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Flag of Ambrella
Motto: Umbrella with an A is the only way!
[No map available]
Region Ohio
Capital Rainz
Official Language(s) American English
Leader M. A. Pitt
Population Around 10 million
Currency Ambrecoin 
NS Sunset XML

Full Name - The Republic of Ambrella

The Republic of Ambrella was recognized as an independent nation inside Ohio in 1996 by the United States of America. It is known as a vacationing spot for conservative Americans, and its borders are primarily within Montgomery and Greene counties in what used to be part of Ohio. It is divided into three city sections, Rainz (the capital, home to the government, businesses, and small apartments), Ambrella Heights (the residential district), and Ambrella Grove (tourist town and national park).

Ambrellese Independence

As stated above, Ambrella was granted its independence in 1996 from the USA. It was a peacefull transaction, and no blows were exchanged. The specific date power was exchanged between President Clinton of the USA and Temp Pres John Kainey of the Ambrellese Independence Organization was July 4, 1996, America's (and now Ambrella's) Independence Day.


In 1992 the Ambrellese Independence Organization was founded, working for the independence of the wanna-be Ambrellese people. AIO's head was John Kainey, who was the Temporary President of the Republic of Ambrella when power was handed over in 1996. He wished to remove the "Temporary" from his title, so he ran for President of Ambrella on the Nationalist Party ticket (The Nationalist Party was then known as the AIO's Party, because that was the make-up of it's members) when the elections began in late 1996. The other candidates were Joeseph Phleeps of the Ambrellese Conservative Party, and Mary Quest of the Other Party. Halfway through the campaign, John Kainey's plans to take over the country as a dictator by force after winning the election were discovered, which ultimately lost the election for him. Mary Quest became the first President of Ambrella, and was officially given power on January 1, 1997. She remained in power until 2006 when M. A. Pitt won the election for the Ambrellese Conservative Party. Presidential elections are held every 3 years, and 2 representatives are elected from each city every 2 years, making up the unicameral legislative branch.

Current Political Leaders

President (Executive) - Michael Anthony Pitt, Sr.

Executive Council (Legislative) - Karl Parker (Rainz, Nationalist Party) Kate Mouse (Rainz, Ambrellese Conservative Party) Andrew Bleu (Ambrella Heights, Other Party) Anthony Cardowitz (Ambrella Heights, Ambrellese Conservative Party) Jacob Brock (Ambrella Grove, Ambrellese Conservative Party) Faith Mills (Ambrella Grove, Other Party)

National Justice Department Heads (Judicial) - Wendel Moore Gretel Weasel