Josephel 2

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Josephel 2
Flag of Josephel 2
Motto: nos debello quibus amor
Region United Nations of Josephel
Capital St. Vincents Square
Official Language(s) Victorian and English
Leader Admiral Vincent B. Josephel V
Population 2.797 Billion
Currency Victory 
NS Sunset XML

Current Status of Josephel

UN Category: Father Knows Best State

UN Status: Ex-Member

Civil Rights: Some

Economy: Good

Political Freedoms: Rare

Location: United Nations of Josephel

Regional Influence: Hermit

The Holy Empire of Josephel 2 is a massive, safe nation, renowned for its punitive income tax rates. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 2.797 billion are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Religion & Spirituality. The average income tax rate is 100%. A robust private sector is led by the Woodchip Exports industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Uranium Mining.

Graffiti artists spend lengthy periods of time in jail, military spending recently hit a new high, teenage fathers are forced to join the army, and billions of Victorys are being blown on orbital weapons development. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Josephel 2's national animal is the White Josephel Hawk, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Victory.

Exchange Rate:3.243 = $1

Top 3 Government Expenses:

1.Defense - $5,730,148,857,163.50 - 40% of Budget

2.Law & Order - $5,443,641,414,305.33 - 38% of Budget

3.Administration - $1,289,283,492,861.79 - 9% of Budget

(last updated 11-9-06)

History of Josephel

Josephel has a long and great history of democracy, dictatorships, dynasties, and wars, all of which have led to the better of Josephel. The following information is ordered oldest to latest.

Early Settlement

  • 300BC- Seagoing peoples land on the southernmost and largest island of the 5 island system.
  • 300BC - 200AD - All the islands are explored and small developments arise.
  • sometime between 250 & 350AD - Mt. Salmen erupts, all inhabitants are killed. Islands become wasteland. Island is lost in history.


The age of the Victorian Queens.

Early Victoria

  • 1276AD - Princess Victoria of Calmouth is banished for aldultery, she sails off with a few hundred who still follow her. While at sea, the spot a plume of smoke on the horizon, and mistaken it for a burning ship, in an effort to save them, they head torwards it, the smoke is actually Mt. Salmen once again erupting. When Victoria and her company arrive, they find a lush island, with no other inhabitants but nature. Pleased Victoria declares it

"[T]he land of which is mine, and it is thee's, and the holy ones. Let god praise us and protect us as we live in peace and harmony upon this land for now, and forever!"

  • 1273AD - Queen Victoria dies of then unknown causes, now we know this might have been AIDS because she was a known beleive of sexual intercourse as "the holiest form of praying" and she did much praying with many people, Her daughter Bella, aged 21, is given control of the island. As a way to remember her mother, she renames herself Queen Victoria II. This would later become a standard.
  • 1270 - 1504AD - For over 250 years the Queens of the Islands of Victoria rule the island peacefully and the population jumps from about 300 to 4200. However the premature deaths of almost all the queens (most likely due to STD's) has morally hurt the islanders. During the year of 1504, a great tempest happens and a from civilization is wrecked upon the island.
  • 1506AD - After 2 years of repairs, the survivors of the wreck return home, telling about an island of health and solitude, when people here of its strategic location in the ocean, quests are sent to find it.
  • 1507AD - Norman Florence, a sea merchant, finds the islands and records its position.

Late Victoria

  • 1510 - 1603 - The island nation of Victoria grows tremendously, becoming a masive trading pub. In less than a hundred years the population booms from 5000 to 50,000. 3 large cities Victoria (the capital), Florence, and deAmor. Have sprung up across the island. The Victorian Queens have been slowly losing control of the island.
    • 1598 - Joseph Vincente' is born in Hornburg, Calmouth.
  • 1620 - Joseph Vincente' establishes the "Ferrouh Christians" and declares himself St. Vincent Josephel
  • 1623 - St. Vincent and some 200 hundred followers migrate to Victoria to escape prosecution. For the next two years the "Ferrouh's" grow from a few hundred to 12,000, becoming the second largest religion on the islands next to the free love relgion of the Queens, Victorian Freedom, which had 24,500 members.
  • 1625 - Queen Victoria LVI dies. She is the last Victorian Queen. After her death, the youngest generations of Victoria followers begin to lose faith and switch to Ferrouhism. When the older Victorians try to establish Victoria LVII as Queen. Protest sweeps the islands. Instead, the now 20,000+ Ferrouhs revolt and a short 2 month civil war ensues. The Ferrouh's win and establish the democratic nation of "Josephel"

(Old) Josephel

  • 1626 - After the establishment of the new democratic government, the first presidential elections are held and St. Vincent wins by 98%.
  • 1626 - 1687 - St. Vincent Josephel will be elected into office 30 times till his death at age 89. After this his advisor for 30 years. Zachary Billard ,age 21, gains office in 1688.
  • 1692 - Josephel population reaches 1 million.
  • 1700 - After 11 terms as President of Josephel Zachary Billard loses to Jonathin T. Flanderson ,age 23.
  • 1703 - Neo-victorians storm President Flandersons mansion in St.Vincents Square in the city of Victoria. They set fires around the mansion and end up buring down 3/4 of the City of Victoria, including their own headquarters.
  • 1705 - The neo-victorians are tried and hung for treason. The remainder of Victoria (ironically around St. Vincents Square) is named St. Vincents Square, thus expanding the 1 square mile block to 21 square miles.
  • 1746 - Josephel Population reaches 5 million. Same year President Flanderson dies of natural causes mid election, if he had won it would have been his 24th term. He was 70 years of age. The new president becomes Donald G. Florence. A relative of Norman Florence who started the boom of population 300 years before.
  • April 17th, 1785 - Mt. Salmen suddenly explodes and almost all 7 million inhabitants of the island are killed in 3 days. For nearly a century the volcano will continue to erupt until it finally coughs to a stop in 1878.

Josephel 2 (Neo-Josephel)

  • 1882 - Admiral Vincent B. Josephel Sr. of the Calmouth Navy, a relative of Joseph Vincente', lands on the island to find a save haven for his fleet. In October of that year, Admiral Vincent B. Josephel Sr. is charged with treason, adultery, and the murder of over 500 of his sea men. He pursuades his navy to stay with him. His family, along with the families of the naval personel, sneak onto ships and sail over from the mainland. A settlement is made on the island atop the remnants of the City of Victoria. Admiral Josephel declares himself all-powered and complete leader of the islands and its peoples.
  • 1899 - The Calmouth fleets face off with the fleet of Admiral Josephel in Victoria Bay. Despite being outnumbered, Josephel's skills and strategies win him the battle.
  • 1901 - Josephel officially declares independence from Calmouth.
  • 1902 - Admiral Vincent b. Josephel Sr. dies of a stomach sist. Power is passed on to his deceased son's, son, Vincent B. Josephel III. Who is promoted to admiral, the level which basically represents emperor.
  • 1906 - A vast underground oil stash is found. The already blooming trade bursts.
  • 1912 - Josephel Population reaches 1 million.
  • 1920 - Josephel Population reaches 5 million.
  • 1924 - Calmouth, suffering from many militan defeats desperatly tries to invade Josephel for its oil. However the smaller yet superior Josephel navy defends the islands.
  • 1927 - Josephel Population reaches 10 million.
  • 1945 - Admiral Vincent B. Josephel III dies of pneumonia. Power is given to his son Vincent B. Josephel IV. Same year josephel creates its first nuclear weapon.
  • 1956 - Josephel Population reaches 50 million.
  • 1965 - Josephel launches its first man into space.
  • 1968 - Josephel Population reaches 100 million.
  • 1969 - Josephel is 3rd nation to land a man on the moon.
  • 1974 - St. Vincents Square is recreated in deAmor
  • 1980 - Jospehel Population reaches 500 million. Calmouth War begins when the now tiny nation of Calmouth gains allies and begins to make one last push to survive.
  • 1986 - 2nd branch of military formed, The Josephel Nat'l Air Defense Force.
  • 1987 - Admiral Vincent B. Josephel IV dies of old age. Vincent B. Josephel V comes to power.
  • 1994 - Josephel Population reaches 1 billion. Calmouth War ends when a naval and air attack of Calmouth City (capital of calmouth) decimates almost everything.
  • 1997 - Josephel is first nation to create a space station with weapons systems.
  • 1999 - Josephel Population reaches 2 billion.
  • 2006 - Josephel establishes alliance United Nations of Josephel.

Extra Information

The 2 relgions of Furrouh and Victorian are still large relgions on the islands, however the largest relgion is Catholicism. Josephel is the fastest growing nation on earth jumping 1 billion people in less than a decade. The language of the original Victorians is still used widely and is actually a national language. Calmouth is now simply a small town and is in the nation of Lorven. Josephel has the strongest navy on earth, and has the strongest air force in the region. However Josephel has no army or marines. The largest cities in Josephel are deAmor, Victoria City, Elmsburg, and Nord Pointe'.