Lloyd Hunter

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Lloyd Hunter
Birthdate 2nd July, 1967
Place of Birth: New London, Manhattan Prime
Spouse Katie Hunter
Profession Journalist
Employers Pacitalian Broadcasting Corporation, Manhattan Herald
Languages spoken English, Spanish, Pacitalian

Lloyd Hunter, MA(Jn), born 2nd July, 1967 in New London, Manhattan Prime, is a newsreader and presenter who currently works in the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia for the Pacitalian Broadcasting Corporation's international radio service, and as a foreign correspondent for the Manhattan Herald, a newspaper of record in Manhattan Prime. Hunter is easily the most recognisable Manhattanite journalist working outside his home country.

Hunter is known first and foremost for his in-depth, close-to-the-story coverage of the Aztec National League civil war in 1994. The war was the first major journalistic event of his career and catapulted him into the echelons of Manhattanite media through his work with the Manhattan Prime News Network (MPNN). The war was an eye-opening experience for the young journalist, just three years out of tertiary education at St. Mark's University in Pacitalia, as Hunter barely escaped the war zone with his life and still walks with a limp because of shrapnel wounds. However, Hunter was recognised as the TV personality of the year for his efforts, and his detailed coverage of the aspects of a warring society received praise from the journalism community, with some likening him to a "documentary filmmaker".

Hunter moved to the Manhattan Herald to become a senior correspondent for the newspaper in 1996, and jumped at the chance to return to Pacitalia in 2005, as the Timiocato and Pacitalian affairs correspondent. On 6th December, 2006, the PBC issued a release announcing the hiring of Hunter as a newsreader for the PBC's international radio service. It is highly likely Hunter will move up the chain at the large network or at least eventually join the television news department, as Hunter has stated his desire to return to that media after almost a decade in the print media.

PBC International Service news update presenters
Hunter | Passo | Semperesta

PBC National News
Anchors Francesco Andanto | Anna Maria Ponnati

Domestic correspondents

Sevo d'Ampezzini | Andreos Aporgosis | Cristiana Astranta | Paolmarco di Capo | Lloyd Hunter | Apostis Kyriakodonis | Mariana di Lunghe | Rado Moniulescu | Fiorenza Nodranetta | Dominique Nuvarescu | Maurizio Rojaspero de Sà | Anavecchio Trampesta
Foreign correspondents TBA