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Flag of Mirg
Motto: If You're not with us, You're probably dead by now.
No Map Available Yet
Region Ireland Australia Axis
Capital Grimmirre
Official Language(s) Mirgish
Leader Nengheh Foh, Todar Mortel, Mamek Flechthib
Population 445,000,000
Currency Bullet 
NS Sunset XML


The Borderlands of Mirg huddle despondently in the north of its region. Since its creation many years ago in the Wastelands North of Everything, it has slowly moved itself south, into a warmer climate with more countries to trade with. It is still, however, an extremely cold wasteland. Boasting a population of hundreds of millions, three large cities(one of which is somewhat important), and a large amount of writers, poets, and skilled chess players, the people of Mirg are extremely self-important. Offering little material exports, other than truckloads of leather-bound books, and the occasional shipment of novelty chess pieces, Mirg is otherwise of little international importance.

Creation of Mirg's Current Government

Mirg is made up of seven small provinces, Iflish, Mortelach, Grader, Ergont, Sadoth, Houlian, and Nerath. Each province was originally governed by one of the Lords of the Mirgish Seat. These lords had come together after centuries of warfare and strife, to form one fragmented nation which would be governed by Six Lords, and an Over-Lord who would be chosen after every two years. This worked out fairly well for about a decade, or so, until, during the choosing of the Sixth Over-Lord, the previous Over-Lord, Caronois of Ergont, manipulated the Lords of Grader, Sadoth, and Iflish until they were all in favor of reinstating Caronois. With a majority in favor of Caronois, the title of Over-Lord was granted to him, and the two year cycle was unbalanced.

Over the next two years, Caronois began to take advantage of loopholes in the already shaky Cycle law. He slowly used his title of Over-Lord to exercise more power over the other Lords, and eventually extended the Cycle from two years, to seven. From here, he used the support of Grader and Sadoth to extend his power over the Military, and Iflish's support to secure a political advantage over Houlian, Mortelach, and Nerath. Then, despite the outrage of the three unsupportive Provinces, he dismissed the Cycle of Authority, and proclaimed himself Overlord, not Over-Lord, of Mirg.

This change was mostly ceremonial, and the Lords of Mirg kept the power that was previously invested in them. However, Caronois distrusted the Lords of Mortelach and Houlian, and moved to strengthen his control over them. He appeared to be more or less successful, until he demanded that Houlian hand over the female portion of its slave population to Ergont for the breeding of a new Military Corps. The Lord of Houlian, Nengheh Foh, refused, and placed troops around his Slave Compounds. Caronois then moved in with the central military, arresting Foh and demanding that all Houlians' slaves be moved to Ergont, Sadoth, and Grader. Having no choice but to comply, Lord Foh reluctantly signed over the slaves, but he, along with the lords of Nerath and Mortelach, informed Caronois that any further use of force against any of the Lords would be cause enough for his arrest. Caronois ignored this threat.

The Lord of Mortelach, Todar Mortel, began plotting against Caronois with Lord Foh. They were joined later by the Lord of Nerath, who cautioned them that unprovoked action would lead to their downfall. The three bided their time. Their time came after Overlord Caronois issued the Centralization Decree. Under this decree, all the Provinces would lose the authority to have Provincial Forces, and would instead be guarded by the Central Mirgish Military, which was controlled by the Overlord of Mirg. This caused outrage in the provinces of Sadoth, Houlian, Mortelach, and Nerath, and gave the three plotters their excuse to arrest Caronois. Their attempt however, was unsuccessful, and Caronois declared the three lords Traitors, throwing Mirg into a Civil War.

Civil War

Of the Three Traitorous Lords, Nerath's lord, Mamek Flechthib, had the largest professional military, and was an experienced general. Lord Mortel commanded a large air force, and had a large private force. Lord Foh, however, had had his forces decimated by fines imposed upon him by the Overlord, and had been forced to cede much of his army to Caronois as payment. After combining forces and leaving command of the army to Lords Flechthib and Mortel, Lord Foh began a series of slave revolts within Caronois’ lands. Liberating the slaves which had formerly belonged to his estate, he used them to raise an Army of Slaves. Arming and training them, Lord Foh created one of the most controversial Military Corps in the History of Mirg. The Ex-slaves took this opportunity to take revenge on their overseers, killing over one-hundred government employees, and sabotaging and destroying many slave-built projects. Commanding his new army, Lord Foh led them on a campaign of guerilla warfare, tearing up railroads, detonating bridges, and burning crops and storehouses, damage from which the nation has still not yet recovered.

The Lord of Grader, Emil Gohdafah, had been killed during a Slave revolt orchestrated by Lord Foh, and Grader sued for peace in late 2002. Sadoth agreed to peace settlement in June of 2003 by signing the Treaty of Lische, and pulled out of the war. Caronois and the Lord of Iflish continued the war until Late 2005, after being starved out of Emmalate, Ergont’s main city, during a four month siege. After the Treaty of Emmalate had been signed by all parties, Caronois was locked up without trial.

In October of 2005, the constitution of Mirg was revised and the country is run by an Upper Council of three Lords, and a General Council of all the Lords. The Upper Council is made up of the same three lords until one of the Lords retires, signaling a reelection of the entire Upper Council. If an Upper Council member dies, elections are held to replace that member only.

Current Political Stances

Once the new Constitution of Mirg was established, supported, and enforced by soldiers and police, the Upper Council focused its attention to gaining the support of the general populace. The most unpopular, Lord Foh, began a new city on the point where the boundaries of Grader, Ergont, and Houlian, for the housing of the many families and refugees from various towns and cities which had been largely destroyed during the different phases of the war. Lord Flechthib, the most powerful of the three lords, yet also the least involved in internal matters of State, established embassies in foriegn nations, disbanded the large Military presence in Iflish and Ergont, and instead fortified Mirg's borders. Lord Mortel, by far the most popular of the Upper Council, revised the Centralization Decree, and passed a new version, stating that each province was in charge of its own military, yet the Central Mirgish Military, formed by Caronois and reformed by the Upper and General Councils, would retain a presence in each one, especially along the borders of Mirg, and would move in to fortify the province if its provincial government failed to fortify it properly, as well as in times of War.

So far, Lord Fletchthib's efforts to get Mirg more Internationally involved has resulted in Mirg's UN Membership(now regarded by the populace as a bad move), an increased awareness of Controversial Subjects(who knew that slavery was frowned upon by the rest of the world?), and a bid to win the International Chess Championship.

Lord Foh's interest in the housing of Mirg's Population has led to a new trend in housing architecture, a boost in housing insurance and mortgages, a minority group - specializing in building and expert stonemasonry(springing up in most cities) - called the Exslaves, and a sudden need for More Wood.

Lord Mortels contributions have been mostly legislative: tariffs on certain types of products entering the country, a nation-wide electric tram system, a gradual recession from slavery, new fields of science and industry have been legalised, and a tax on religious groups which barely made it through the General Council.

The General Council has succeded in pushing through quite a few new laws, including national health funding, several limits on religious power, and a welfare system. Mirg has since become an important figure in its region, although its influence is still questionable.

Mirg's Demise

The Borderlands of Mirg have since disappeared, in a region-wide catastrophe which claimed the populations of almost all of the existing countries. Plague, famine, and a rash of earthquakes caused Mirgs downfall. It later collapsed in on itself in what is now known as a distinctly unusual case of "sinkhole".