Commonwealth Defense Force

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The Commonwealth Defense Force is a coherent, high readiness, multinational military force of roughly 125,600 troops. It serves as a stand alone military force which can be deployed by the Commonwealth of Peoples for collective defense, crisis management or as an initial entry force to pave the way for the coordinated military forces of the various Commonwealth members. The CDG consists of land, air and sea components. Forces contributed by various members train together and then serve together for six month periods.

The purpose of the CDF is to provide the Commonwealth with a credible and high readiness military force to defend the Commonwealth from external threats, protect the Commonwealth's legitimate interests abroad and uphold the Commonwealth's alliances and treaties with friendly nations.

The CDF is capable of acting self-sufficiently for up to 30 days and is capable of deploying in full force anywhere on Earth within five days. The Commonwealth can either act as a Stand-alone force or as an Initial Entry Force facilitating the arrival of armed forces from various Commonwealth members. The CDF is capable of conducting:

  • Evacuation operations
  • Counter Terrorism Operations
  • Embargo Operations
  • Quick Response Operations
  • Peacekeeping Operations
  • Conventional Military Combat Operations

To fulfill these tasks, the CDF consists of flexibly organized land, sea and air elements. The efforts of the CDF are organized by the Commonwealth Defense Council under the leadership of the Supreme Commander.

Forces serving in the CDF are drawn from all Commonwealth members. The contribution of each member is assessed on the basis of ability to contribute, based largely, but not entirely, on the member's current military and economic strength. There is no ceiling on military force assessments. However, the budget of the CDF comes from the Commonwealth's overall budget and is thus effected by the ceilings used in Commonwealth assessments of financial contributions.