Phoenix, AZ

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Revision as of 21:32, 3 March 2007 by John (Talk | contribs)

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Phoenix, AZ
Nation: The Phoenix Milita
Function: Capital
Population: 10.5 million in 2006
Leader: Mayor Frank Pizzarone

For more information on the history of the city before The Phoenix Milita came to power, see the Wikipedia Article on the real Phoenix

Not to be confused with Phoenix, Arizona

The city of Phoenix is the capital city of The Phoenix Milita. It is located in the Territory Arizona, which once was the State of Arizona. Today Phoenix is home to most of The Phoenix Milita's federal government and many major businesses. Embassy row is about 1.5 miles from Phoenix International, the nation's busiest airport. Maglev trains, trolley cars and subways offer affordable mass-transit for the people, although automobiles remain popular (despite the high parking fees and "city driver tax" that goes along with them). High rise apartment complexes and office buildings dominate the skyline, and several sections of the city feature elevated road, train and walkways. Beneath the surface lies a complex subway system complete with underground businesses and entertainment facilities. The Bubble Dome is the one of the largest transparent domes in the world and houses a multi-function arena with a transformable field used to play a variety of sports from rugby and basketball to ice hockey and soccer.

  • Satellite view of the major metropolitan area (Feb 2007)
  • Downtown Phoenix, AZ (circa 2044)