Tomanian Culture

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When it comes to the mind set of the Tomanian people one might think that their culture is hypocritical, overly soaked with tradition and ceremony, as well as very complex. The following is a small account to help one understand the Tomar and come to a new cultural enlightenment through further understanding Tomania’s people. There are two types of Tomanians, the traditional culturists and the cultural modernists. Those who are traditional culturists, especially men, wear their hair long and with braids, also, they still wear the ancient style of robes and cloaks. Whereas the cultural modernists have shorter hair and wear modern clothing styles. Tomanians refer to their race as the Quendi (Contrast with other Quendi found in various other nations), and their racial division as the Tomar. Many Tomar are anti-Dúnadainist (see anti-Dúnadainism). And though not rigid, Tomania still has a caste system, most likely still in place due mainly to tradition.

The Mandate of Heaven

Desendents of the elves of Valinor. Legend states that the Tomar, one of the last races of Elves on Earth, gave up their immortality in order to secure their people’s place in history eternal and during the Fourth Age the world was almost destroyed by a horrible evil, greater than any other before them. None could stop this ‘Nothingness,’ all the elves, save for the Noldor and Tomar, went back to Valinor. Although, valiant the Noldor were almost completely whipped out by this menacing evil. However, the Tomar gave up that which was most precious to them in order to end the shadow, their immortality. With the conclusion of the Fourth Age the Tomar, no longer immortal, were still blessed by Iluvitar who was most pleased with their sacrifice and gave them His Holy Mandate of Heaven, which gives them infallible right to do pretty much what ever they please. With this Mandate, the minds of the Tomanians have been shifted from a race of caring and kind people to a more self-centered and xenophobic people.

Believed to be never wrong the word of the emperor has become law. No mere person, institution, or organization in Tomania cannot, ever, override a Holy Imperial Decree. Though, the last time an offical decree came from the emperors was in 1732 by the 118th Emperor Arquentuor, issuing the complete obliteration and murders of all the people of Dorthonion. However, at that time Tomania did not control of all Dorthonion, hence, the people of Dorthonion were not completely whipped from existence .

An Understanding of Tomanians

Some helpful hints when conversing, visiting, or being with the Tomar

If you are not a Qunendi, expect to be seen as an inferior.
No matter your station or his, a Toma will see you as inferior, unintelligible, and, more than likely, unattractive. Do not be surprised if a Tomanian even finds your sent to be bothersome.

When Speaking, Speak in Quenya
A part of their culture that some would see ‘hypocritical’ would be when it comes to thier language. Tomanians, assume, that you are stupid and cannot speak Quenya. However, even if you can say but a few phrases in it, they will be so pleased they will more than likely speak with you and enjoy your company. If you can speak it fluently a Tomanian will be so overjoyed he will invite you to his hosue for dinner and even invite you for a drink. Which, is considered in Tomania, being invited to one’s house, a great honor and you should not refuse.

But, if you cannot speak Quenya, the only other language the average Tomanian will know is Hebrew, do mainly from their alliance with southern neighbor Morindira. Contrary to popular belief Tomanians can understand a lot of English, Latin, Spanish, and German, even though they cannot speak it. The brain of a Tomanian can remember almost every thing they see, hear, touch, or taste. And they can put two and two together rather swiftly and efficiently.

Tomanians and Relgion

There are three main belives in Tomania when it comes to their religion. The first believe is the idea of whatever comes from the state, when referring to their faith, is correct and that only Quendi go to the Hereafter. The second is that, Eru created all things and all people, both Quendi and non-Quendi go to the Hereafter, however, it is harder for a non-Quendi to be excepted. And the third idea is there is no Hereafter and when one dies that is it.

Religion, no matter the believe, is till highly respected, if not for the beliefs, it would be for traditional and/or ceremonial believes.

The Empire and Her People

Tomanians are very, very, one could even say overly, patriotic to their homeland. Most Tomanians are unquestioning, obedient citizens to the empire. The Tomar are very proud of their Imperial achievements, both at home and afar. Though, many Tomanians never visit the colonies, and even might find colonial Tomanians to be in a lower social status then if one was born in the mother country, however. They are still very proud of Tomania`s Colonial Empire. The Government of Tomania, enjoys continuous stability and fierce loyalty from her populace

The Holy Maiar

No one ever, ever, says anything bad about their empress. She is held in the highest regards of holiness and respect. The only being that is above the empress is Eru, their God. Only He is superior. Though, the Valar are more powerful, when the empress (Ishtar) passes into the Hereafter She will ascend into the ranks of the Valar.

Caste System

The Empress and her imediate family.

The royalty and highest caste position. The Eldalië rarely marry lower than Úmanyar. The Royalty of Tomania is considered to be divine, though only the emperors or empresses are believed to be gods. The are the children of Eru.

The aristocracy, though many Calaquendi have no money they cling to thier estates and titles to maintain their power. Almost a useless caste, they still provide much ceremony and tradition to the empire. Calaquendi, are usually assigned positions in Tomania's colonial empire.

The nobility, unlike the Calaquendi the Úmanyar do not have large estates, but do hold large amounts of money. The Úmanyar are noble and have seats in the Central Committee, the Úmanyar were huge supporters of Lord Hedikai and Marduuk during the revolution. And have been rewarded as such. Much to the bane of the Calaquendi, the Úmanyar have greater influence and power under the Marduuk regime.

The Intelligentsia, after graduating from graduated university one can ascend into the Vanyar. Many high ranking military and political figures come from this caste. Lord Hedikai began in the caste.

Merchants and partisans. This caste is the economical backbone of the empire.

Tradesmen and low ranking officials. This caste system if for those who did not pass the tests and go onto grad school. Though, useful this caste generally run factories and small institutions..

Those who did not go onto university. Factory workers, farmers, and soldiers. It is impossible to get out of this caste. However, they form the backbone of Tomania's military machine.

The untouchables, uneducated people and exiles. It is impossible to get out of this caste system and those in it are looked upon to be useless and pathetic.

Many people in Tomania dislike the caste system, especially all those below the Vanyar. However, like most things in Tomania it is very ceremonial and most likely will not change in the times to come.

Tomanian Naming Traditions

In Tomanian names there are generally six names given to the child:

  • anessë – given-name
  • amilessë- mother-name
  • epessë- honor-name
  • adessë - father-name
  • caressë- house name
  • nómessë- place-name

When a child in Tomania is born he or she will not be given a name until six months after birth, until that time the child is simply referred to as “son of –“ (-ion) or “daughter of-“ (-iel), also called the adessë or father-name. The family will gather during the Ceremony of the Naming, in which the child will be given his/her anessë or given name by the child’s father, during the ceremony the mother will also give the child his/.her amilessë or mother-name. However, the mother and his maternal grandparents, and in some family’s this also includes the maternal relatives, will call this child by his/her amilessë.

The Tomanian caste system will also identifiy the child in his/her epessë or honor-name, which simply is the caste (see caste system above).

The caressë, is the child’s house name, otherwise known as a surname.

The nómessë, is the province of the childs birth, also the epessë ads a title before the place-name.

An example of a “Name of Entity”

  • Maeglin Aratur i Úmanya Thingolion carte Eledhwen Herú Arthendien
    • Maeglin – the anessë
    • Aratur – the amilessë
    • i Úmanya – the epessë
    • Thingolion – the adessë
    • carte Eledhwn- the caressë, the "carte" meaning "house of"
    • Heru Arthendien – the nómessë, heru is apart of the epessë, showing his rank in the land.

Though, Tomanians have the Name of Entity generally a Tomanian will introduce him/herself as simply by their anessë and adessë i.e. Maeglin Thingolion

Tomanians and Health

Tomania is known for their superior health services and for, generally, being in excellent shape. Also, Tomanians are immue to all known dieses. Tomanian doctors are the best of the time, and Tomania has found a cure to almost every known dieses in the world, including, but not limited too; HIV/AIDS, STDs, hemophilia, cancer, and even the common flu. Tomanian scientists find new viruses every day to cure. Though, some say Tomania created viruses daily and find the antidote, so they might use these in chemical warfare.

Bath houses are also very popular. Generally, they are build in three buildings the center part for both sexes the left side is for women and the right for men. Orgies are very common to break out in bath houses.


  • A Typical Tomanian Bath House

Tomanians, especially those that are extremely sexually active, can suffer from Sexual Deprivation Syndrom (SDS), if a Toma has not had sexual contact with another Toma for some time, usely ranging from one month or more will begin to become very depressed, physically lax, and even might start vomiting and feeling nauseous. In which case, a Tomanian would hire a Companion to fulfil their desires. However, SDS rarely would happen within Tomania itself, most of the time, if not all SDS cases have happened abroad. Because Tomanians are taught never to have sexual relations with a non-Quendi, many Tomar on foreign soil might succumb to the syndrom. In that case, a Tomanian might take it upon himself to meet his needs even if that means having relations with a Dunadain, or he might immediately return to the Empire.

Tomanians and Sex

Sex in Tomania is seen as both sacred and recreational. When a Tomar reaches the age of 16, it is thought that they have both mentally and physically matured into the sexual age and parents hire Vanari priests or priestesses to give their child their first sexual experience.

To a Tomanian, they have no recollection on sexual orientation, in fact, in the Tomanian dialect of Quenya there is no word to mean “homosexual,” “heterosexual,” or “bisexual.” By nature, a Tomanian would be considered bisexual. When it comes to sex, Tomanians do not see a difference between the genders. However, before marriage a Tomanian would more than likely have physical relations with his/her own sex.

Also, Tomanians do not know what contraceptives are, being naturally immune to dieses, they need not to fear for STDs. And since a Tomanian needs permission from the state to procreate, they do not need to fear unwanted pregnancy either.

Even though the promiscuous Tomanian considers sex recreational, he also considers it sacred. Because only women can bear children their place in society is both highly loved and respected. When two Tomar marry they will discuss amongst each other whether or not they will be monogamous. Monogamy is not a common practice in Tomania, though, there are many couples who do practice it.

At birth women are injected with nostlarrim , a drug that becomes active during puberty. When the body naturally beings to menstruate for the first time, the dormant nostlarrim comers into effect to stop the ovulation. There are no side effects and this drug does no damage to the women’s body. When the female wishes to bear children she and her mate must petition the state in order to receive the antidote to be able to once again procreate.

Tomanians and Marriage

Unlike most cultures on Earth, marriage in Tomania is not seen that important. When two Tomanians love one another, to them, that is all that matters. But to some, they need marriage to show each other how much they do care.

Marriage ceremonies are short, very short. Probably the shortest ceremony in Tomanian culture. When two Tomanians (either male and female, male and male, or female and female) wish to marry all they do is go to a Vanari Temple and speak with either a priest or priestess and set up a date and time to marry.

The ceremony must include the priest/priestess, the couple, and six witnesses (three for each). The then enter the room together with their hands parallel to one another, not conected, and walk up to the Priest/ess and both light a candle that the preist/ess as lit then s/he will put thier hands together and they are married. However, the three days prior and the three days following the wedding are filled with lavish wedding feasts and parties.

To divorce they need the same number of poeple, walk into the temple with arms locked. The couple then will blow out thier candles and the preist/ess will separate thier hands and they are divorced