Democratic Socialist Workers' Party

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Democratic Socialist Workers' Party
Established 1866
Economic ideology Planned economy
Social ideology Social liberalism
Party leader Joe Kerry
Motto Workers of the world, unite!

The Democratic Socialist Workers' Party (often abbreviated to DSWP) is a democratic socialist party in the Democratic Republic of Patricania. It holds eighteen seats in the Senate and one-hundred seventy-four seats in the House of Delegates. The DSWP is the second-largest party in Patricania, following the Liberal Party. Most of its supporters can be found in poorer urban class neighborhoods and in rural areas.


The Democratic Socialist Workers' Party was founded in 1866. Patricanian socialists, attending Karl Marx's First International, were inspired by the congress and returned to Charlestown to establish the Party in the town's slums and working class tenements. The support for the party grew slowly over the years as the other larger parties in control of the government attempted to surpress the party, sometimes violently. With the establishment of the Soviet Union, the Democratic Socialist Workers' Party were granted representation in the Parliament under the assumption that this would calm the revolutionary tendencies of the party.

This theory was partly true, and the DSWP began a program of reform before revolution. However, with the Cold War growing, the Party was viewed with suspicion, and the events of May 1968 caused some to think that perhaps French communists would infiltrate the country throught the large French population and incite revolution. This allowed for a fascist movement to acquire power and brutally persecute the DSWP and other suspected socialists. The Party managed to operate somewhat throughout the fascist administration and worked in league with members of the Liberal Party to overthrow the fascists. In 2005, they were successful, and the Socialist Workers' Party is now the second-largest party in Patricania, and is continuing to grow.


The platform of the Democratic Socialist Workers' Party is similar to many other socialist parties around the world. The DSWP advocates as much reform as possible in the government before leading the proletariat in a socialist revolution to overthrow capitalis completely. The Party struggles to reinstate welfare and other social programs abandoned by the Liberal administration. Along with the Liberal Party and Green Party, the DSWP secured gay and women's rights which had been denied by the previous fascist government. The DSWP frequently sides with the Green Party and may form a red-green alliance with it sometime in the future.

See Also