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Flag of Tarmsden
Motto: "The Union of The People"
[Currently Unavailable]
Region Newbo Forests
Capital Hozani
Official Language(s) Español
Leader President Lazarus Etelde
Population Over 6 billion and counting
Currency Forester 
NS Sunset XML


Tarmsden is a massive nation in the Newbo Forests region. It is known for its breathtaking and well-preserved wilderness, ranging from a massive rainforest in the southwest to grasslands in the center, coniferous forests in the southeast, a large mountain range in the northwest, a Mediterranean-style coast in the east and a tundra in the north. There is even a desert in the mid-eastern part of the country. Tarmsden is surrounded by the ocean on all four sides. Most of the large country is rural, even with its burgeoning population. There are cities and suburbs surrounding them in isolated areas of the country, with nomads still living in areas of wilderness.


Tarmsden has been inhabited by human beings for approximately 10,000 years. Most of the societies were traditionally primitive with regards to their technology, and it was not until sea-faring settlers arrived from the East approximately 1,200 years ago that the modern Tarmsdenian civilization began. The settlers sought to exchange cultures with the natives and gladly traded technologies in return for knowledge about the land, as well as natural medicines and agriculture. Gradually, the two different societies, native and settler, grew closer together.

This led to strife, as native religions were replaced with the Christianity (predominantly Roman Catholic) of the settlers and the settlers lost their ability to trade with natives frustrated with the changes. One change both sides adopted was the use of guns, as they had been introduced through continued trade with the West. Tarmsdenian settlers created guns and armors with strong metals, while natives used their knowledge of nature to produce deadly poisons, curing medicines and explosive ammunitions. What was to be known as the War of the Two Cultures broke out.

The war lasted for approximately 30 years, between 3472 and 4000 in the native Tarmsdenian year-count system. Although the initial campaigns of the War were won by the settlers, a prolongued guerilla campaign by the natives maintained their way of life. Eventually, the natives regrouped, entered into the Covenant of Our Lands, united and took the settler capital of Ilauwi. This brought the settler forces to the negotiating table. The resulting Contract for a Common Life (which provided for common trade and respect for land rights by abolishing the private ownership of land) has held ever since.

Following the signing of the Contract, the two societies gradually merged into one. New cities were built, the current capital of Hozani among them. This new biracial society became increasingly cosmopolitan, trading with nearby nations and developing a complex system of government. By combining traditional use of natural resources with modern technologies, the Tarmsdenians succeeded in bringing about prosperity for a rapidly growing population.

Recently, Tarmsden has seen great changes. The birth rate has rapidly increased, meaning that the cost for the government to provide services greatly increased. A number of different economic systems were introduced in an attempt to provide for the people. Although the country retained its strong democratic traditions, the state nationalized all businesses several times. Now, the national economy is making a resurgence thanks to decentralizing reforms. Tarmsden is also becoming a major leader in world affairs, working as the delegate for the region of Newbo Forests, authoring and supporting proposals on rights for people with disabilities (including UN Resolution #160, "Rights of the Disabled"), national economic rights, national authority over moral issues and other causes reflecting national sovereignty, democracy, environmentalism and egalitarianism. Furthermore, Tarmsden has been the recipient of both praise and outrage for intervening to prevent ethnic cleansing and establish democracy in a number of small nearby nations.


The current Tarmsdenian political system emerged as a merger of traditional tribal governance, the Contract for a Common Life and outside systems of government. Democracy is the ancient means of selecting leaders, and elections are held for every considerable government post at the district, state and federal level. Every citizen of age 18 or over receives one vote for every ballot. Ballots include candidates for judicial, legislative and executive offices. A number of federal refernda are also held every year on issues of great importance to the people. The people may request a referendum on any issue, and if at least one-third of concerned voters do so, the referendum is held. All candidates run independently, and political parties in the traditional sense do not exist. Instead, many citizens join political clubs to meet with and discuss issues with other individuals who share their ideology. Public financing is available for all candidates, and campaign donation limits are in place.

The Tarmsden Socialists political club is the most influential in the country, as the majority of current office-holders are practicing members or leaders in the club. The Tarmsden Independents, a club composed of individuals who do not tend to gravitate towards any single ideology, are the second-most influential political club and have won presidential elections in recent years. The Tarmsden Libertarians, Tarmsden Greens, Tarmsden Traditionalists, Tarmsden Capitalists and Tarmsden Communists are also influential clubs with members currently holding office.


Under the Contract for a Common Life, land as property was abolished. Tarmsden's economy is arranged along socialist lines. Most companies are 100% worker-owned and voted cooperatives. The law requires that all companies be at least 51% worker-owned and voted, with up to 49% belonging to the government. The stock market does not exist.

Domestic industries receive a large number of incentives from the government under the public enterprise system. Economic Development bonds are issued by the government. These bonds are issued at a higher interest rate than traditional bonds, All dollars raised through these bonds go immediately into subsidies for targeted industries in both the private (cooperative) and public sectors. In five to ten years, these industries tend to grow and pay greater amounts of tax revenue, meaning that the bonds are payable to their owners and the government still has a greater tax pool to make revenue from. In addition, wise targeting of industries to receive these bond dollars means a great boost to research into alternative fuels, security technologies and consumer goods, improving the quality of life for the Tarmsdenian people. A national lottery also accomplishes these goals on a smaller scale and are be used as a supplement to the bonds.

Another way revenue is increased is through the Bank of Tarmsden. By providing low-interest loans to businesses and entrepreneurs, the government grows its tax base and collects interest on overdue payments. This bank is also chartered to provide loans to Tarmsdenians looking to obtain higher education, job training, personal transportation, self-employment, health insurance or other factors that increase productivity and tax revenue. Again, this simultaneously raises the standard of living for the population and equates to more sustainable, long-term tax revenues for the government.

Nationalization of industries or providers receiving substantial government aid is a third way funding is increased. The government spends millions of dollars on the transportation industry, particularly on commuter rail services and commuter airlines. These service providers have been nationalized. The government assumes ownership of these bodies, then takes profits for government funding. Any net revenue goes to the government, rather than to exorbitant personal salaries or other unnecessary expenses.

Along the lines of nationalization, government ownership of key industries like oil, steel, coal and ports provides great amounts of money. Each industrial field alone could pay for a massive program, such as single-payer healthcare, national education standards, subsidized tuition at state universities and strict enforcement of border security. In addition, more federal money is available for homeland security, making scanning of all cargo entering the country and screening of all airline passengers affordable programs.

Tariffs are a proven means of increasing revenue. By protecting domestic industries and placing taxes on imported goods, industry is able to maintain near-full employment. In addition, goods produced in Tarmsden are likely to be used in Tarmsden. This increases spending at home and protects Tarmsdenian jobs, both of which increase federal revenue. Tariffs are strategically implemented to protect weak or infant industries while more essential goods like medicine, food or clothing can be freely traded. Tariffs on luxury and high-tech goods help Tarmsdenian industries compete with those abroad. To maximize the impact of tariffs, tariff revenue is spent primarily on subsidies for the specific industries they protect.

The foreign aid system is also unique. Fair trade and economic development loans or gifts are far more effective than simple governmental aid. Although humanitarian aid is given, discretionary money to foreign governments is not. Providing grants for industries abroad, on the other hand, creates new markets to buy and sell goods with Tarmsden.

All of these programs allow Tarmsden to maintain a big-government style of socialism while maintaing a constitutionally-required balanced budget.