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Vandenburg is the capital and the largest city in The People's Republic of Hecktoria. It is the fastest growing country in the nation.


For much of it's history Vandenburg was a town defined by the science and research labortories. Vandenburg National Labortories was first made famous for it’s renowned usage of the Cantonbus plant. Cantonbus is a plant found in the Canton Region. Within the first few years of beginning research, Cantonbus was successful in treating the effects caused by Fed Res Plague and the Giroux Flu. Founded by settlers from South Nashville Station.


Widely regarded as the research and devolvement center of the country, it is known for its rich tradition in music and arts along with the science and mathematics. It is known as the birthplace of RASJAZZ Festival. A science fueled festival lead with Jazz inspiration from the South Nashville Station music scene. The RASJAZZ (research and science jazz festival) is a four day long music festival that began in the town of Pleasant is now a National Holiday.