Marduuk Party

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Tomania's People's Marduuk Party
motto: Tomanya Ullúme
Region Gemini Exterro
Official languageQuenya
Headquarters Imladris, Greater Tomania
Number of Members 89,923,642
Purpose Organization of the ruling party of the Imperium

Established in 1970 by Miklós Hedikai. The Marduuk have governed Tomania since 1977 after the Tomanian Civil War. The main platform of the Party is ensuring continuos stability, order, and security. When the Party first came to power they inherited a Tomania impoverished by war, starvation, chaos, and disarray. Hedikai promised the people of Tomania he and his party would bring an age of prosperity, order, tranquility, and peace to the Empire. He gave the people a dream, which many did not believe and thought the Marduuk could never bring Tomania out of her self-inflicted poverty.

However, to the amazment of many Hedikai and the Marduuk brought the people’s dream true. He rebuilt the war torn infrastructure, made Tomania the strongest economic power in the region (and one of the worlds). Brought jobs to the populace, strengthened the army, navy, and air-force. Begun a new technological era Tomania has never seen. Brought joy, happiness, and bliss to the Empire.

Unlike the Marduuk’s predecessors, the Ardatomani, they did not ignore the lower castes and brought more jobs and revenue to all classes, not just the elite. Also, unlike the Ardatomani, and the Valpaar before them, the Marduuk followed through with everything they promised the People. In turn, the people have given the Marduuk more power, more loyalty, and more adoration than any other government before them.

The word “Marduuk” is an ancient quenya derived word meaning “a root to abide in triumph.”

Upon the banner above the Marduuk symbol are the Tengwar letters of "T.L.M.P" which is an acronym for Tomanyava Liëreva Marduuk Perend. Which means, Tomania's People's Marduuk Party.


  • Marduuk Party Complex, located in eastern Imladris
    • Built in 2000, Cordon Hedikai had the party hq rebuilt in the late 1990's and was just recently completed

The Party Leadership

The Party is split into two main groups, the Inner Circle and the Outer Circle. The Inner Circle, has the Executive High Consul, and the highest ranked members, all members of the Executive Consul and the Legislative Assembly belong to the Inner Circle. The Outer Cirlce, has provincial and local assemblies, and ordinary members.

The Young Marduuk League (Nórlin Marduuk Vinya) has been set up to induct the youth of the empire so that from a young age they will learn the arts of diplomacy, trade, negotiation, law, and leadership.

Slogans and Sayings

Lavë Tomanya na ter yénion yéni oira
ar lavë se vorona lúmetyasta!
(May Tomania be through ages upon ages eternal.
and may she stand the test of time)

Marë tennoio Valanie!
([Let] live forever the empire)

Tomanya Ullúme
(Tomania forever)

Lavë Tararandil vórima yunquëhúmë yéni, yunquëhúmë yéni, yunquë yungueo húmë yéni.

(May my Emepror endure twelve thousand yens, twelve thousnd yens, twelve of twelve thousand yens)