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Flag of Kegmenistan
Motto: Let Faith Protect Your Soul And Metal Your Flesh
No Map Available Yet
Region Alliance of Honourable Peoples
Capital St Dimitri City
Official Language(s) Russian & English
Leader Commissar Stefan Carney
Population 4 billion
Currency Kegro 
NS Sunset XML

Kegmenistan is territorially the largest nation within the Alliance of Honourable Peoples. It is a sparse nation made up mainly of sprawling deserts broken up in places by tight formations of towering white spires and industrial chimneys.

It has a significant cultural tradition revolving around organised religion, a strong work ethic and family values.

A single man, the Emperor, rules the nation though his power is kept in check by the pressures of its huge industrial sector.

It is this industry that provides the nation with the largest GDP within the Alliance allowing the people a very high standing of living.

There is a concern within Kegmenistan regarding the growth of radical groups within the state church. It is becoming increasingly common for some to think that the Emperor betrays the church with his liberal ideas and policies that give freedom to those who aren’t deserving of it. It is certain that in the very near future the Emperor will be required to take a strong stance in order to quell these “fascist” ideas.

Much of the emperor’s budget is spent upon the military, which helps allow for the largest number in ground forces of any nation. Well equipped and ruthless in their approach the troops of Kegmenistan are well respected by most.

There was previously a disregard from within the ranks of the command for the idea of the necessity of a military presence within space. With the unprecedented growth in construction of vessels in space by it’s neighbouring nations it is now considered as a requirement for the protection of the nation and its peoples. As such a new project has begun with the military about to begin construction of a number of new vessels that are set to be capable of defending themselves against any of their comparatives.

The second priority for Kegmenistan is law and order. The Emperor makes no qualms about admitting that Kegmenistan takes a tight grip on the peoples lives. The people accept this rather oppressive approach as a way of ensuring the best security possible for the citizens and many are willing to assist the police and the church in maintaining that tight grip.

The nation has a number of strong allies internationally with Super Rome and Roudland being it’s primary diplomatic friends. It does however have huge respect for what are considered by many to be the “smaller” nations within the alliance, in particular Friendly Aliens and Gothria, appreciating their unique cultures and their foreign policies that aren’t really that far from their own.

There is a belief that trade and military might are the ways in which a nation becomes strong and this is visibly clear to be held as true within Kegmenistan with many of it’s policies geared towards improving within these areas.

The current official languages within Kegmenistan are Russian and Alliance Standard English. There is talk however of the introduction of a language currently only known as “Newspeak” to replace the official language of Russian. This has of yet been unconfirmed by the Emperor and as such remains but a rumour.

Points Of Interest

There are a number of public days of celebration (note: though not necessarily holidays) within Kegmenistan:

Date Name Description
1 January New Year's Day* The first day of the new year
14 February St. Valentine's Day A celebration of love and romance. Cards and roses are traditional as gifts
28 February National Womens Day A celebration of everything that women have done and do in the world. Also the day that women recieved suffrage within Kegmenistan. Tulips are customary
16 March Lucky Duck Day* A celebration for all the family
13 April St Dmitri Day* A festival to celebrate the life of the nations patron saint
12 May St Geraldines Day A celebration of St Geralidine, Patron Saint of medicine
17 June St Aprils Day A Carnival takes place on this day to celebrate St April, Patron Saint of trade
19 June St Fredericks Day A day to celebrate St Frederick, Patron Saint of fortune
18 August Patriots Day A day to remember those who have fallen on behalf of the people
21 October Independence Day A day to celebrate the independence of Kegmenistan
25 December Catholmas Day* A celebration of the birth of Cathol
31 December New Years Eve* The last day of the year

(days marked * are national holidays)