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The Sovereign Christian Republic of Okielahoma is a huge, safe nation, renowned for its punitive income tax rates. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 832 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Education, and Law & Order. The average income tax rate is 97%. A powerhouse of a private sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry.

Public loudspeakers constantly tell citizens they are "happy people", angst-filled teenagers are rushing off to buy government bonds for some odd reason, abortion is only legal in unusual circumstances, and dark alleys and public toilets are filled with furtive sexual activities among teenagers and unmarried adults. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Okielahoma's national animal is the Longhorn, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Haven Pound.

Pre Sovereign History

Present day Okielahoma was settled around 8500BC by Proto-Indo-European hunters from neighboring Willink. These hunters settled on the Red River, which runs through the heart of Eastern Okielahoma. Around 3000 years ago a massive meteor shower created one of Okielahoma's most stuning natural phenomena, Crater Lakes and Crater Canyons.

In 748 BC the first real city, Norman, was created along the lower Red River. The city was destroyed by raiding Minoans in 534AD (The city was rebuilt by the Russians in 1632). The Minoans had gained control of all of Okielahoma by 568AD, facing little resistant from the native peoples, the Okiya. In 736AD Okielahoma came under the control if a Slavic state, Belozersk-Willinkiav, as part of the Belozersk province.

In 1136 AD Byzantine conquereors took all of Okielahoma (Minus the northern peaks) under the control of Constantinople. Christianity was introduced and soon the majority of the populace was converted to Christianity. The Byzantine rule transfered to Ottoman but ended in abruptly 1556 AD as Okielahoma and Willink became part of the Habsburg Empire. While Willink was captured by the Spainish two years later, in 1558, the Okieans remained faithfully under Habsburg control for almost 200 years.

In In 1724 Peter I of Russia Declared war on the Holy Roman Empire in an attempt to seize Okielahoma, in a successful campaign leading to the defeat of mercenary armies of Okiya natives. In 1730 Imperial Russia had set about modernizing Okielahoma, with the building of new palaces, churches, and governmental institutions under the supervision of Catherine I.

The next 100 years were marked by a movement of Okiean citizens eastward, to the open plains and lakes. Many Okieans began to resent Russian rule and in 1850, while under the rule of Nicholas I, the territory rebelled along with Willink. The two territories united and on February 16th, 1850 officially gained independance from Russia. For the next 12 years Okiean nationalists gained thousands of signatures from citizens and on February 13th, 1862, petitioned succesfully for independance from Willink


Okielahoma is a mountainous land with rolling terrain. Peaks tower over the southwest, mid west and south eastern parts of the countru. The Red River Slices through the western part of the country towards Lake Okiya, original home of the Okiya peoples.

Natural resources

Oil has been found on the Okiya plateau. of the north. Natural Gas reserves exist along the coast as well as on the Okiya plateau. Osmium mines are extensive in the southwestern mountains. Uranium was discovered in 1971 and exists all over Okielahoma. It is the nations largest miming industry. Tungsten, Copper and Titanium are found in small quanities across the country. Logging is a major industry is several areas of the country Polonium, Silicon, Iron, Coal, Cadmium and Tin has also been discovered in other areas..


0-16 years: Coming

16-64 years: Coming

65 years and over: Coming

Population Growth Rate: 0.7%

Birth Rate: Coming

Death Rate: Coming

Net Migration Rate: Coming

Sex Ratio: Coming

Life Expectancy At Birth (total): Coming

Ethnic Groups: White 83% Black 10% Hispanic 5% Native Indian 2%

Religion: Christian [Protestant] 75% Christian [Catholic] 9% Islamic [Sunni] 6% Buddist 1% Jedi 5% Atheist 4%

Languages: English [Official], Russian, Karelan..

Literacy: 100%

Government System: Three branches, Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

Legal system: A Supreme Court [13 judges] and smaller Federal court circuits.

Suffrage: All citizens over 16.

Executive branch: A president and his advisors. Legislative branch: Bicameral legislative. Judicial branch: 13 Supreme Court Judges.

Political Parties: Liberation Front Party [Current power], Old Okiean Party

International Organisation Participation: The Sovereign League

Economy Overview: Fairly strong economy. The government spends alot of money.

Illicit drugs: Extensive Opium production.


Other Statistics

Exchange Rate: 1 Haven Pound = $1.9ish
GDP Per Capita (Estimated): $8,145
Black Market (Estimated): 40.5%
Black Market Product: $2,744,223,879,388
Black Market Breakdown:
Basic Necessities: 9.16%
Healthcare: 8.83%
Education: 5.68%
Transportation: 8.5%
Luxuries: 8.33%
Recovered Product: $469,262,283,375
Worker Enthusiasm: 68%
Government Efficiency: 90%
Consumer Confidence: 64%
Unemployment: 8.42%
Population Growth Rate: 0.7%
Nation Age: 235 Years
Literacy: 100%

Government Expenditures

Gross Domestic Product (Official): $4,032,198,070,052
GDP Per Capita (Official): $4,846
Income Tax Rate: 97%
Government Income (% of GDP): 100%
Private Consumption: $-752,935,772,160
Government Budget: $4,480,220,077,836
Administration (3%): $120,965,942,102
Welfare (1%): $40,321,980,701
Healthcare (3%): $120,965,942,102
Education (22%): $887,083,575,411
Religion and Spirituality (13%): $524,185,749,107
Defence (28%): $1,129,015,459,615
Law and Order (19%): $766,117,633,310
Commerce (0%): $0
Public Transport (5%): $201,609,903,503
Environment (0%): $0
Social Equality (6%): $241,931,884,203
Government Waste (10%): $448,022,007,784

International Affiliations

Okielahoma is a member of the Sovereign League and a protectorate of the Crown Imperium of Questers.