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Flag of Recolitus
Motto: "The Lord is My Shepherd"
No Map Available
Region Catholic
Capital Romanium
Official Language(s) Latin (Official), English
Leader Archbishop Francis Xavier
Population 5,000,000
Currency The Holy Lira 
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The Government of Recolitus consists of two bodies. The first body, the Holy Order, is appointed by the Pope. The second, The House of Advisers is elected by the general populace and serves as an advisory committee to the Holy Order.

Holy Order

The Holy Order consists of the Archbishop and the Bishop:

  • Archbishop: Ordained leader of Recolitus, makes Spiritual and Economic decisions.
  • Bishop: Ordained by the Pope to make Legal and Legislative decisions, and any decisions that are not covered under the Archbishop's duties. All decisions are sent to the Archbishop for approval.

The House of Advisers

The House of Advisers consists of many elected officials from the highest official, Delegates, to the lowest, Councilors:

  • Delegate: Chief Advisor to the Archbishop and Bishop, obtains his information from Ambassadors
  • Ambassador: Distributes workload to lower elected officials and organizes the information to be sent to the Delegate
  • Judge: Advices the Ambassador in legal issues
  • Mayor: Advices the Ambassador in civil issues
  • Secretary: Advices the Ambassador in military and foreign issues
  • Councilor: Lowest adviser, in charge of taking weekly polls on critical issues within the country.


Recolitus is theocratic to the Catholic faith. Other religions are allowed and persecution is strictly prohibited unless otherwise stated by the Pope. The only "religion" that is strictly prohibited is Satanism. Although Recolitus is overwhelmingly Catholic, a small percentage orient themselves with other religions such as Baptist, Mormon, and Islam.


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The Holy Cathedral in Romanium

The people of Recolitus are conservative and devout in their faith. Hundreds of years of theocratic rule has made the foundation of faith strong in the hearts of the populace.

The country is also rich in culture. Festivals, and parades celebrating an array of holidays occur commonly and are usually attended by the Archbishop and Bishop.

Most architecture within Recolitus is of Gothic origin. The Gothic style comes from 15th Century architect Hieronymous Lex, who traveled to Germany and was astounded by the Gothic buildings.

The right to vote has long been a strong foundation of the Recolites. They are well-known for showing up at the polls on election day.

Overall the Recolites are very happy people, who hold dear to their hearts; their faith, their families, and their country.


The flag of Recolitus consists of the Pope's coat of arms and a single yellow star.

  • The Single Yellow Star: Represents our nation under God
  • The Pope's Coat of Arms: Represents our faith to the Holy Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI


Early Recolitum (300AD - 900AD)

Recolitus was founded in 300 A.D. when Pope Saint Marcellinus ordered that a nation be created in the image of the Church. Soon there after, he appointed Kius Deroni to complete this task. He appointed his heirs as the leaders of Recolitus under a Holy Empire.

Middle Recolitum (900AD - 1517AD)

Middle Recolitum is considered to have been a dark time for the Holy Empire. During this time the Crusades for the Holy Land took many young men from Recolius and its people. After the Crusades a time of peace for almost 100 years was unbroken until an uprising by Pagans threatened to end the Empire. The rebellion was crushed and the Empire continued until the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century.

High Recolitum (1517AD - 1817AD)

High Recolitum was a time of change and cultural identity for the country. After the Protestant Reformation, the Pope declared that an Archbishop and Bishop would be the leading figures of the Empire. During the 17th Century, a surprising increase in Satanism occurred that resulted in the excommunication and hanging of almost 200,000 Satanist men and women.

New Age Recolitum (1817 - Present)

During the New Age Recolitum, a series of civil changes occured. In 1817, Archbishop Abraham Adonis declared the Holy Empire of Recolitus as the newly reformed Holy Republic of Recolitus. Controversy surrounds why the Archbishop made this decision, but it is believed to be a direct result from Neoclassicism becoming more common. Shortly thereafter in 1856 the House of Advisers was created to give the populace a more direct voice to the Archbishop and Bishop.


Literacy is a crucial principle to Recolitus. All books except for those that are defamatory to the Church are allowed and encouraged to be read. The most popular book in Recolitus is the Holy Bible, which is believed to be owned by 99% of the population. Recolitus is also renowned for its famous authors; Father Jacob Titus, Xion Liu and Bishop Michael Vietus just to name a few.