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The Kingdom of
Flag of Krataerbech
National motto: All Hail King and Country!
National anthem: A Midsummer Night
Region The North Atlantic
Capital Gesetz
Largest City Kholetor
Population 400 Million
Suffrage 16
Official Language(s) English, German
Fredrick the I of Wacholderbusch
Soverignty Free Nation
ISO Nation Code KRTR
Currency Dollar
Time Zone
 • Summer (DST)
Internet TLD .krt
Calling Code +19
National Symbols
 • Sport
 • Animal
 • Fruit
 • Flower

Crescent Bear
Cherry Blossem
UN Status Rouge Nation
Info: NationStates NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Kingdom of Krataerbech, also known as Krataerbech, is a country located in the Stürmisch Ocean. Krataerbech is a constitutional monarchy, with its capital in Gesetz. It is around 2.8 million miles large, and is home to approximetly 400 million people.


Krataerbech was formed when a large meteor struck its mainland. This meteor created a large crater, which then filled with water. Other meteors struck and created tsunamis in the region, which washed away the craters rims.


Krataerbech's landscape mostly consists of coastal plains surrounding high mountain ranges. In the center of the water filled crater is a large volcanic island.


The climate in Krataerbech is not varied much, with a temperate climate similar to New England/The Great Lakes area being the norm. Winter is typically cold and wet, with snowfalls reaching a high of two feet in most areas. Springtime is marked with warmer tempertures and around the same amount of percipitation. Summer becomes hot and humid with frequent thunderstorms, sometimes occuring more than twice a week. Summer ends hotter and less humid, and this trend continues into early fall. Fall gets gradually colder, and tempertures regularly drop below 40°F by late November.



100,000 B.C.

Around this time, a large meteor struck the middle of the landmass that existed between Brandboden and the rest of Krataerbech. The impact was so strong that it decimated the landmass, and created a giagantic crater. The crater eventually filled with water, and became the bay as it is today. Somewhat later, smaller meteors struck around Krataerbech, including where the water had filled in . They created large tsunami's, and washed away the rims typical on craters its size.

90,000 B.C.

The Volcano, Stern Berg begins to form at the point of impact from the meteor. The meteor is beleived to have opened an existing lava vent, or possibly even cracking or weakening the crust at that point.

20,000 B.C.

By this time period, humans are thought to have migrated to Krataerbech in boats from parts unknown. The earliest found settlements and remains were found in Brandboden. Also, the volcano Stern Berg began to rise above sea level around this era.

Before Civilization

4,000 B.C.

This is the time that the people of Krataerbech reached the Neolithic era. They began farming and raising domesticated sheep and goats. Also, the people of Krataerbech migrated to the mainland area for the first time. Stern Berg stopped growing and became extinct.

2,000 B.C.

The Bronze age began in Krataerbech at this time. Groups of people in Brandboden began to build highly advanced ships, and the people in the area that would become Eissee began to make the first beer.

Civilized Krataerbech

700 B.C.

The Iron Age was in full swing by 700 B.C. The people of Brandboden began to build very advanced fortified structures for the time period, as warring peoples of the island fought over grazing land for the domesticated aurbochs and sheep. On the mainland, the communities of the area began to write, and highly structured strongholds were common.

200 B.C.

Highly advanced civilizations had begon to form at this time. The warring tribes of Brandboden had evolved into large city-states, each controlling a vast amount of land and a formidible army. The strongholds of the mainland had begun to absorb each other, until only Frosttraume, Hopfenland, Zederstrecke, and Schneezucker remained. Wars between them were uncommon unlike in Brandboden, and trade flourished. By 100 B.C., Brandboden too had became one civilization, although not until after a bloody set of wars.

Midieval Krataerbech

312 A.D.

During the spring of this year, a group of Germanic merchants of Cologne had blown off course and made landfall on the coast of Hopfenland. In exchange for food and shelter, they had brought the culture, language, and Christianity to Krataerbech. There coming was a profound point in history for the area.

600 A.D.

Hopfenland begins regular trading and correspondence with not only Cologne, but also the Kingdom of England, and the Kingdoms of Denmark and Norway.

712 A.D.

Rising tensions between Hopfenland and Frosttraume caused by state sanctioned raiding parties culmenates into an all out war between the two kingdoms. The war eventually ends with Frosttraume gaining the port of Wacholderbusch and access to the Nachtflub.

834 A.D.

Frosttraume begins building the Bierkanal to connect the Nachtflub and Wacholderbusch as a way to transport the cities production of gin to the rest of Krataerbech.

1000 A.D.

The city of Schlobstadt celebrates Jesus Christ's 1000th birthday with a massive Christmas Day celebration, including the unvieling of the massive Schobstadt Cathedral. The building, made entirely of marble, still stands today.


Merchants from Europe had brought The Black Death during this year. Although there was an utter lack of rats and other rodents on the island, The Black Death still spread. The outbreak in Krataerbech, as well as Iceland, has lead historians to believe at least one of the outbreaks was not caused by the bubonic plauge or spread by rats. Many powerful and influential families moved to the then uninhabited island of Stern Berg to avoid the disease.


The rapidly expanding Kingdom of Gebirgsgesetz on the island of Stern Berg began warring on neighboring kingdoms at this time. With the other kingdoms still weak from The Black Death, Gebirgsgesetz decimated the others military. By the begining of the 15th century, Gebirgsgesetz fully controlled Krataerbech.

The Renessience


The first king of Krataerbech, Leopold II of Gesetz, rebuked the absolute monarchy of his rule, in favor of the first representative democracy since Ancient Rome.


Brandboden rebels against Gebirgsgesetz rule, and begins a bloody civil war, which would end with a Brandboden king in the throne of Gesetz.


King Johann IV of Wandaufsatz, pressured by the nobles of the other proviences, creates the King and Council system of goverment, which would allow practically any landowner in the Kingdom to become a Counciler.


Krataerbech founds its first national schooling system, which all children ages six to fifteen were required to attend, with a national ciricculum. The original system required students to attend school for ten hours a day, six days a week, save the planting and harvesting seasons.


The Kingdom successfully defeats the nearby nation of Weisslacker in a long bloody war.


Attempts by the lowerclass to overthrow the Monarchy system of goverment is put down peacefully. Responding to the reason behind the attempted coup, the Kingdom began to introduce ways to equalize and cast out the class system, in which over 80% of the people were peasents.


Prior to 1979, Krataerbech was officially Christian, with citizens being able to choose exactly what sect. The last census taken in Krataerbech revieled that 74% of the population was nondenominatal Christian; the runner up being atheist with 12% having no religion.


Education in Krataerbech is modeled on the United States' education system, with a few major changes. All childern ages 5 to 18 are required to go through 13 grades of schooling at a public school from September until May, and complete at least 5 hours of education each day, with 2 hours being dedicated to physical education. In addition, all students are required to partake in at least one interschoolastic sport. Because of this, Krataerians are generally thought to be some of the healthiest people in the world.


There are 5 major and a myriad of minor proffesional sports in Krataerbech. The most popular is Football, with the other major sports being four square, dodgeball, hockey, and paintball. Professional sports are watched by approximatly 30 million viewers every day, and is one of the nations most lucritive buisiness's.