Teh great Kazham

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Teh great Kazham
Flag of Teh great Kazham
Motto: "You WANT to die? well, we aim to please."
Region Dave
Capital Ankoku
Official Language(s) English-Russian-Japanese-Hybrid Language
Leader Salvos Nos the 106th
Population  ??? Million
Currency Bonechip 
NS Sunset XML

Teh Great Kazham or TGK for short is often subject to scrutiny from its neighbours in its region, the TGK prides itself on efficiency and honour, without it they would be no less than the maggots of world.

Even though not yet a nuclear power the TGK makes up for it in numbers and the unique weapons they have fielded such as the 'Sacrilege' siege boat...

Unit Information

Land Based

Nostalgia Recon Buggy

This buggy is ideal for the terrain it was tested in. Fast, light... this buggy is the ideal recon vehicle for the TGK and many other low-key counties. Armed with either a M60 Machinegun or SA-32 Clip fed unguided rocket launcher.

Ikaz Light Battle Tank

Since the TGK is mostly barren or marshland the country quickly had to adapt their military to compensate for these terrain features, the Ikaz is the product of wanting an mostly all terrain tank combined with relatively low maintenance making it ideal for TGK usage, sadly though the Ikaz often slightly more expensive to produce than other LBTs

Marionette Main Battle Tank

This armoured monster is the product of the civil war dating back 300 years ago. With the victory of the Royal Family cause of this monster, though since then it has been drastically improved. Armed with heavy composite alloy plating, 150mm Cannon, 2 .50 Machine guns and 2 Hydra rocket pods this tank is effective against infantry and vehicles alike, the disadvantage of this tank is that it is not easy to transport nor to produce cheaply.

Sword Rain MRLS

While lightly armoured compared to its other military vehicle cousins the Sword Rain is non the less deadly, capable of launching a withering hail of munitions within seconds this artillery piece is the lynchpin of TGK suppressive fire... no one argues the point when 400 rockets rain down on them.

Exodus 270mm Howitzer

This is the longest ranged land based artillery weapon the TGK possesses, capable of hurling death and destruction up to 42km away. The TGK doesn't opt for the average HE round with this weapon, they use Air-Burst Cluster Shots. These detonate over the target and drop hundreds of miniature bombs over a wide area,. While not effective against vehicles such as tanks the Sword Rain MRLS covers that fault, This unit is a tracked based turret that has to heavily anchor down to fire safely.


Chif Mass Produced Multi Role Aircraft (MPMRA)

This is ultimate in TGK aerospace weaponry. While lightly armoured, this plane makes up for it in speed and firepower depending on payload, often loaded with a 'Glaive' 30mm Ground Suppression Cannon and 2 Splinter SRM (short-range-missile) pods. While not comparable to other fighters in a negative way, this plane can be produced en-masse to make for its defects with numbers... its better classed as a ground suppression plane than a fight plane, this plane is a VTOL thus able to hover and bombard.

Dart Designated Escort Plane (DEP)

Realising the Chif's faults IWP industries commissioned the Dart DEP, this plane is a dedicated fighter plane that fires fast and hard making it somewhat difficult to beat, armed with advance fire-control radars and other means of tracking this plane was DESIGNED to track and kill any threats to the Chifs while they proceeded with their missions. Armed with dual linked .50 cal chainguns, 4 sets of ATA missiles and 1 internal Hydra rocket pod this plane does its job well.

Iron Tooth Bomber

You thought Chif's where nasty for ground suppression? well this plane just made everything seem a whole load worse, this plane is a High Altitude Bomber that drops anything from Nukes to 30 Cluster bombs... often loaded with about 30 Napalm bombs, wings consist of 3 of these are known to burn entire cities down.

Conflict Bringer Heavy Transport Chopper (HTC)

This thing ships around 20 soldiers and 1 Marionette, based loosely on the Chinook Chasis but enhanced with superior electronics, motors and armour to make sure it gets its cargo to the destination safetly anand quickly

Steel Cutter Attack Helicopter

Though lightly armoured this attack chopper makes up for it in firepower and speed, based loosely on a HIND-D Chasis this chopper is lighter armoured than the original chasis but makes up for it with twice as heavy payload of Missiles and Rockets, doesnt help that the frontal chaingun was replaced with a 30mm Autocannon(tm). The closest thing to Air to Ground all weather support the TGK currently has.

Naval Vessels

God Slayer Battleship

The floating fortress of the TGK, this tri-parted monster is designed to take on aircraft, subs and other boats and still come out on top as the victor, costing in excess of 200 Million Bonechips to produce most would say it is a expensive but the Navy finds it presence on the battlefield comforting, Armed with 5 SAMs, 6 Tri-linked 120mm Turrets, 2 150mm Turrets and 4 Torpedo tubes this floating behemoth is difficult to win in a fire fight.

Warlord Heavy Cruiser

Fore-going any form of lighter navy, the TGK prides its self on this floating ship, often referred to as the toy box due its appearance. The Warlord is none the less a high quality battleship armed with the latest and greatest the TGK can acquire (either by theft or purchase), armed with 4 sets of tri-linked 120mm turrets and 8 flak guns this boat fires fast and can fend for itself when needed.

Reclaimer Attack Sub

Usually linked with Warlord tactical groups the Reclaimer is somewhat feared for its ability to fire fast, this of course is unguided... guided barrages are at a normal pace compared to other subs, this sub can only do unguided barrages when directed by another vessel, Armed with MK48 Torpedoes.

Sacrilege Siege Boat

The Daddy of all artillery weapons whether land or sea based, this monster carries a 750mm Howitzer and is NOT afraid to use it. The entire boat is built around being able to withstand the immense recoil of this weapon and is rather fragile as such, as with Exodus. This Howitzer often uses Air-Burst Cluster Shots hurling these a shocking 93km. Often protected by other ships and aircraft so this boat has no need for armour.

Puppeteer Aircraft Carrier

This is the first and only aircraft carrier the TGK have, its old but reassuring reliable this aircraft carrier often holds around 20 Chifs or 10 Darts (since Darts aren't VTOL) this boat defends itself with flak cannons and depth charges... sadly though like the Sacrilege this boat lacks much armour and needs to be covered by the other ships



Having seen the need for superior soldiers, the TGK decided to make them, taking infants and wiring them into a chemical induced sleep where they where force-fed Military Propaganda, Weapons Details, Medical Aid, Tactical Data and all sorts of other things. These soldiers were a resounding success compared to the normal infantry men of the TGK. The problem is that there is few of these units and are used sparingly on missions such as assassination and sabotage.

A further irony is most of the project's survivors (not all made it alive) where women which caused a rather large amount of upset amongst the more sexist of the staff, these staff where terminated immediately after attempts to derail the project due to their prejudice.


This is the concept of primative orbital weapons, having invested millions without any significant results the TGK has decided to put this project on hold since they do not have the sufficient technological prowess to complete it effectively.

MIDAS Project

An environmentally friendly bomb... an interesting contradiction if there was one, relying on the TGK's advanced grasp of radiation this bomb is the closest thing the TGK has to nuclear ability, basically it explodes and melts everything leaving nothing but melted slag and dead things.


While the LUMIERE Project is fine and good for assasins and such, the TGK is still to this day trying to bolster their ranks with superior soldiers, the DRAGOON Project is the product of this ideal but until the kinks in the LUMIERE Project (On site mission control methods are the main problem) have been worked out they are leaving this one till later.


This country is relatively new to the worldwide community since it has been reclusive and not communicating outside of its own country very often unless there where things to be gained, The country is hardly a utopia but the people are happy with the way things are.
Men - Women gender division doesnt exist here, everyone is equal based on their success of their 'Twilight' Exams - the exams that decide the person's place in society there are 2 catergories of this: Academic and Physical.
Success in the Academic exam will automatically enroll a person in a corporation or government insituition depending on the score.
Success in the Physical exam will automatically get a person into the army, there are 4 classes of soldiers and officers... Classes 1-4, 4 being those who just made it and 1 being the elite. Depending on the person's level of physical fitness and leadership skills a place will be alloted for them.
The benefits from either Exam result are the same; Automatic Pensions, Health Cover, Right to have Children, Marriage etc... there is no difference between the jobs, even Corporate Leaders and Generals get the same benefits as Interns and Privates, this eliminates inequality tremedously but there are some who still see themselves as superior either to those below them or the other gender.
These kind of people are quickly re-educated and allowed to re-enter society upon completion of such.