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Flag of Cromotar
Motto: Errare humane est; regere draconum est
Region of Gay
Region Gay
Capital None
Official Language(s) Latin, English
Leader Karath
Population 6.541 billion (as of August 30, 2006)
Currency Drake 
NS Sunset XML


Occupying the northwestern corner of Triangle Island in the region of Gay is the massive empire of Cromotar. As it happens to be a country inhabited primarily by dragons, Cromotar is somewhat isolated on the international front. Those that do have the courage to enter its borders, however, are greeted courteously and treated to vast landscapes of nature's beauty: lush tropical forests, open plains, and beautiful shorelines. While Cromotar does have cities, they are few and far between. Visitors should be aware, however, that breaking the laws in the country usually ends in a rather toothy demise.


The main portion of Cromotar's land is on the northwestern corner of Triangle Island. Here, among the tropical forests and beautiful landscapes, the three major cities: Veritasa, Libertasa, and Generosa can be found. Further to the northwest, across the Great Pride Ocean, lies the island colony of Clipped Toe Island. This island, unlike the mainland portion of the nation, is strictly off-limits to all but Cromotar's dragons. Indeed, getting there at all without wings would be difficult, as it lacks both cities as well as harbors and airports. The dragons of Cromotar travel to the island regularly, though what goes on there is a well-kept secret.


  • Great Wyrm: Karath

As the lack of political positions might indicate, Cromotar believes in small government. The Great Wyrm is the benevolent but pragmatic ruler, believing in the greatest amount of freedom for the citizens as long as property or people are not harmed. That being said, Cromotar still endorses public health care, police force, and education. The Empire lacks a capital city, as the seat of power is generally wherever the Great Wyrm happens to be.


Cromotar was founded in August 2003, and has since exploded to a massive nation. After a brief residence in the region of Dragon, Cromotar found a warm and loving place in the region of Gay, which adhered well to the Empire's notions of freedom and equality for all. Cromotar was also one of the original members of the Gay Regional Council (see below). Cromotar has also been a UN member nearly from the beginning.

Regional Position

Cromotar was elected as a member of the Regional Council of Gay since its founding at the start of 2004. It has retained this position to this day, with three successful re-elections.


Cromotar has a loosely defined culture saying, in a nutshell, "to each his own". Polygamous relationships of varying compositions are common, and sexuality is generally regarded in a rather frivolous manner. Those that do become parents, however, are expected to take such roles responsibly. Few citizens live in any one place for a longer period of time, preferring the freedom of wind under one's wings. Cities have been built more out of convenience than anything else; the dragons of Cromotar tend to revere nature over technology. They are not technologically ignorant, they just prefer not to let it dominate their lives.


Cromotar lacks a wide-spread religion, though many lean toward a somewhat Pagan world view. Nature is held in highest esteem and many celebrate Solstices and such. Still, this is more regarded as a personal matter and is highly individualistic.


Cromotar holds firm the idea of a free and open market, and as such has a well-developed economy. Companies are more or less free to do as they wish, as long as citizens or the environment are not harmed.

Up to date economic statistics can be found here.

Note to Visitors

Visitors are welcome to visit our nation, but should be warned. You can usually do as you wish, but you may not (intentionally) harm Cromotar's properties or citizens. Also, be respectful of others' way of life. Your safety can not be guaranteed if you fail to comply, for, as the saying goes, you are crunchy and good with ketchup.