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Flag of Sagiv
Motto: Dobry den
comming soon
Region The land of Nonsense
Capital {{{capital}}}
Official Language(s) Russian Hebrew Irish Yiddish English

capital= Petersburg

Leader Aleksandr Shtalenkov
Population ~56 million
Currency Shekel 
NS Sunset XML


Sagiv, has a Liberal Democratic Socialist government, is a large environmentally stunning nation notable for its compulsory military service.The government gives its people plenty of good elections wich they love. It is also a country in wich its people enjoy the song Rock The Casbah and Ska music is being newly introduced from The Rudey's Manifestation of The SKankin Penguins. Sagi people also enjoy playing soccer, hockey, and running Cross Country. The national animal, the Giraffe, can be seen everywhere in Sagiv from zoos in major cities or in the hot desert the're there. Sagiv strecthes all the way from Dublin to Petersburg, to Ner Ami all the way down to Avilchayin and City of Giraffes. Bloody civil wars have left some cities in ruins. The large strip of land was brutaly fought for.


In the cold winter of 1839, a ban of Irish Jewish people gathered around in the temple of Avilchayin, located in what today is called Avilchayin. It was the only place The Teten government allowed them to celebrate Chanukkah. The ban of people thier werent just celebrating Chanukkah, they were planning to attack Teten soldiers and overthrow the evil dictaters who were brothers Dick McFacehead and Tits McGee. The Sagiv army is know as the Fartlick Army around The Land Of Nonsense because thier known for being very fast at moving from place to place and taking over tactical landpionts. About 25,000 Fartlick soldiers marched the streets and set the city of Dee Dee Dee into flames as the Sagiv revolutionary war had begun. The 110,000 well experienced Fartlick soldiers who served just 18 years before in the 1821 Teten Fartlick war, in wich the evil dictators Dick McFacehead and Tits McGee came to power, were up against one of the greatest armies of about 250,000. But thier was one thing the Jewish coalition force had on thier side, Chuck Norris. In the famous Petersburg ambush about 6,000 Farlick forces and Chuck Norris took out or imprisoned about 80,000 Teten soldiers. This weakened the Tetens strength in the north wich gave the Fartlick force a chance to march to the capital McfaceheadMcgee, now known as Basay . It was there where Dick McFacehead and his brother Tits McGee, were captured and roundhouse kicked in the face. By that time it was 1846 and Sagiv was formed. The brave men who fought are known as 39ers and the first president who was elected that year was Chuck Norris.

Leaders In Office

~In order of succession

Prime Minister: Patrick O'Shea

Political Party: Liberatarian

Head Minister: Dude The Giraffe

Political Party: Leberatarian

Minister of Foreign Relations: Reese Wilkerson

Political Party: Geniuses

Head General: Macolm Wilkerson

Political Party: Geniuses

Homeland Security Minister: Smokey The Bear

Political Party: Liberatarian

Peace Keeper: Dewey Wilkerson

Political Party: Goofy People


Sagiv is officailly labled as a Liberal Democratc Socialism. It is among the freest countries in the land of nonsense. Sagiv views Capitalist countries as corrupt, wich they are. The government puts the most funding towards Defense to protect it's people and Sagiv may very well have the best army in the region, but Law and order, Education and the Environment are other prorities.

Political System

The head of the political system is the Prime Minister who serves a 3 year term and can serve as many as 3 terms. Then comes the Head Minister which if the president resigns gets impeached or gets assasinated he becomes president temporarally untill an election is held 3 months later and the head minister is an automatic candidate. Then comes the Prime Foreign Relations Minister. After that is the Head General who decides all out of country military related issues. Next is the Homeland Security Minister. Behind that is the Peace Keeper. These six polotitans are all elected by people and they all lead every issue that falls under thier catagory except for the Prime Minsister, who looks into all issues. There are 6 provinces and for every Province there's and elected Province Minister who decides where funding goes and deals with issues that are across the whole Province and there are 3 Province Community Organizers who deal with issues across cities and communities. So basacally the Province Minister deals with things on a much bigger scale. A Province Minister has a 2 year term and can stay in office for 5 terms. The Province Community Organizers, like the president, is elected a 3 year term an can be relected as many times and there is on election every year for Province Community organizers. So one is elected one year, another the next, and one after that, then the next year the first Province Community Leader the was first elected now has to rerun. Now you know how there are plenty of elections. For cities there are City Ministers who are like governers.


There are 6 provinces in the land of nonsense. In every provinces capitol city is a government center in wich there is the office for 1 of the 6 main political leaders. The Gaelic province is on the northwest half of Sagiv and It's capitol is Dublin, wich is the capitol of the country also and the main leader whos office is there is the Prime Minister. The Rotchoski Province is the northernest province and it's capitol is the capitol is Petersburg, and the Head Ministers office is there. The Celtic province strecthes from one side of the country to the other. It's capitol is Cork and the Minister of Foreign Relations office is there. Below that is the Belter province, the capitol is Basay and the Homeland Security Ministers office is located there. The Chazae province's capitol is Avilchayin and the Head General's office is there. The last province is the Giraffe province. The capitol city is Giraffe City and the Peace Keeper's office is there.


The Sagi government thinks education is very important as they a redewing the education progam with more schools, teachers, and smaller class sizes. The sagi people are given opportunity and have the chance to learn thanks to the Sagiv government and have a chance to go to universities and become well educated to succeed in life. This has helped kids stay out of trouble.


The Sagiv Army is huge and the troops are well experienced and trained very well. They are also really fast and are known as the Fartlick army because of that. The advanced weaponry thanks to lot's of government funding helps it be one of the best in the region.


The Sagiv is in an economic slump, after increasing funding for the military, education, law and order, the Environment, and the cloning of the long extinct Featherbellied Giraffe. The Sagi Government is not afraid to increase funding at anytime to improve and protect the lives of it's people.


Dublin is the most populated city in Sagiv. Dublin After a vote in 1846 between Petersburg, Avilchayin, Dublin, Ner Ami, Basay, and Moscow to see wich city was the capital Dublin had won. It is a very large, beautiful city and is the capitol of the Gaelic province. It has the largest port in all Sagiv. It leads all cities in Sagiv for the gambling industry as the Dublin Grand Casino is thier. The Dublin government center is a very grand, large buidling where the Head Ministers office is and it is called The Green and Orange Square. The City Minister is Aurther Keane. Petersburg is the capital of the Rotchoski province. Petersburg is the most populated city in Sagiv and leads the country in the gambling industry as the biggest Casino/ Hotel in the country, the Chaggio, is located in Petersburg. The famous Kremlin with the Sar of Davids on top of the pilars is in Petersburg. The yellow square and Chuck Norris monument are are also located in Petersburg. And you can't forget about the beautiful Petersburg Canal wich runs through the City. The Sagiv government headquarters is in the Sagiv. It is called The Great Palace and is beautiful and is very luxourious as their is lots of gold on the outside and inside. It's City Minister is Vladimir Dukin.


Petersburg is the capital of the Rotchoski province. Petersburg is the 2nd most populated city in Sagiv. The famous Frozen Square is there and you can't forget about the beautiful Petersburg Canal wich runs through the City. The Head Minister Headquarters are there and it is called the Center of Hope. It's City Minister is Vladimir Dukin.

Giraffe City

Being the 3rd most populated city in all of Sagiv, City of Giraffes is highly recognizable for it's Giraffes roaming the streets. It is a village in the middle of a dessert where there are no cars. Mostly everyone there has an speaks English with an Australian acsent or they speak a tribal African language and they all love Giraffes. It is the 3rd most populated not because of the people but because of all the Giraffes. It's the capitol of The Giraffe province and the Peace Keepers office there is called the Giraffe and Dewey Square. The Cities Minister is Dewey Wilkerson.


The 4th most poplulated city is Avilchayin, the location where the Sagiv Revolutionary war had began. It was in the streets of Avilchayin where the brave 39ers had marched to make thier dream of one day to have freedom true. The sacred Jewish Temple of Avilchayin stands there. It is the capitol of the Chazae province. They mainly speak Hebrew and Russian. The Head General's office there is called the Center of Dreams. The City Minister is Ehud Telchava


Basay is very beautiful city along western coast of Sagiv. It is the capitol of the Belter province and mainly speaks Irish. It is home to the 2nd biggest port in Sagiv, Port Levchankov, it is named after the 2nd Prime Minister of Sagiv, Evgeni Levchankov. Basay is the former capitol of Teteny, in wich then was called McfaceheadMcgee. The Minister of Foreign Relations office there is called the Center of Commerce. The City Minister is Paulo Carvahlo.


Being the capitol of the Celtic province, it is Sagiv's 6th most poplulated city in Sagiv and mainly speaks Irish and English. It has beaytiful mountain ranges surrounding it. The 3rd largest temple in Sagiv is located there and it is called Temple Ner Ami. The Homeland Security Minister's office there is called the Center Oportunity. The City Minister is Roy Kilbane.