Soviet Britian

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Soviet Britian
Flag URL soviet_britian.jpg
Flag of Soviet Britian
Motto: Worker's of the world Unite, fight your plight, Bolshevism or bust!
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region International Communist union
Capital Worker's Westminster
Official Language(s) English
Leader President E.L.Galbraith
Population ever expanding
Currency The Sickle 
NS Sunset XML

Foundation and the 'Four Fundementals'

Soviet Britian was established on 7th november 2006, on the 89th aniversary of the 'Great Socialist October Revolution' of 1917. it was founded by a band of Socialists and Communists fleeing persecution from their capitalist nieghbours. they founded Soviet Britian on a rich and fertile waste land, ignored for generations by nieghbouring states. with the founding of the Captial city, worker's westminster, now a bustling industrial complex, the founding father's established the 'Four fundemetals', the basic principles and aims of the Soviet state; 'Co-operation, Peaceful co-existence, Social responsibility and Revolutionary Social democracy'. these common ideals form the basis of Soviet Britian's world outlook and philosiphy.

The sprawling becuacracy prides itself on creating a Libertian, democratic and anti- captialist state, while hiding the more radical marxist and trotskyite tendencies of their government.

the Government

The Parliament of Soviet Britian is sited in Worker's westminster, where the President also holds residence in the 'Red house'. the government is a multi-party democracy, which allows for public debate and scrutiniseing policy to remove defects- however, the government would much rather be in full control of affiars. Religion is tolerated, as it has so far instilled ethics within the population of Soviet Britian. the Government however, intends to replace it with a 'Cult of Progess and hope', gloryifying the achievements of Government, and the population as a whole and inpsireing them to futhur develop along the Socialist path.

The current President, Edward Laurence Galbriath, commonly known as 'eddie' or 'ELG', is the head of the Largest party- the Socialist Party. he is now serving his second term in office, recently re-elected on a programme of increasing pensions and cutting ministerial salaries.

the leader of the Opposition, David Bronstien, heads to Communist party which made gains in the recent election campigning on Worker's control of Industry and the futhering of Soviet democracy. although the socialist party and the government is not unsympethitic to these polcies- they prefer to introduce it gradually to aviod political and economic disruption.

the Small Conservaitve and Liberal parties enjoy Limited support from the bussiness community, but have always been in obscure and unpopular.

The Second Term Of President Galbriath

President Galbriath Began his term, with a recent campign on restoring order to the armed Forces, who by the election of officers and recurring Strikes- have become more of a pacifist rifle accossiation, rather than a dicisplined fighting force. he also launched a campign to increase understanding of Marxist phillosophy, with the publication of the Collected works of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky. this has helped the Book publishing industry, which has always suffered from Stirkes from it's foundation.