The Lorradine Islands

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The Lorradine Islands
Flag of The Lorradine Islands
Motto: Gateway to Life (Englich: Yean ad Wite; Tularuma‘o: Halako Kōni‘ona)
No map available
Region Pacific Confederacy
Capital Port Henry
Official Language(s) Englich; Tularuma‘o
Leader Matthey Faber
Population 5 million
Currency Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

The Dominion of Pacificina is a small nation located in the Pacific Ocean. It is comprised of about forty islands. Of these islands, five are inhabited: Ōhanu, Ti‘ano, Lokahāne, Miloka, and Halekūla, in descending order of population. The nation's capital, Āluhana, is located on Ōhanu, the largest island.

The nation is a liberal, freedom-loving nation and a fairly popular tourist destination. Despite the widespread adoption of the Englich language, Pacificina is one of few former Englich colonies that did not by and large accept Englich culture, preferring instead the so-called "simple life", characterized by a lack of general adoption of modern technology, a domestically based economy, and unusually permissive social mores.

Pacificina has a military of about 10,000. The nation declared neutrality in 1722, shortly after it gained its independence, and since then has only fought in defensive wars.