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Flag of Arithon
Motto: Embrace the darkness.
Region Fatal Terrain
Capital None
Official Language(s) Arithonian (demonic)
Leader Lord Arithon
Population <6.535 billion
Currency Charred Skull 
NS Sunset XML


The Nation

The physical realm known as Arithon was once a heavily populated planet filled with life and civilisation. The major species occupying the planet were humanoid and a reasonably bland people known as Acheons. They had no technologies of significance and merely clung to an ancient faith, content with their simple and peaceful existence.

This planet did not exist in a place where one would find other planets and people, it belonged to a completely isolated realm. A place no other being occupied. These people were completely isolated and hence had no fears of external threats. Their god gave them all they needed.

This existence went on for countless millenium, the people unaware of watching eyes. Beyond they ability to comprehend, a battle was waged and won by a force without a name. Something so dark and incomprehensible that the planet referred to as Acheon would never be the same after it's taint manifested. With the divine force protecting Acheon dead, the path was clear for this force to spread. The first tangible sign of it's presence was a creature named Arithon.

Meeting little resistance, Arithon had little trouble corrupting the land. His mere presence killed the environment and caused instability within the planet itself. Unpredictable storms became a permanent fixture of the skyline and the land collapsed in on itself, allowing the molten rock of the planetary mantle to flow free, burning anything in it's path.

With the Acheons crushed beneath Arithon's power, the force behind the demonic creature embued it's energies into the planet and surrounding realm, twisting and moulding the very fabric of existence in order to create something new.

The planet of Acheon was no more, in it's place was a realm of existence known as Arithon. Only Arithon and his master knew the true secrets of such a place.

The Individual

There is no measuring Arithon's age. He has existed long before the place known as Earth or even the region known as Sol. Time has no meaning to his master and very little meaning to himself. Whilst there is no true definition for what he is, many would classify the being as a demon, a creature of darkness and evil. Although such terms are subjective, they will suffice.

It should be noted that whilst Arithon does possess a preishable physical form like every living creature, he cannot die. His body can indeed be destroyed if he were to allow so or was overpowered, but the essence that is Arithon will simply return to his natural realm of existence and forge itself a new shell. In essence, he is not invulnerable (although very difficult to kill) but he is immortal in the truest sense.

Arithon's will is difficult to gauge at the best of times. The countless beings destroyed under his foot would say his only goal is mindless destruction, yet he acts through the will of his master and no one knows what it could possibly desire.

Throughout time he has conquered nations, empires, planets and even systems of other sentient beings. Of course this was not done single handedly. As he encountered different creatures Arithon began to experiment with his own powers of creation. He began breeding 'demons' of his own in order to combat the beings he encountered.

Over time many breeds were moulded into existence, designed with specific attributes for specific purposes. With an organised force of loyal and specialised minions behind him, Arithon merely required time to spread his disease upon all life that he encountered.

Throughout his travels about the Universe and the many dimensions of existence, Arithon has conquered many worlds and desroyed many races with little resistance. Eventually he became aware of a place known as the Sol system and the single inhabited planet called Earth. At that point the planet was still in it's infancy, the population mostly random animals of no consequence. And yet it was protected by a god, one with enough strength to deny Arithon existence upon Earth.

It took many millions of Earth years for Arithon to force his energies through the barrier erected by it's god but he finally established a land of his own within Earth. This place was also called Arithon, but was merely a wasteland where no life could exist. Nothing of consequence to the now dominant species, humans.

The significance of this place was that the barrier between the realm of Arithon and Earth was weakest at this point. Therefore it would be the obvious place for Arithon to establish a permanent gateway to his world.