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Flag of Kurui
Motto: "Enjoy your independence whilst our leader can spell it"
Region Common Realms Alliance Pacific
Capital Kyoukurui
Official Language(s) English
Leader IdioC
Population 122 million
Currency Tapeworm 
NS Sunset XML



Kurui is a small volcanic mountain island in the Pacific. Kuruimap2.gif It's area has never been measured simply because of the lack of interest in the dimension. People are welcome to measure the island if they really want but we can't honestly be bothered.


The volcano on the island (Kazankurui) was considered dormant until 1992. It's eruptions are generally infrequent, and Kazankurui is 298m high.


The Beginning

The island of Kurui itself came into being through volcanic processes - the Kazankurui erupted many kilometres underground, and as the magma cooled in the pacific, the hardened rock formed the small island of Kurui.

In terms of peoples on the island, there are two main groups that now co-exist. The indiginous peoples, the Konin ("old people"), must have settled on the island many centuries ago - something had to explain the lack of bathtubs on the island. They did however possess other, somewhat original, talents, such as mudbaking fish (still the national dish to due lack of creativity), weaving rushes to make protective shoes, shipbuilding and regular free diving contests in the beaches near where modern Gake ("Cliffs") is today (in attempt to impress their water god into rising to prevent the fire god (who supposedly lived in the volcano) from burning their backsides with molten lava).

External Influences

The Konin were discovered in 1942 by Japanese expansionist forces who, having been torpedoed by US ships, could no longer change their bearings. They disembarked and set up a port with their limited supplies at Koniage ("Old Landing"). They saw several of the old tribal peoples and decided that killing the somewhat primitive and underarmed Konin would be dishonourable. Besides befriending them would be best in order for them to get food and actually stand a chance of living. Some of the Konin castes assaulted Koniage with spears and whilst this habit didn't sour the relations too much (due to the laughable nature of the Konin's inferior tribal weaponry), the Konin soon began to appreciate that firearms weren't really worth messing with. That said, the Japanese did take casulties themselves. Spears pierced the simple huts, shower blocks, bar, and small casino that the Japanese had set up.

The senior Konin visited the stranded Japanese in early 1944 having just received word of the assaults by his tribe (36 carrier birds had been sent up to this point, but 12 got lost, 3 decided to go on strike via the unions and a further 20 were shot down by the Japanese for food(this is of course, not counting the one who made it, who was ceremonially clay baked on his success)). The somewhat reduced Japanese (who were only 50 strong at this point due to diseases, spears and starvation) accepted a peace offer from them, and on a tour of the makeshift camp, the indiginous peoples first saw commerce. On a tour of the island, the Japanese were taken around the coastlines, treated with remedies of the Konin (some of which, sadly were poisonous) at Himori ("Fire Forest", the old capital) , and with their combined knowledges and decline of the Japanese expansion due to WW2 changing direction, the two people formed a new state. Some say the reason the Japanese agreed so willingly was because of the tactical position the trees provided for mortar shelling random passing US destroyers.

Improving Internal Matters

Over the next decade, the Kuruinin established the basis for the system of government, and founded the 2 remaining major settlements on the island (Gake, and the new capital Kyoukurui). The Konin built several boats in 1953 and arranged to take the Japanese home to their lands using maps left behind from their landings. This caused problems due to the annexing of Japanese islands by the Americans, Chinese and Whoever else felt like it at the time, and was a long and very indirect journey. Flying the naval ensign from the old ship, they encountered a small destroyer heading for Kobe and so let them depart to see their loved ones.

The Konin, using more modern exploratory techniques acquired from the ship, encoutered another tribe soon after, around the lake on the river having followed it from the Kazankurui. The other tribe were never given a name by the Konin and their own name not recovered. When the other tribe assaulted the Konin with old stone hand tools and arrows, the Konin were at first driven back and afraid of these new technologies. Another search of the Japanese boat revealed several automatic weapons, which pushed the other tribe back into their "Key point community" (Misokoukyou), which was conquered in 1957 and became an excellent fishing centre. The old tribe's domain formed the border of the Misokoukyou regional border. Mudbaking trebled almost straight away.

Acquaintances Become Adversaries

Unknown to the Konin at the time, the Japanese whom they had helped returned to the island in 1963 had returned with building materials for what the senior administration had hoped would become a Japanese colony(having caught wind of the island first, all the names on the island are known to the world in Japanese), and had forced the helped naval crew into navigating them there. Whilst the initial expanse into Kurui was quick, the Konin held them back using the weapons abandoned earlier, preventing them from entering the Himori itself using stealth tactics in the woodland. Several months of Japanese repeated assaults on the Himori only pushed them back slightly, even though the Himori had long run out of ammunition and had resorted to tribal spears.

Taking the archery technologies from the tribe at Misokoukyou, and developing them in terms of range and accuracy helped the sheltered Himori take out Japanese invaders on the grasslands around Koniage. The attrition ended later the same year when the Konin took uniforms and took military installations by stealth and cover of night, and hence the ammunition present as well. Koniage fell soon after, and the building supplies and the Japanese crewmen from '42 were found. With all the new materials of the "Japanese tourist" industrial expansion, the island's infrastructure was upgraded and more modern settlements built. Kurui has not been assaulted with military force since, and with co-operations and open commerce since, Japanese-Kurinin relations have been somewhat repaired.

Meet The Neighbours

The isle of Atacama (of no relation to the desert) was discovered to the Kurui in 1981 by shipping trawlers and having been ravaged by the eruption of a different volcano, the Kuruinin provided supplies and shelter for the island's citizens until the island was safe to re-inhabit. As a payoff, the Kuruinin placed mudded fish around the warm magma after it had began to solidify - whilst the Atacamans still got some of the food to start off afresh, the Kuruinin still regard the Atacaman earths as producing a better mudbake. The Atacamans have acquired Kuruinin ideas since, but still refuse to accept commerce, and all financial goings on are controlled centrally. Technologically, the Atacamans have been restricted by this and so are more-or-less dependant on Kurui for supplies.

More Recent History in summary

  • Kazankurui erupted in 1992, but only singed trees because not many settlements exist out of the main ones.
  • 1995 saw the worst diving disaster off of Gake during the traditional contest when a walkway collapsed, sending 30 to their deaths.
  • In 1998, Radio was introduced to Kurui, and Atacama accidentally at the same time. The media changed hereonin to satify news on both nations.
  • In 2000, nothing much happened.
  • In 2004, the Common Realms Alliance Pacific was formed between the two nations as a mutual defence pact. Japan is yet to be approached on joining, as are several over nations in the Pacific.


Kurui as a nation is a very liberal and relaxed nation striving for excellent civil rights and political freedoms. The Economy is still developing due to the relatively new infrastructure. The country has no official state religion. Kurui's military exists almost purely for national defence and the very pacifistic nature of the nation could be related to it's very recent discovery compared to other countries, old spiritual ways or simple absence of desire to invade. The national dish is the claybaked salmon, although since 1981 the country has been swayed towards Atacaman earths for their better suitablility for mudbaking.

National Animal

Karierbaag.gif Kurui's National Animal is the Karierbaag - A protected species due to their appalling taste and obvious practical purposes from the name. A giant mollusc (45cm tall, 35cm wide), its absence of speed would make it an easy snack for any predator. Thankfully for its lack of intelligence, there are none on the island desperate enough to want to eat it. Like most non-aquatic molluscs, it leaves a trail of slime, and prefers shady patches, explaining it's prominence in the Himori region, as well as the Himori itself. Its name comes from an early Kuruinin's mispelling of the English it sounds like. Its body is like four webbed toes in a square formation, and the tougher skin in the middle has only one stomata, as the cavity was designed for water retention. This way, no slime goes into the water as the slime is not necessary, and there is no means for the upper cavity to dehydrate. The other apparent purpose of this is that after some of the Kuruinin domesticated the Karierbaag (yes, the let the slimy creatures into their houses) it was useful for carrying their shopping in the earlier days of the economy. With the Automotive Industry's uprise in the late 1980s, their use became lesser known and as such seldom used except in remote areas. In 1995 they were made a protected species on the island following the Gake abuse cases in which a small sect used them as candle moulds, resulting in some of the creatures taking in hot wax and burning their insides. Those concerned were made to build several thousand houses on Atacama; such is the respect for the animals and nature on Kurui. Only the celestine spirits know how many got burnt in the Kazankurui eruption in 1992. Whatever they are.


tawaruma.gif The currency's original name was Ta-waru-ma, named by the Japanese with a name which could be regarded as rather ethical, as it literally means "many divisions of evil". As such early Kuruinin when introduced to the concept quickly learnt to buy things, and those who harboured Tawarumas were considered greedy. One even had to be rescued from being dropped into the volcano by a civilian who had taken the morality onto himself. The morality was quickly lost when people realised how easy it was to forge a piece of paper with four kanji on after the invention of the photocopier. The metal strip was then introduced, (as shown on the right) and the proofing measure is a tester which tests the conductivity and mass of the metal in order to prevent other metals being used to copy one of the other properties. The long thin pieces of money have only ever been rarely laundered since. The name "Tapeworm" comes from a corruption of the syllables after a foreign investor heard the name mentioned quickly after seeing a white dangly thing hanging from a Kuruinin's hand in an attempted agreement. Mexican-Kuruinin trades have since recovered following the mistake, but the name sticks and was officially adopted in 1997.

Major Regions

The majority of the population live in the regions' major cities. Only those who have connections with the land outside them, abuse cats or are otherwise socially ostracised form outposts.


The capital region of the island is home for around 32% of the national population. Kyoukurui, being the capital city, is the main administrative, trade, commerce and... perhaps more recreational practices centre. The region is mostly flat plain and grassland, with the main exception being the sandy beaches around the Kyoukurui bay. Kurui's fledgling tourism is mainly orientated in this region. The flat lands have made it a developmental haven, yet the prominent environmentalist contigient desire restrictions on the capital's expansion before all of the flat lands are gone. The only two other features of note are the lake and, perhaps more relevent to the region, the Hazan river. The main things associated with the river are its origins in the Himori, its purpose as natural irrigation for farmlands, and the several diseases it harboured until water purity laws were passed, following a small series of epidemics in the early 1960s.


The fire forest region, named after the volcano, is where the old capital, Himori, is situated. 24% of the national population still live there, including descendants of the many generations of Konin. As such, the most intelligent people in this region tend to be the environmental and scientific analysts observing for the Himori itself in order to protect it. Himori has the largest Karierbaag population of all the regions, simply because most of them live in the side of the actual Himori farther from Misokoukyou. The former tribe as Misokoukyou used to hunt the Karierbaags down for use as quivers for arrows, and holsters for just about anything going. Some documentation details them being used as urinals by some of the tribesmen but whether this is disgusting fact or Kuruinin propaganda remains to be seen.


19% of the national population reside in the region formerly belonging to a previous tribe. The regional capital was the old tribal capital, conquered after the expansion into the territory. The main industry in Misokoukyou lies in developments in hydroelectric power- with the Misokoukyou lake and the Hazan river nearby, it's location is perfect for such refinements. The third largest population of Karierbaags on the island exist here. Agriculture is also prominent due to the river's provision of irrigation. Misokoukyou is the only non-landlocked region to not have a major port. A small depot settlement of Mizo was proposed in 1995, but due to the project's sheer scale and demands, even to this day a definate decision has not been reached.


Cliffs are visible from the windows of 17% of the Kuruinin population. The region's terrain is mostly hilly and the most uneven on the island. As such, the environmentalists wish to preserve it. Gake surprisingly has the second largest population of Karierbaags, simply because they are reliable carriers across the uneven terrain. Several sanctuaries also exist for the creatures. Not taking the sanctuaries into account would mean Misokoukyou would have the second largest. The annual cliff diving competition still runs from Gake and is a minority tourist attraction for both foreigners and islanders alike. It's also a reason that Gake's income spikes around late June/early July. Besides the diving competition, other industies include engine manufacturing for both the turbines at Misokoukyou's hydroelectric power stations, and as Koniage Replacement Automobile Parts. KRAP generate a steady income, but seem to spike in September for some, as yet unknown, reason.


Koniage is a greatly underpopulated region in comparison, mainly due to the higher temperatures on the island being hard to live and work in. 8% of the population live here, and the majority of them work in the casinos that have been in Koniage since the Japanese landed, General Automobile Koniage, or making the drinks that are served in the Koniage Casino. The latter are by no means as marketed as the second.


General Automobile Koniage (GAK)

GAK form the business end of Kurui's most prominent industry, Automobile Manufacturing. Such models as the GAK Kannon, GAK Moppup and the sportier GAK Blasta will not be known to most because their success, like everything else on Kurui, is purely down to chance.

Koniage Replacement Automobile Parts (KRAP)

KRAP are the poor little grunts who stay on assembly lines making parts for when you break your GAK Kannon. Feel sorry for how much GAK they handle.