Tarob Veyidgas

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Tarob Veyidgas
fictitious character
Played by
Ümit Makhmudov

Tarob Veyidgas (in Esrever, supposedly: Тароб Bеидгаc) is a character played by West Ariddian comedian Ümit Makhmudov. Veyidgas is, supposedly, a Backwardistani, sent by his country's secretive government on a fact-finding mission to Uhuhland's "most powerful nation with big money, big bombs and happy people". As a naive diplomat-cum-journalist from an "isolated but very very good country with great, glorious leader", "Veyidgas" often asks embarassing questions to West Ariddian politicians, businessmen and -women, entertainers and random passers-by, concerning West Ariddian society. (He once asked a junior government official of the ruling, ultra-capitalist Free Democratic Party: "It is good you make useless people starve with no money. How do you make sure they not become angry while they still alive?")

Makhmudov has admitted his Veyidgas persona is intended to simultaneously satirise Backwardistan's "repressive" government, the "many dysfunctional elements of our own society", and the ignorance of many West Ariddians. "There are lots of people in this country who would have no idea where Backwardistan is on a map. Veyidgas isn't exactly a common name in Backwardistan, but few people have ever questioned it."

Makhmudov's satire targets diverse elements of Limean society, as a selection of his questions shows:

  • "In Backwardistan, we not understand why you think it is good you want to have very bad economy" - to a spokeswoman of the Democratic Communist Party
  • "If the poor you want them to die, why you not learn from Backwardistan and crush them with army and Police for Loyalty to Great Leader?" - to a mayor from the Free Democratic Party
  • "Why it is good for people to be fat and have heart all greasy?" - to a manager of a CBBC restaurant in Aqeyr

During the thirty-first edition of the football World Cup, which Backwardistan took part in, Makhmudov's parodying of a Backwardistani official caused angry reactions from real Backwardistani, including the team's coach burning the West Ariddian flag in retaliation. This merely encouraged Makhmudov and increased his popularity in his home country.

Makhmudov (and notably his Veyidgas persona) has, ironically, been parodied himself: he has a cartoon double on the satirical West Ariddian programme Westville News. He has stated that he is a fan of Westville News, and that he finds the Makhmudov/Veyidgas character "spot on hilarious".