Rei Kojima

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Rei Kojima
"I Will It"

Country The Armed Republic of Taevri
Residence Narau Governmental Housing
Occupation Prime Minister
Age 38
Status Married, Makoto Asano the IV, Unreveiled To Public For Political Reasons
Children Amayo, Female, 13, Only child
Hero Yuni Kojima (Her Mother)
Hobbies Politics, Dancing, Reading
Nickname Rei-Chan
Known To Enemies As Kojima
Education Doctoral Degree in Politics: Hyakuji University.
Politics Capitalist, Libertarian
Philosophy Self-Reliance, Objectivism, Freedom
Claim to Fame Settled the dispute between the two islands
Secrets of Success Encouraging the citizens to be strong in times of doubt, to push on if things look as if they are about to fail.
Languages Spoken Japanese, English, Taevrian

Physical description

Rei stands at 5'7" centimeters, quite tall for a Female Taevrian. She has pale skin and dark brown eyes. She is also very slightly-built, but regularly excercises and participates in women's sports regularly. Despite her fragile appearance, she is strong and has never sustained a extreme physical injury. Rei is a dark burnette and wears her fine, short hair styled when in the politic surrounded enviroment of her work, around her home she wears her hair unstyled. Rei carries a scar that she recieved when she was a child, playing on the walls of the city of Tsuyama on the island of Tensei Kyoshi.

Personality and Politics

Coming soon....

Political History

Coming soon....

Personal Quotes

“For our people the best we have is the most we may offer, and it is the least they deserve.”

More coming soon....