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Flag URL
Flag of Cienti
Motto: Forever Marching Toward the Heavens
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region The Galactic Corporate
Capital Celestis
Official Language(s) English
Leader Lord Hephaestian vos Cienti
Population 1.8 billion
Currency Cienti standard credit 
NS Sunset XML

The Sovreign Island Nation of Cienti is a nation with a long history, residing in the southern Pacific Ocean. Though its earthly sphere of influence extends little more than a few miles beond its shores, it is well known throughout sector 299:792:458 as a creator of quality interstellar transport systems. The governmental system, dealt with below, is a unique brand of Democratic Republic and constitutional oligarchy. Cienti is a totally withdrawn in world politics, keeping an isolationist stance against the nations of the Earth, who are not yet aware of the existence of Cienti.


Early History

Founded in 8390BCE (CY00000) by Atlantian refugees, The Sovreign Island Nation of Cienti has one of the longest recorded histories in this star custer. Upon the founding of the city of Celestis, the island underwent a transformation with Atlantian technology, namely being the employment of a weather control system, as well as the spatial distortion shield that allows Cienti to be hidden from curious eyes.

Current Events

Cienti is currently working on a SHQII transport system for the Galateans of Aldeberon Prime.




Most Cientians follow a form of natural philosophy...


In the beginning there was nothing. The Universe had perfect symmetry on all counts and zero entropy, but this was not to remain. The Godmachine filled the Universe with all its energy. Space itself began to undulate; small at first, but became larger, and larger still until the symmetries began to crack. Then, Boom!, the first symmetry broke, and there was...



The national industry in the Sovreign Island Nation of Cienti is interstellar transportation.