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The Rougue Nation of DarkThorns is the most large zone in the Mount Skull Enclave region, at least for what is related to the surface. It is hard to describe that strange nation since the nuclear test and some not confirmed nuclear conflict have made this piece of earth a nightmarish post nuclear landscape. This is why the economy and the population of DarkThorns are practically impossible to estimate. On the following lines we will try to describe at least the big traits of this nation...

Flag of DarkThorns
Motto: "Your Gun Is Your Best Friend!"
Click to see DarkThorns map
Region Mount Skull Enclave
Capital It's believed that is Vault Zero
Official Language(s) English Slang, Italian Slang
Leader Supposed to be Winthorp Darkrites
Population Who survived the nukes
Currency Ring Pull (from old cans) 
NS Sunset XML

Short History of DarkThorns

It's hard to trace the storyline of DarkThorns since the only information we can retrieve are given by Ring Pull thirsty citizens who even tried to sell their mother along with the informations to charge us some extra money. We can only guess what is myth, what is fake and what is history, so we will try to cut all the stories about the nation blowing up because Eddie The Drunk farted while there was the fire on, or that Micky the 12 year old boy slay fifty soldiers with his HellSword +5, and tell you our most likely history reconstruction

The Iron First Pre Nuclear Times

Many years ago DarkThorns was... not Darkthorns. Around the Mount Skull Enclave there was a "normal" federation of states that was ruled over by an authoritarian but average government. The technology was quite advanced and the main Shill (supposed to be the currency at that time) income was the factory work. Those states was nothing exceptional to talk about, they were likely close to the United State way of life, there was crime, but not to be a serious problem, there was rich and poor people, political faction confront every day in the various town halls. The only negative point of the Confederation (the name of the union of the states) was was and resources. The terrain was not too generous so they often have got to import basic needing, until they decided to invade some other weaker states to gather some colonies where to manufacture and drill at low cost

The Beginning of The End

Some years ago, estimated around 1996, the government approved the massive test of nuclear weapon and nuclear stations (more powerful but dangerous too). The Confederation started to do some nuclear test on the desert near the region and in the far away little isles of the ocean. Other nation started to feel threatened by those invasion of lesser nations and nuclear experiments so they decided to ask to the Confederation to stop their action immediately but of course they refused to do that so they could keep on by being a new superpower (and of course the "threaten" nation got the interest of stop the economic boom of the Confederation too). Things started to get alarming bad when a coalition of other nations gave the ultimatum to the Confederation to stop nuclear test and invasion, if not... it would have been war And it was...

Year 1999: The Atomic War and Disaster

In the 1999 the big tension between the Confederation and the coalition of states exploded in a big war. At first the war was quite balanced since the Confederation occupied some small states around the region while the opposing force finds difficulties in advancing in their hostile territory. On the opposing side, the Confederation had to use too many man and resource in the defense and in the keep of the occupied nations, so they couldn't strike back on the enemy. The turning point, or better the bad move, happened in 2001, after to year of pull and push on the front. The Confederation decided to use non conventional weapon to wipe out their enemies so they triggered their advance nukes, but it didn't worked as they thought. Some nukes reached the target causing heavy losses on the enemies but some nukes were hacked and redirected from some spies of the opposing force, they was waiting for that moment knowing that the Confederation would have used those weapons. Those nukes stroke down directly on the nuclear station creating the most big nuclear fallout of all times. There was no winner, the Confederation was nothing but ashes and the opposing force got to live with an inhuman

No men land

About the after war, around year 2002, there are almost no information for obvious reasons. The most common thought is that people started to live as they can afford. There was some group of people who started to gather in some areas to live as best as they can, someone survived and it's common belief that those group were the scrap for the today junk towns. Here there is a belief that is not clear if it's myth or truth: The people who gathered on Mount Skull found some better life conditions and they were the first citizens of the nowadays Ermiria. More likely Ermiria is a nation that grown from the habitants of one of the biggest anti-atomic vault of the whole region, someone even say it was Vault Zero, but we have no information about the inner structure of Ermiria so we can't tell if it's really a vault or not the central structure of the underground town (And we don't dare to try to take this information from that psychotic government!). To add some more doubts the Order of the Enlightened (Of which we will talk later) claim that their center is built on Vault Zero.

The Light comes from underground

A turning point, after some years (meanwhile the first small junk town formed), was when a group of technological people came from nowhere claiming to be the Order of the Enlightened. They made connection with all the junk towns, they formed alliance with them to defend them from outside-town raids from bandits (but no concern about the town internal order, it's their own problem) in exchange of money or food, they forced the non collaborative towns to do so and if after the pressing request the towns didn't agree with them, they took away the resistance with their advanced weapons (to tell the truth are normal weapons, not advanced ones, but the citizen of the junk towns got nothing more than rocks or spear to fight) and place an "Enlightened" major in the town. This order is the only powerful one in all the region of DarkThorns and it's the only government like group, even if it's a sort of strange attitude that we will explain better when we will talk about the politics

DarkThorns Data

Here we will try to analyze the data we have on DarkThorns and make a national sheet with this elements. We apologize already for the mistakes or the vague reports but as we said it's too hard, if not impossible, to track real and precise data on this nation

DarkThorns Geography

-> Click here to gather a view of DarkThorns political borderlines <-

-> Click here to gather a view of DarkThorns major cities <-

-> Click here to gather a view of DarkThorns major cities combined with political border <-

As we said, Darkthorns is based on a nuclear disaster landscape, there are not many "big cities" (even the big cities can be considered small from other nations), but we tried to list some there (Please, refer to the cities map of Darkthorn)

Vault Zero

As we said before, there are controversies on which city really is founded on Vault Zero. Someone says it's the core of Ermiria but the Order of the enlightened claim that Vault Zero is their operating base. The location of this place is some miles west of Mount Skull and it is a bunker blocks town with perimeter walls with automated turret. Surely it's the most technological place in all DarkThorns and the army is being trained there. This is the most rich town in the city but it's forbidden to all the non-enlightened, except if you want to work in a labor camp. This can be considered the capital of Darkthorn, even if trying to find a capital in such a nation is quite naive.


Radaton can be considered the second biggest city in DarkThorns, this big junk town is built around an ex-nuclear station but the incredible thing is that a reactor of this power station seem to work still. The citizens here decided to trade some heavy radiation intake in exchange of electricity. Needless to say this town his full of Humanus Degeneratus kind of people (Of wich we will explain later). Radaton is the most productive town in DarkThorns, without counting the military industry of Vault Zero


Ashwater is founded on what, years and years before, has been a river. Someone still believes that there it can be found water in the underground but there are no official confirm on the truth of this say. Though, facts place AshWater as the most big agricultural sector town in DarkThorns even if plants are almost all low water needing one. Another mystery is where they gathered those seeds to make plants grown but is not something that will be revealed since the citizen of AshWater doesn't want to reveal it and the Order of the enlightened is protecting them in exchange of food


RockFort more than a city is a damn huge casino, all the city is built around gambling and, even if we not tried, we think you could ask someone to sleep with their wife in a poker bet. RockFort is built upon mountains so it's hard to reach and to leave the town, that makes the work easier to the casino thugs that may want to stop a theft or a double gamer. Surely this eccentric trait of the town makes it the point when the 50% of the Ring Pull of the region goes

Pitch Enclave & Metal Cliff

Those two town are at the opposite side of the region but they seem to be really likely. Both this cities are building on the motto "We seem them coming from above, we defend ourselves better!" since they both are built on mountains cliff. There are though some differences of course. Pitch Enclave is more like an old tribal town where people marry just in the village and they are often unwelcoming to the strangers. They live with their own products and are so close to the others, from there the name "Pitch Enclave" which is not the real name of the town that is still unknown. The Order of the Enlightened got some serious problem to "deal" with those tribal but with some strategies, that they didn't revealed, they bent them down and now it seem that those tribal send times to time young girls and men to the Order without getting anything back. Metal Cliff is a barricaded town that can produce something on his own but not as much as they need. This is one of the reason that together with the barricade they developed some high strategy and efficient caravans, often going toward Radaton. That was an easy point in the Order-Metal Cliff collaboration, the exchange of needing.

Minor Towns

DarkThorn is FULL of small towns, camps or group of people, so it's useless to list them, but we marked with red dots the "medium towns", those towns that are not as big as it takes to be something important in DarkThorns but they are not a bunch of lost people too. Those towns rarely have impact on economy or got deals with the Order, they are even raided by bandits or they are even bandits outposts

Political Borderlines

If there was school, it would be easy to study the borderlines of DarkThorns, they are too simple. DarkThorns is near just two nations in this region and they are Ermiria and Boomies. Ermiria is the most easy to track, at least on surface, all the Mount Skull is Ermiria territory and it's almost at the center of DarkThorns. The small "green space of heaven" (as people refer to it) in the south-west is Boomies territory. It seem to be a peaceful piece of earth with still grass and green vegetation, how this is possible is unknown. Someone claim it is an advanced technology from a Vault, someone says they got shamans (since there are lot of people who seem not right in the head) but the truth is... a mystery. We tried to ask them but they seem to bee too high on some mysterious drugs to reply back

DarkThorns races, cultures, flora and fauna

Here we will list some of the informations we have gathered about what you can find if you will go to DarkThorns (You are mad!). What people looks like, what plants grow (?) there and what animals you can find


What races can be found in DarkThorns? Let us reply to this not so easy question

Homo Sapiens

Me, you, almost all the people you have met so far, in DarkThorns of course there are those kind of people, maybe you will ask why we put that so obvious category but keep scrolling down and you will find out it's not so obvious. The usual race among normal human is american and european race, since the Confederation was an american nation with european colonies. There is a small minority of asian and african but it's common belief they were already in the Confederation before the war since no fool would ever step in DarkThorns by his own will

Homo Superior

The Order refer to those kind of humans with "Homo Superior" but to us it would be more correct to call them "Homo Brutus". We spotted something of all the 4 races between those people but it's hard to tell since the Homo Superior are all big around 2 meters, got bulky muscles, almost not growing hairs and some alteration like leather skin, green skin or deformation in some non "performance lowering" parts. The Homo Superior is a laboratory creation of the Order and they are only in the Order army

Homo Degeneratus

This is not really a race or a species even if almost everyone in DarkThorns uses this term, or better they use the term "those weirdo over there" but that's not scientific. In the Homo Degeneratus category there are ALL the prople who suffered massive radiation exposure and got some kind of bad and life changing mutation, even if not always life threating, like having three arms, almost liquefied skin and so on.

DarkThorns fauna

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