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Flag of Marsos
Motto: Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men
[Map URL], or No Map Available
Region Elite Conservative Circuit
Capital Novos Romos
Official Language(s) Marsoian, Russian
Leader John Philemon
Population over 250 million
Currency maso 
NS Sunset XML

Brief Overview of Marsos

Marsos is a devout, beautiful nation located in the Elite Conservative Circuit. It is fairly quiet during peacetime, as most citizens spend their time at home, at work, or in church (Marsos is primarily Lutheran). The only loud places are the many diversely styled pubs, which reflect everything from Roman culture (legend has it that Marsoians are direct descendants of Praetorian guardsmen) to fictional alien cultures. Do not be fooled by their seemingly rustic culture, however. Marsoians keep in tradition with their Roman ancestry, and while they are peace-loving, they are also elite in the skills of war.

Marsoian Culture

The Marsoians are a very virtuous people, and the virtue that is most important to them is dutiful service. For this reason, military service is compulsory, and it is also the reason why Marsos rushes eagerly to defend regions in need. Parents are given the full responsibility to teach their children virtues, as there is no public school system (though home-schooling is compulsory) and they do so with great perseverance. Marsoians do like to enjoy life, however. On almost every church holiday (especially Reformation Day), and on Marsoian Independence Day (November 4) potlucking is a universal custom, where it snows food (like the traditional Rum-coffee cake and Swedish Meatballs, not to mention Beef Stroganoff) and rains coffee and alcohol (the latter in moderation, as public drunkeness is considered a severe breach of etiquette). Baseball is also a much followed sport, with individual stadiums having an average of 50,000 attendees at one game. Overall, the Marsoians are devout, yet fun-loving and tight-knit, responsible, but compassionate, advanced, yet still possessing rustic ways.

Marsoian Economic Activity

Marsos's economy is based on the concept of free enterprise regulated with the protection of the consumer. The Marsoian government prefers to stay out of economic affairs unless businesses resort to exploitation to gain a profit, in which case they are fined severely. The economy of Marsos is mainly Book Publishing, followed by Cheese Exports and Furniture Restoration. However, with the population of Marsos being predominantly Lutheran, many new small businesses are of the coffee industry, with the offer of Marsoian beans (Marsoians are somewhat nationalist) and a break from the high prices of imported coffee. The Marsoian economy is still developing, but Marsoians are hoping that they will be a center of commerce.

Marsoian Politics

The Marsoian government reflects its devout population. Sections of the Bible have been taken directly and made into law, and the government is not afraid of following an overtly Christian agenda in all aspects of administration, from social policy to police funding. In leftwing/rightwing terms, the Marsoian government is mainly centrist, preferring to strike a balance between two opposing sides rather than sacrificing one for the other. The average Marsoian, contrary to popular belief, takes a very active role in politics. The average voter turnout for Marsos is 70% in the presidential election. Hot topic issues include gun control, taxes, and government waste.

Challenges for Marsos

All nations have their challenges, and Marsos is no exception. Most Marsoians, due to their culture and small minority population, tend to be slightly racist, preferring whites over blacks, for example. This removes many economic oppurtunities from the grasp of the black population. Also, after finally gaining independence from a Slavic communist state in 2004, Marsoians tend to be distrustful of these Slavic immigrants, and have made large amounts of red tape for Slavic immigrants to gain citizenship. Crime is also a moderate problem, especially homocides involving firearms and armed robbery. The average Marsoian income is also low, about 37,000 masos (about 14,000 U.S. dollars) a year. However, most Marsoians are confident that these problems will be overcome in the near future.