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Flag of Farmina
Motto: Glory Under God
Region Farminan Empire
Capital Verica
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Tobias Grey
Population 5,000,000 (approx at last census)
Currency Haren 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic Republic of Farmina is an ambiguous and enigmatic member of the world stage. A middle power, the Democratic Republic is seen to unusually combine the elements of militancy, capitalism, religious beliefs verging on fanaticism and a democratic culture. Debate rages as to the effects of a people holding so many seemingly contradictory ideals, and whether doing so could cause mental health problems for the Farminan people.

The Democratic Republic of Farmina is not a feared superpower able to dominate events, nor is it a minor power that must rely on stronger allies for its continued existence. Farminan political analysts often describe the Democratic Republic as a “great power” or a “second rate power” reflecting Farmina’s position as neither dominate or dominated.

Modern Farminan governments have pointed to the powerhouse economy as the main sign of national strength, moving away from the historical tradition of citing military prowess. The Democratic Republic of Farmina enjoys among the highest GDP per capita in the world; though debates about the equity of the division of wealth continue.

Farmina was united over forty-five years ago in the Second Arandior War bringing southern Arandior into the Holy Republic of Farmina and creating Farmina’s modern border. Out of the united Holy Republic, Justinian the White, declared himself Lord of Farmina and Light of Heaven, making himself Emperor over Farmina in the name of God. When Justinian’s empire crashed down around him several years later, the creator of his demise, Tobias Grey began to pick up the pieces.

Tobias Grey became President of the Republic, but his rule soon strained. New political organisations and elements loyal to Justinian soon began a power play that destablised Farmina; significantly worsened by the death of Grey’s wife. The Democratic Republic of Farmina verged on collapse. Although instability and tension remains, war against the Snyder Directorate has rallied Farmina behind Tobias Grey.