N. Pigeon's Imperial Series

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The "Imperial" Series are a fictional series of books by N. Pigeon, that are based off of the premise that Emperor Edward I of Hekloslogravia survived his assassination in 1993.

Long Live the Emperor

In this book, Emperor Edward I of Hekloslogravia survives his assassination in 1993, and foils the coup. He also puts down another republican revolt in 1995, but dies of a heart attack in 1997, and is succeded by his son Emperor Edward II.


During Revolution, Edward II is assassinated in 2001, and the empire overthrown by republican forces under Charles F. Kane, who becomes President of Hekloslogravia.

Imperial Resurgence

In 2004, Charles F. Kane is overthrown and imprisoned by imperialist forces, who install the crown prince as Emperor Edward III of Hekloslogravia. Though, as in his real reign, he is assassinated within three months, bringing his brother Robert to the throne as Emperor Edward IV.


In 2005, to show it's competency, The Empire of Hekloslogravia invades Dancing Bananland, in hopes of creating a puppet empire under Emperor Edward IV's uncle, Prince James of Plezan.

The Empire of Dancing Bananland

In May of 2005, Prince James is crowned Emperor James I of Dancing Bananland. As one of his first acts, he orders that all followers of Prime Minister TJ Ross, that are captured, be shot for treason. He also names James Burke, the eldest son of a Dancing Bananlandian Government Minister, as his heir. Shortly afterward, both the Emperor and Burke are killed, and a cousin of James', Prince Peter, becomes Emperor Peter I of Dancing Bananland.

Overthrow of Edward IV

In the wake of James I's death, Edward IV's other uncle, Prince William is able to overthrow Edward, and proclaim himself emperor of Hekloslogravia.

End of an Era

In 2006, Willaim is overthrown and murdered by republicans. Peter abdicates in favor of his son, Peter II, who is eventually forced off the throne. Jake Clawston leads the Hekloslogravian republicans in revolution, abolishing the empire. The book ends with Mittsville sending Clawston a telegram...

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