High Mutant

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The race known as "High Mutants" inhabits Europe and Territories in western Russia on NORTHSAGA Earth. It is not known wether there are populations of this race beyond this territories, maybe in America, Arabia and the Far East. It was created during the Great War / World War III / World War 0 and the Bunker Age. It is not known wether they were the outcome of secret military experiments, or the result of heavy mutations caused by the nuclear radiation which devastated earth during and after the war. The latter is definitely true for their lower brethren, the simple Mutants. Opposed to the normal Mutants, a High Mutant's appearance is much closer to that of a human, although they are often said to be of extraordinary beauty - the two characters in NORTHSAGA, which are of High Mutant origin, Asumi and Diamond, give proof to this. High Mutants are usually more agile than humans, and possess great physical and mental powers and endurance and show resistance to poison and radiation. They are also generally considered to possess great powers based on SOUL. This too is proven true by Asumi, who later appears as Cyber-Goddess, and Diamond, who shows extraordinary power when combating Belisar at the South Range Bunker. Generally, High Mutants can be considered super-human and much to well designed for having been created by accident. However, this race to has it's weak spots. Though they are very intelligent, they are known to go crazy and completely raging out of control when put under significant physical or mental stress. Their reaction to such stress is much more intense than a normal human's. Because of that, Asumi obviously crazed out during the C-31 project.