Free Education

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The Free Education resolution and the Education For All resolution are the shortest adopted resolutions. Both resolutions are 15 words long. They also are both confused for one another, since the primary difference between them is that this resolution required nations to provide free educations for anybody under the age of 18, while the Education for All simply declared that children under the age of 16 had the right to education. The other major difference between these two resolutions is that this resolution is a Human Rights resolution, while its predecessor, Education For All, is a Social Justice resolution.

Resolution Text

Free Education
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength: Significant Proposed By: Nastic 2

To give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education

Votes For: 11,276
Votes Against: 3,264
Implemented: Tue Aug 19 2003

Gameplay Impacts

This resolution and the Education For All resolution are both misclassified, but both resolutions date back to a period when the UN proposal queue was not regularly screened by the moderators. The text of this resolution calls upon nations to provide a social service, namely a free education. This would be an example of a Social Justice type of proposal. The Education For All resolution, which was a Social Justice resolution, only called upon nations to recognize the right children have to be educated. The Education For All resolution did not include a social mandate that this education be provided at government expense. Neither resolution should be used as an example of how to categorize a proposal or write a resolution.

Additional Materials