kreynoriapolis.The early Kreynoria was also somewhat racist and highly traditional in clothing, architecture, language, and customs. Kreynoria had little opportunity for expansion, and its people and emperor had no desire for international relations, except with Layarteb, with whom embassies were exchanged.

Hawdawg plans to invade

But the world soon forced itself upon the infant nation. The Holy Republic of Hawdawg planned an invasion of Hawaii, code-named Operation Dart, that was to send three Marine Expeditonary Corps to Kreynoria's shores. Fortunately, satellite reconaissance and an intelligence leak allowed Kreynoria to prepare for the attack. Emperor Constantinius made several public statements to boost morale, mobilized the military, and prepared a sophisticated network of fixed defenses. The only actual conflict of the war was a clash between the Hawdawgian Seawolf-class submarine, the Kingfish, and a patrolling Kreynorian modified Los Angeles-class SSN, the Infiltrator. The Infiltrator managed to damage its opponent with two proximity-detonated supercavitation torpedoes, but was struck by a pair of ADCAPs and split in half. However, the Kingfish, which was scouting out the defenses at the time, was forced to withdraw. Emperor Constantinius made a statement praising the crew of the Infiltrator for heroism and posthumously awarding them the Cross of Steel, the Empire's first medal for bravery. He also appealed to the international community against the "vile imperialist scum of hell who dare call themselves a Holy Republic," drawing condemnation from many nations and theats from the Lightning Star. After the death of Defense Minister Davis from a heart attack, Hawdawg aborted the invasion. Thus followed national celebrations. However, this event forced Constantinius to realize that no matter how much it wanted to, Kreynoria could not afford to cut itself off from the world.

The emergence of Kreynoria as a major power

Constantinius enlarged and modernized the military, expanded foreign trade, allowed a limited number of immigrants into the nation, and relaxed some of the harsher religious policies. However, overpopulation was forcing Kreynoria to look to new living space. An opportunity arose with the uninhabited, unclaimed Reunion Island. Kreynoria quickly annexed and colonized the island. Constantinius also criticized the invasion of Duke Barol by North Germania, and tried to build up foreign relations. Eventually, another expansion was made with the annexation of East Timor. Kreynoria also bidded for Singapore and French Polynesia, but lost these bids to the Maritime Republic of Zeeeland.

Oddly enough, the Maritime Republic soon become a trusted friend of Kreynoria. Kreynoria soon helped co-found the Pacifinesia United Alliance, in which Huahin also joined. This also led to the Emperor's first state visit, to Tahiti, capital of Zeeeland. The next chapter of Kreynorian history unfolded with the purchase of the Solomon Islands, Midway Islands, Samoa, Jarvis Island, and Micronesia from RomeW.

This major expansion, coupled with the Pacifinesia alliance, made Kreynoria an intermediate Pacific power, as well as allowing them to recover their lost artifacts that were buried on Jarvis Island. Kreynoria also joined the North Pacific Treaty Organization (NPTO), which also included Squornshelous, Marimaia, Andrehervia, Callisdrun, and RomeW at the time, which also increased the Empire's influence and security. Soon, there was another test of the Empire's military resources, when Kreynoria's ally, Zeeeland, invaded Namibia and invited participation from both Kreynoria and Huahin to participate.

Kreynoria began its first combat trial of berserker troops, who were paradropped into Windhoek, Namibia's capital. The berserkers went on to slaughter over 120,000 Namibians. Berserkers and conventional army units also played a major role in subduing northern and eastern Namibia. After the conquest of Namibia was completed, the Divine Empire invaded the collapsing state of Yelm's African territories of Djibouti, Kenya, and northern Tanzania. At first, the invasions went well, with paratroopers, marines, and berserkers establishing beacheads. Next came a major air raid on Nairobi followed by an all-out land and air assault. Just hours before final victory, the Yelmish government came back to power after a civil war and dispatched major land and naval units to defend their territories. Outnumbered and technologically inferior, the Kreynorian government instead negotiated a peaceful settlement, in which the Kreynorian government paid reparations to Yelm in exchange for Djibouti.

Soon afterwards came the Layartebian-Yelmish War, in which Yelm launched a massive invasion of Ecuador. Layarteb gathered together a huge alliance. During this time, Kreynoria provided reconaissance and supplies to Layarteb. After Yelm's surrender, Kreynoria went through a time of peace and increasing economic prosperity.

During this time, the Cook Islands and American Samoa were purchased from RomeW, Kreynoria hosted the Global Human Rights Conference, and Soviet Sith joined Pacifinesia. However, this period was also marked by tensions with Cotland stemming from Cotland's ill treatment of Kreynoria's allies. Before long, there was another major threat of war: this one regarded a rebellion against North Germania in Poland. Before long, Layarteb, North Germania, Cotland, Psychotika, and Hawdawg were pitted against The Lightning Star, Pantheaa, RomeW, and Elephantum. Kreynoria set up a base in Djibouti to train and equip Polish freedom fighters, and made covert donations of money and supplies to the Poles. However, on the verge of a World War, the crisis deflated, and a peace conference was held in Celtayoshi, a neutral nation. But peace was not to last.

Annexation of Zeeeland

Soon Zeeeland, under iron-fisted dictator Hans Bek, launched an invasion of Zimbabwe in pursuit of the ZRM, a terrorist organization led by Jakob Smutsburg. This resulted in war against GnOoLoCoPeLeP and New Jyria. Kreynoria increased the military's combat readiness level, sanctioned New Jyria, and supplied munitions and food to Zeeeland. But Zeeeland made no responses, and it was finally determined that the ZRM had kidnapped and murdered Hans Bek. Kreynoria immediately laid claim to all of Zeeeland's territory, in an attempt to protect it from "imperialists." Kreynoria also assassinated Jakob Smutsburg, which led to the dissolution of the ZRM. But Kreynoria's claims to land were ignored by the international community, and Kreynoria withdrew its claims, except for Zeeeland's Pacific territory.

Because of this, three distinct conflicts arose. The first was with the young nation of Bjornoya regarding Wallis, Futuna, and Niue. This was resolved with Bjornoya gaining Wallis and Futuna and Kreynoria receiving Niue. In New Caledonia, the native New Caledonians (the Macabees) declared their independence. In the end, New Caledonia was split in half, with the north going to The Macabees and the South to Kreynoria. However, terrorists secretly funded and armed by the Macabees continued to plague Kreynorian Caledonia. This culminated in the Battle of Bourail, in which the Kreynorian army suffered very high casualties against a ragtag group of rebels.

This convinced the Emperor that the military needed to be modernized. Southern New Caledonia was sold to the Macabees for $1 trillion. The final and most dangerous dispute was over French Polynesia, which was invaded by a Cottish force of 50,000 marines and 200 ships. However, the Kreynorians had four military bases and 40,000 men in French Polynesia. Nearly 300 ships and 70,000 troops were sent to reinforce the armies on French Polynesia. Facing defeat, Cotland called on its allies for support. Layarteb soon began preparing for war. Heavily outmatched and facing near certain defeat, Kreynoria too called upon its allies, and was joined by The Lightning Star, the Soviet Sith, and Marimaia. Squornshelous also offered diplomatic and economical support. Undaunted, Hawdawg and North Germania also offered their support to Cotland. Facing the prospect of another world war, RomeW called for a peace conference in Rome. All parties accepted and sent diplomats to Rome. Emperor Constantinius personally attended this conference, albeit under heavy guard.

Early on, the Andromedan attempted to assassinate the diplomats, but was beaten off easily by the security forces of the diplomats and the Roman army. The conference ended with the transfer of French Polynesia to Cotland in exchange for $5 trillion. But in the meantime, the Macabees, allied with Psychotika, went on a rampage across the Pacific, invading Celtayoshi and heavily damaging a Hawdawg battle fleet. Kreynoria, alarmed by violence on its doorstep, provided nonmilitary support to Celtayoshi's alliance, which eventually triumphed over the Macabees. But just as this crisis ended, another one surfaced.

Sparta Dominion, a small nation in the Caucasus, had supported Kreynoria during the French Polynesia incident, although they seemed to have had their own agenda. They insisted on having a seperate peace conference in Cotlandstad. The Cotts, wisely distrustful of the Spartans, instead held the conference in Oslo, Norway. The Spartans then blamed a plot of a nuclear suicide bombing of Cotland on Kreynoria.

Kreynoria declared war on Sparta Dominion. The war was opened up with a two-pronged surprise air attack, on Spartan border defenses and their capital, New Sparta. During the raid, a large hole in the defenses was opened and New Sparta was firebombed. A team of elite commandoes also infiltrated the capital and attempted to assassinate Sparta Dominion's kings. However, the kings had already been evacuated, and the commandoes instead spread anti-Spartan propoganda amongst the helots, the slave population, attempting to incite a rebellion. Meanwhile, Kreynorian armoured formations launched a massive two-pronged assault, preceded by cruise missile strikes.

The Spartans were decimated, proving the effectiveness of the new Kreynorian war machine. However, Nikolaos the Great secretly sent an army to support its fellow Greek nation, and Pushka delivered an ultimatum on behalf of the Voronej Cooperation Organization (VCO) demanding a Kreynorian withdrawal. However, Sparta Dominion made the foolish mistake of trying to use radioactive missiles against the Kreynorian army. The missiles were intercepted and casualties were low, but Sparta Dominion lost all international support. The VCO withdrew its ultimatum, and Nikolaos the Great soon became embroiled in a civil war of its own and was forced to withdraw its armies. It was at this time in which General Agamemnon, the highest general of Sparta Dominion, was assassinated by the Kreynorian commandoes, although all the commandoes were killed.

During a lapse in the conflict, Kreynoria launched a seperate invasion of Yelm which ended in victory and the conquest of Kenya and Tanzania, with the exception of Zanzibar island, which went to Bjornoya. Kreynoria also purchased French Polynesia and claimed Lesotho, and granted the newly-acquired Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll to the infant nation of Very Hungry Orcas.

At this time, Emperor Constantinius decided that his reign was long enough and it was time a new emperor was at the helm of Kreynoria. During the night, he consumed a cyanide capsule and left the throne to his son, Leon.

However, the Kreynorian Republic Organization (KRO) made its first appearance, assassinating Emperor Leon during a speech on the day of his accession, live on television. The KRO also kidnapped and beheaded several dozen hostages and set off twenty-five bombs across Kreynoria, including three that disrupted the funeral of emperors Constantinius and Leon. An interim government under Patriarch Romanus Michelosis was hastily organized. Soon after, the Imperial Republic of Azimeth joined Pacifinesia, and was invaded by Terronian.

An ultimatum followed, demanding total demobilization and reparations from Terronian. When Terronian refused to respond, Kreynoria mobilized multiple naval assets, which were prepared to invade Terrronian. When Azimeth garnered massive international support, Terronian was forced to back down.

At this time, Very Hungry Orcas, which had proved an inefficient nation, fell into anarchy and was invaded and reconquered by Kreynoria with ease.

A new phase in the KRO revolution began when the interim government deployed the Wraith Knights, highly confidential super-soldiers, to track down and eliminate KRO assets and personnel.

Two found and neutralized a large KRO sleeper cell, while another succeded in murdering a large number of KRO leaders. The KRO supreme leader, Bryan Veronski, was tracked to a cafe in Djibouti by another Wraith Knight and was captured.

The Spartan War by this stage was becoming costly and seemed to have little purpose. After a series of Spartan missile strikes, the army was withdrawn from Spartan territory, but orbiting satellites rained down tungsten needles upon the Spartan capital, leveling most of the city and causing untold civilian and military casualties.

Patriarch Michelosis held a summit the captured KRO leader, and granted amnesty to the KRO's members in exchange for their surrender. However, Bryan Veronski would not be granted amnesty. The Patriarch also announced the transition to a constitutional imperium/partial democracy government.

Another war with Terronian broke out. Kreynoria joined a large international coalition in bringing down the cruel government. Terronian lost most of its territory in the war, and surrendered within days.

Out of this arose a territorial dispute with Bjornoya over Kiribati. After much deliberation, an agreement was reached in which Kreynoria gave Bjornoya Tanzania in exchange for $200 billion as well as Tuvalu, Tonga, Kiribati, New Caledonia, and Wallis & Futuna.

Lesotho was granted to the new nation of Linebackerdude.

Another dispute rapidly approached war, between Pushka and Tyrandis and The October Alliance and Bjornoya. Kreynoria and its allies planned to remain neutral, but would not allow the Pacific to be invaded by Tryandisan forces.

Djibouti was also sold to Pushka, in echange for $10 billion and production rights to an air-to-air missile and a military robot.

Kreynoria then offered to host the Summer Olympic Games, but the Games were canceled.

The time soon came for the Interim Council, which had governed Kreynoria since the death of Leon II, to be replaced by a permanent government. Seventy-four representatives were chosen to represent the different provinces of Kreynoria, and joined with the twelve members of the Interim Council to draft a new constitution.

The new constitution split powere between the Emperor and a 100-member Senate elected by popular vote. The Constitution also set up a Supreme Court and several new laws. Bryan Veronski, leader of the KRO, was put on trial before the Supreme Court and was executed.

More to come later. Can someone with a better knowledge of Wiki help polish this?

EDIT [ALM] - I've added the other sections as requested. When you want to edit it, just click on the "Edit" button and add whatever you want to add. To set up more topics, just do this: == TOPIC == and continue on. It adds another one. For subtopics [as you've already done some anyway...], do === TOPIC ===. If you need anything else, just look at someone else's Wiki and "copy" off of them, if they'rer especially good. Be sure not to edit anything though, because the Wiki History keeps track of all the changes. Tell me if this helps any.

On another note, you should set up your discussion pageg for critiques, because your ===Annexation of Zeeeland=== is a little confusing



