Friendly Aliens Military

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Armed Forces Symbol

Detailed Analysis of the Friendly Aliens Military


Friendly Aliens used to be a pacifist nation however with the sabotage of the StarSearcher Friendly Aliens has decided to take a more aggressive approach taking advantage of advanced technology.

Friendly Aliens forte is air attack it is seen as the most sensible way to fight. The enemy has little to no chance of attacking back and aircraft are fast meaning that attacks can be repelled as soon as possible to minimise civilian losses.

Friendly Aliens policies over training, promotion and entry requirements are similar to Roudland however there are a few minor differences which will be explained later.

How Friendly Aliens Fight

At the declaration of war the threat to civilians at home is assessed and put into one of three categories. If the situation is not very dangerous eg Peacekeeping or Dictatorship Removal. The threat is considered 'Threat Level Green'. If there is a slight risk to civilians at home this is called 'Threat Level Yellow' and if there is a definate risk to civilians eg a full blown invasion it is called 'Threat Level Red'.

According to how high the threat is more of the Armed Forces are used.

Threat Level Forces Used
Green 80% Special Forces, 50% of LADF, 50% of GIGA and 50% of HADF (if needed)
Yellow 80% Special Forces, 75% of LADF, 75% of GIGA and 50% HADF (if needed)
Red 100% Special Forces, 100% of LADF, 100% of GIGA, 100% HADF and all reserves

Firstly all Orion Carriers needed for the up and coming action are moved from patrol duty around Friendly Aliens' airspace and moved to a relay point so all forces can meet and move together. In the mean time if extra special forces are need or more GIGA, they are ferried from Military HQ to meet with and load onto the Orion Carriers. Then the whole task force moves towards the target area with captains meeting and formulating plans.

When the target is within range all Jenova bombers and Howling Banshee fighters are scrambled and make bombing runs destroying all known AA sites and military strongpoints. If the AA defense of the target is strong special forces are deployed before hand to sabotage these systems so that losses are low. Friendly Alien commanders will not willingly send soldiers and pilots to die unless it is worth while. With all defenses crumbled GIGA are sent into areas which cannot simply be destroyed by air attack (eg cities). However if the GIGA come against armour, patrolling air forces are called to eliminate the threat.

This combination of Air Superiority and Ground Attack means that nearly any foe can be conquered quickly with little casualties. With the support of Roudland or Super Rome this task becomes even easier. Friendly Aliens believes in small, fast weapons and equipment and evasion is very important. This means Friendly Alien equipment as standard features low level EECM (electronic & ergonomic counter measures).

Selection and Training

Conscription into the Friendly Aliens' Armed Forces is not compulsory however there is a surprisingly high amount of volunteers. Friendly Aliens are allowed to apply to the Friendly Aliens' Armed Forces at the age of 25, which might seem old, however with the extended life spans of the Aliens' it is quite young. Also Human immigrants know that if they apply to join the military after a term of service (about 10 years) they are entitled to bring close family members to Friendly Aliens with free citizenship. Humans which join are put into the human auxiliary which are used as Peace Keepers (easier for humans to keep civilians calm) and to suppliment the GIGA as snipers.

Once volunteered personnel are shipped to Military HQ where they are tested extensively. These tests are designed to find qualities within each individual. If someone fails a basic fitness and intelligence test they are told they cannot be joined into a combat unit however if they want they can serve as mechanics, chefs or janitors. All those that do pass the basic test are tested further to find which branch of the military they can serve in best. For example brave, intelligent individuals with high stamina and willpower are trained to be GIGA officers. Those with low stress tolerance, yet high altitude tolerance will be trained in HADF gunnery. This method is very efficient and means that when training begins, little resources are wasted on 'drop-outs' which cannot meet the expected standards. However this method has come under fire because some people who have an ambition to join a certain part of the military are rejected and told that they actually suit something else. But these complaints are unfounded because once training begins those people that complained actually find that because they suit what they are doing, their job is satisfying. However if they persist transfers can be made but those who do are given stricter training regimes to get up to standard.

Training lasts for about 7-12 months, those who are selected to join the HADF or the Stellar Guard are trained in the Nebula Space Station whilst those selected to be in the GIGA and the LADF are trained in the Military HQ. The first three months consist mainly of fitness training, strength training, shooting exercises and basic military strategy training. During the next few months the training gets more specialised focusing on what each person does so for example a LADF pilot cadet will receive flight training. Then finally in the final month all this training is put into practice with military drills being performed each day to test what each cadet has learned. These drills mainly involves Friendly Aliens fighting each other however sometimes Friendly Aliens trains with Roudland military cadets to simulate more realistic engagements. After this they are given duty with green status.


Compared to other militaries which promote soldiers after a curtain time. Friendly Aliens prefers to promote soldiers who perform outstanding acts of bravery or skill. This means that the command hierarchy of the Friendly Aliens Military is very shallow. But to keep morale high and to reward good work Friendly Aliens soldiers are instead given medals for acts which don't quite deserve promotion. After a curtain amount of time soldiers are given status according to how long they serve. So after about 10 years they are given vet status, then another 25 they are give elite status. All those given elite status are normally given duty on the most important tasks so an elite LADF gunner will be given duty on an Orion Carrier PDs or even a Sector Ship. Whilst a GIGA elite will be in the first waves against an enemy. Then those who last for 100 years are automatically given eldar status (which is only possible for Aliens) they are the best of the best and will be given jobs of the upmost importance like bodyguarding.

Battlefield Colour Schemes

Battlefield Colouring and Other Details
Mountain Dark green with white coloured detail.
Alpine Light grey with red coloured detail.
Desert Yellow with white coloured detail.
Autumn Orange with yellow coloured detail.
Cityscape Grey with black coloured detail.
Space Black with white coloured detail.


The GIGA has a few divisions of specialised troops which are made to bring a boost to any campaign in any part of the Alliance. They are the spearhead of any assualt then generic divisions follow behind if needed.

Division Symbol Notes
Mountain Mountain They wear specially designed boots and equip climbing gear as standard. Well trained climbers.
Alpine Snowflake Given small skis and they wear an overall layer over their armour to protect against the cold. The second largest division in the Friendly Aliens Military due to the large Alpine areas in the country.
Desert Sun Given extra training to survive the waterless environment of the desert.
Plains Horse Are adept at staying in as as much cover as possible.
City Skyscraper Wear an armoured collar to help defend against fire coming from above


ARC TECHNOLOGY ARC stands for Advanced Remen Caseless it uses redesigned caseless technology first developed by RoudCorp (G11). Caseless weapons have a few distinct advantages: firstly they don't need a cartridge case which means no ejection port is needed, there is no waste of expensive materials and comrades can stand next to a shooter without the worry of burning hot cartridges hitting him or her. Secondly with the space saved from cases more ammunition can be put into one magasine meaning firing can be sustained for longer and this simplifies logistics. Finally with the smaller calibre the bullets fly in a flatter trajectory, the bullets stay stable during flight and the bullets have higher penetration power. However the problem with the ARC technology is that the lower calibre does less damage and due to the complexity of the loading mechanism, the rate of fire is low. All ARC weapons feature a large ARC symbol which not only shows the technology within it also acts as a secondary safety system to keep battlefield incidents to a minimum and they are made of the same polymer material as Roudland's weapons making them lighter than they look.

ARC Pistol-This pistol is given to all Friendly Alien Military personnel. It features a green laser emitter to assist aiming and is semi automatic firing 5mm ARC rounds.

ARC Machine-Pistol- With the low recoil of the caseless technology, Friendly Alien weapon developers relised its potential for a ARC machine-pistol. This weapon is a stripped down ARC pistol with the magasine port found in the pistol grip like normal pistols but unlike any standard ARC weapons. The magasine slightly extends past the grip giving the ARC-MP its distinctive look. With the 5mm rounds coming from a standard vector unlike the normal ARC weapons the rate of fire is very fast.

ARC Rifle- This is the standard issue semi automatic 8mm rifle given to mainly GIGA soldiers. It has a long barrel to increase effective range and has a telescopic sight which activates at a push of a button to assist aiming. Finally in the butt of the rifle there is a compartment which contains extra ammunition.

ARC SMG- This is not what would be called a typical SMG however its purpose is the same. It's firing modes include: semi and automatic, firing 6mm rounds. It also has a built in 30mm grenade launcher which can fire any of the three types of grenades the Friendly Aliens equip and has a built in light emitter which can project a typical green visible beam or an ultra violet beam which is used in conjunction which UV goggles. It also has a butt compartment similar to the ARC rifle which contains extra ammunition but there is extra room for grenades.

ARC Burst Cannon- Where in any other army support soldiers will be equipped with light machine guns in the Friendly Alien Armed Forces support soldiers are equipped with burst cannons. The burst cannon has two barrels each of which fires 12mm ARC rounds. The two barrels mean that the rate of fire issue with most ARC weapons is resolved. Also so that Alien equipped with it fires accurately the top of the weapon features a small movable LCD screen which shows the actual position the weapon is being fired with the aid of an aiming reticule and a small counter in the corner of the screen tells the user how much ammunition is remaining. The rear of the weapon has a compartment which is used to hold spare ammunition and the burst cannon has a detachable tripod which can be attached to the bottom of the gun to allow the firer to rest it on surfaces whilst firing increasing accuracy.

ARC Cannon- The ARC cannon is a vehicle mounted weapon used by walkers and aircraft. It comes in 120mm and 132mm variants which can fire an AP, HEAT, HEAP, DS, GS or Auxillary round and because it is caseless it can be fired close to soldiers without the risk of large shell casings landing on soldiers or civilians. It is not made from the same plastic polymer as other ARC weapons simply because is doesn't need to be and it means the barrel can survive longer without replacement.

ARC Autocannon-The ARC Autocannon is the fast little brother of the ARC Cannon. It is typically mounted onto walkers and aircraft however it also forms the basis of the ARC PDT. It comes in either a 25mm variant, 59mm variant, 73mm variant or 101mm variant. All can fire various round types just like the ARC Cannon and depending on the calibre there are various different feed and firing mechanisms. Just like the ARC Cannon it doesn't need to be concerned with discarded cases and it also made from metal.

SRain Launcher-See Micro Missiles. This is the Alliance's most fearsome Anti-Personnel weapon.

Sabot Launcher-The Sabot Launcher is Friendly Aliens main anti-armour weapon. It is the size of a normal missile launcher and can be fired from the shoulder for close range or whilst the firer is sitting down on the floor for longer range shots which needs more accuracy. The launcher itself has a blowback system which makes recoil on the weapon extremely low considering the speed the 90mm sabot leaves the launcher but this means noone can safely stand behind the firer. The sabot itself is a depleted uranium shaped missile which has a hard pointed tip to penetrate armour and then explosive behind the head to explode after the armour has been penetrated. To provide stability during flight the sabot has a pair of tiny fins which fall off during flight which provides stability.

Friendly Alien Mortar- For squad based long range bombardment Friendly Aliens has redeveloped the mortar with new technology. The mortar comes in a 80mm and a 120 mm version and it works the same way as any other mortar except that they have a small AI planted inside to assist aiming. A soldier looks through specially designed binoculars at the target then the co ordinates relay from the binoculars to the mortar which instructs the firer as to what angle etc the mortar should be fired. Then with the position marked rounds are simply dropped into the barrel and they automatically fire out. There are two main types of rounds available to be fired; one is a high explosive round which is used against soft targets in cover and another is a frag round which used to kill soft targets in open areas, there are also various auxillary rounds like a flare round. This technology means that any soldier without specialist training can use the mortar, huge batteries can be made to defend positions with accurate salvos of fire and infantry squads are given a fearful weapon which can used in sieges just incase air support isn't available. If direct line of sight is unavailable, the heavy mortar is able to have co ordinates inputted using sources like satellite recon, Pathfinders or scouts via the Battle Matrix.

Electro grip- The Electro grip is a melee weapon given to nearly all commanders and all close combat specialists. It is a glove which is covered in small studs which if connected to bare skin will discharge a huge electric shock and incapacitate everyone but the toughest individuals. Also the finger tips have small retractable blades. All these effects are controlled by the wearer and can be deactivated at will with small switches located in the palms.

Thunder Hammers- Thunder Hammers are the main melee weapons of the Super Mutant special forces. Like the electro grip the Thunder Hammer has studs on its head which discharges electricity on contact. Inside the head is the power generator which also acts as extra weight so that swinging power is higher. In the hands of Super Mutants this weapon can be used to smash down walls and dent armoured vehicles. Also the voltage of the discharge is so high that if the vehicle isn't insulated enough electrical systems can be disrupted and even shut down entirely! The Electro-grip and Thunderhammer both use biogenerator technology.

Sun Sword- A mainly cerimonial weapon carried by high ranking officers in the Friendly Alien Armed Forces. This weapon is extremely light, curved and can be used to mirror the sightlight into the eyes of the enemy which the user is facing hence the name. The hilt has a very vague lightsource so in the darkness the blade shines.

Dragunov Sniper Rifle- Friendly Aliens thought it would be better to import a sniper rifle seeing they barely use them. The dragunov sniper rifle is a Kegmenistani import and it is used by the Human Auxilaries. It was chosen mainly because of its reliability and its inclusion of iron sights which means this weapons works effectively till the very end. With the addition of the AX-10 helmet snipers are very well co ordinated and are always in the right place to support from

Pancor Jackhammer- This weapon is made in small numbers in Kegmenistan to be imported for the Super Mutants. Upgraded to 8 guage, it was originally made for humans however the immense recoil made it impractical but in the hands of the super mutants it is quite fearsome. However it still suffers from low accuracy at medium range so if the super mutant finds himself in open ground he can change the magasine to shoot slugs instead of pellets.

MG4 - This weapon is imported from Roudland to be used by super mutants. Its "dukka dukka" nature makes it a favorite. It fires 5.56mm calibre rounds and has a hundred round magasine for prolonged firing.


Ration Packs-Contains basic rations which can sustain a soldier for about three days.

Camp Kit- Contains everything needed to create a simple field camp for example a saw, cheese wire, small camp burner and a large piece of plastic sheeting.

MediKit- Developed to treat minor wounds, sanitise drinking water and cuts. Contains bandages, drugs and hypodermic needles.

Critical Medic Kit- This is given to all battlefield medics so they can given highier level treatment. It has all the contents of the MediKit but also other things like sterile scaples, IV fluid and an AED.

Micro Mines- Explosive mines which are in two sizes: normal and super mutant. They have small extending arms which can be used to make the mine stick onto surfaces like ceilings and walls. They are also magnetic so they can stick to metallic surfaces. They can be made to explode within proximity of another or remotely.

Demolition Charge- These are used by Tech soldiers for all demolition purposes. They come in varying shapes and sizes depending to the size of explosion needed.

Flash Bang- Imported Roudland flash bang grenades are non lethal explosives which causes temporary confusion so that rooms can be stormed with as little loss of life as possible.

SmartPack- See SmartPack used by all soldiers who need to carry large ammunition like AP Troopers.

Comm Unit- Small wrist mounted device used to call HQ. Mainly carried by officers and dedicated comm soldiers. A larger transmitter is given to comm soldiers to boost signals and increase effective range. This also allows access to the Battle Matrix

This is a heavy variant of the Battle Suit, normally the face mask is replaced with a simple veil.

Battle Suit- All Alien soldiers are given suits made with a thin layer of Gothlar so that all round protection from shrapnel and long range small arms fire is achieved. Then plates of thicker APART material are attached to the chest and leg areas to give protection against lethal wounds. It is made in all different shapes and sizes for all Friendly Alien species.

Battle Visor- See Battle Visor for more information.

Body Plates- Super Mutants are given these plates to be attached to their skin. They are thick enough to deflect most regular rounds. Some Super Mutants take it too far and decide to put plates all over their bodies. These super mutants are called Radiants and enter special units which take advantage of their extra endurance.

Skull Caps- Metal skull caps given to all Super Mutants to protect their brains. They come (as with all Super Mutant equipment) various shapes and sizes.

Communicator- Attached directly to the head. The communicator has a built in speaker and microphone so that the super mutant can talk directly to HQ. Also it has a built in 'Life Light' which turns off when the super mutant's brain functions have seized (meaning it is dead).

Tactical Shield- These shields made from solid steel and are about the size of a traditional tower shield. They are capable of deflecting fire and they have a minature camera on the front so that behind you can see via a screen what you are hiding from, instead of compromising the strength of the shield by putting in a glass screen.

Silencer- Small silencers are given to soldiers going on covert missions. They are able to completely suppress all sound coming from the weapon. Developed by RoudCorp. Made for the ARC pistol and SMG.

Markerlight- Used by Pathfinders to launch missiles from Missile Hubs.


The ammuntion for all Friendly Alien weapons not already described before hand. These missiles are slightly adapted to work in space (change in drive) except for the SD-50 which will not work in space. All these missiles have advanced ECM and ECCM packages which will fool and counter most counter measures used by the enemy.

MX-10 Cobra Missile: Medium Range missile which are both effective against air and ground targets. Features advanced targeting systems allowing it to ignore low level ECM, ECCM and stealth.

GK-15 Balrog Missile: Short Range HE and incendary missile which is extremely effective against ground and space targets. The HE warhead is first used to destroy armour etc whilst the incendary element kills all personnel and damages the soft innards of a target for example electronics and plastic components.

SD-50 Siesmic Dispersion Missile: this uses sound to create a hazardous shockwave in the middile of a squadron of enemy fighters. It disrupts the flow of air over an enemy's fuselage and makes the flight path of such craft confused. If used against tight formations aircraft may accidently collide. Also this weapon has a profound effect on missiles causing them to become confused, heading in different direction then intended. This weapon isn't dangerous but is very effective in reducing the offensive power of the enemy significantly which is useful before a dogfight.

RD-01 Anti Radar Missile: this is a long range fire and forget missile which automatically homes in on any source of hostile radar, which is normally part of an enemy AA Site or Point Defence site. This missile is fired long before contact with the enemy and is designed to destroy any defences which threaten the survival of the aircraft.

NFK-88 Splinter Missile: Can be used against ground, air and space targets. This missile is made of 6 hardened parts. Apon detonation caused by proximity to a target this splits into its separate parts each of which causes damage on contact. Each part has weak explosive power to increase damage and casualty rate. Such a weapon has its risks therefore if there is such a chance of friendly fire the missile is made "safe" and continues as one piece into it's intended target (the damage caused isn't as high however the Friendly Alien military will not intentionally risk causing friendly fire). Normally this missile is only used in initial contacts with the ememy and bombing runs when the risk is nil.

Ground Combat Vehicles

Main Battle Walker- This bipedal walker is about 14ft tall and armed two ARC Burst Cannons, two ARC Cannons, a Sabot Launcher and a SRain Launcher. It has just enough armour to protect itself against high calibre machine gun fire and can move at about 20mph at top speed. These walkers are used in pitched battles in rocky or mountainous terrain or city fighting and are piloted by small Trigon pilots which sit in the nose area.

Anti-Air Walker-This is a variant of the Main Battle Walker. It has four ARC Burst Cannons, four ARC Cannons and two SRain launchers which can be used to shred any aircraft which comes within range. But with such fast powerful firepower it has also become a fearsome anti personnel weapon.

SF Walker-This is a walker capable of being dropped by a carry-all aircraft from the sky. It is armed with six ARC cannons which are attached to its 'arms'. It has two very large rocket boosters fitted underneath which slows it down whilst it falls to the ground and two bulky reinforced legs to absorb the fall. Then it has about 10 handles fixed to its back which can be used by super mutants to hold on whilst falling.

Mako Transport Tank- This unarmed tracked vehicle is a massive transport vehicle covered in main battle armour to protect it's occupants. It can hold about 20 fully armed soldiers and it is used very rarely when it is unable to take personnel to a destination with aircraft. To assist bases these tanks carry a small missile hub.

WOLF Jeep- The WILL GO OVER LAND FAST jeep is a Roudland import used to take personnel around fast and safely when aircraft are not available. Also it is used by human peacekeeper forces during missions because of its unthreatening look. It is armed with a M2 machine gun which can be fired by someone out of a hatch or by someone inside the vehicle with a joystick and LCD screen.

Air Combat Vehicles

All Friendly Alien aircraft can come in spacial and atmospheric version and even a hybrid version. But the price of which varies.

Jenova Bomber escorted by Howling Banshee Fighters

Carry-All The Carry-All is probably the most useful aircraft Friendly Aliens has, armed with a single ARC 73mm Turreted Auto-Cannon, two missile tubes and two SRain launchers. It has a modular design which can turn one Carry-All into a Carry-All A, Carry-All B and Carry-All C. A Carry-All A is a trooper carrying variant with a huge bay underneath which can carry 20 fully armed soldiers or house a mobile HQ. A Carry-All B is a variant with the bay removed which can carry two main battle tanks or two main battle walkers. And the Carry-All C has two detachable pods which can be dropped full of infantry or full of super mutants for high speed assaults.

Orion Carrier- The Orion Carrier in one of the most advanced aircraft in the Alliance. Capable of nearly indefinite flight it is used a mobile platform for LADF and HADF operations. It has a flight deck the size of a Nimitz class carrier which can hold 30 Howling Banshee Fighters, 15 Jenova Bombers and 3 Carry-Alls. They mount 5 ARC PDTs and 10 SRain launchers used for point defence however it relies mostly on Sundance Corvettes for protection.

For the HADF these carriers are made even larger so they can carry 50 Howling Banshee Fighters, 30 Jenova Bombers and 5 Carry-Alls, they are also retro fitted so they can withstand going into orbit.

Orion Carrier escorted by Sundance Corvettes (take note this is a very old picture from the 80's).

Sundance Corvette- The corvette is a very large aircraft made to defend the Orion Carriers and head assaults against large targets. They are capable of indefinite flight just like the Orion and they fly in escort formation with them through a whole operation, armed with 6 independantly targeting ARC PDTs, 2 missile launch tubes and 4 SRain launchers.

Howling Banshee- The Howling Banshee is a large, well armoured and extremely fast fighter craft. It is equipped the most advanced ECM technology to date and next generation weapons. It is armed with 4 variable calibre ARC Auto-Cannons, 2 SRain launchers and 2 Missile Tubes. They are used for all air missions as primary escorts for Jenova Bomber and are efficient tank killers.

Jenova Bomber- The Jenova Bomber is a fearsome weapons armed with 4 independantly targeting ARC PDTs and 6 Missile Tubes. Compared to normal bomber aircraft the weapons actually come from the front of the aircraft and gently slope downwards towards the target whilst the bomber flies quite low to the ground. Friendly Aliens understands now that height no longer provides help against AA weapons therefore Bombers fly low and fast and release their payloads accurately. In space engagements the missiles stream out the bomber hammering the target till it is destroyed, a common tactic is to fire just where the last weapon had impacted doing more damage this is called 'Threading'.

GIGA (General Infantry and General Armour)

The GIGA are used in nearly all operations, they function in conjunction with the LADF to move around quickly and safely.

The GIGA consists of the General Infantry, the General Armour, the Human Auxilaries, the Alien Techs and finally the Eldars.

The General Infantry are organised into squads of 10 to 20 soldiers led by a commander.

A typical squad consists of:

1 Commander armed with an ARC SMG and an electro grip. Equipped with a Battle Visor and a wrist communicator.

1 Comm Soldier armed with an ARC SMG. Equipped with communicator and Battle Visor.

3 Grenadiers armed with ARC SMGs and extra grenades.

5 Riflemen armed with ACR Rifles

2 Heavy Gunners armed with Burst Cannons and Sabot Launchers. Equipped with SmartPacks and heavy armour.

2 AP Troopers armed with SRain launchers and ARC SMG's. Equipped with SmartPacks and heavy armour.

The squad size varies depending on the battlefield and what enemy is about to be faced. If the battlefield has alot of confined spaces like in city fighting soldiers will have their ARC Rifles taken away and replaced with ARC SMGS. Yet if there is more armour, more Heavy Gunners will be added. Battlefield Medics normally join in squads when there is a high chance of injury but their inclusion is strictly dependant on the mission at hand.

The Medical Corps is the healthcare division of the GIGA. It include battlefield medics, surgeons, nurses and adapted Cherooke vehicles which act as MEDEVAC vehicles.

The Pathfinders are the elite scouts of the GIGA. They are sent behind enemy lines to monitor enemy activities and distrupt them as much as possible. Armed with ARC Rifles and Markerlights they can take on most enemies as long as they remain unseen. Their equipment and battle suits are painted camoflaged colours to best suit the battlefield environment and they do not use any equipment which can generate light to help on night time missions. Given all the equipment needed to complete their mission Pathfinders are all given Battle Visors, which greaty increases their effectiveness especially when using the Missile Hub technology. Pathfinders very rarly join onto GI squads but if they do, they act as flankers providing support where possible but they are not suited to large scale combat.

The Human Auxilaries are snipers and peacekeepers. The snipers are deployed before a battle and provide support to the Friendly Alien's advance. Sometimes Human Snipers actually join GI squads to suppliment their fire. Unable to use Battle Visors they use Roudland imported AX-10 helmets. The peacekeepers are deployed after a battle to make sure civilians stay peaceful and embrace Friendly Alien occupation.

The Alien Techs are simply Alien Engineers but with additional training in IT so they can hack into enemy computer systems. They join fighting units when needed armed with ARC SMGs and equipped with Battle Visors. Otherwise they create field bases, bridges, hack into enemy systems from field bases and destroy enemy weapons caches.

Finally the Eldars is a unit of Friendly Aliens which were once General Infantry and have served for 100 years. Once they reach this point they are immediately used for the most important missions working together and for engagements where they do not have anything specific to do they have free reign over the battlefield doing whatever they think is best. Eldars wear a typical battle suit however over the top they wear white robes to intimidate the enemy, Battle Visors and all wield ARC SMGS and Electro Gloves. Any Alien could reach the hundred year mark and become an Eldar however those in the Eldars who have constantly shown exceptional battlefield prowess are put into the fearsome Predator Squads.

LADF (Low Atmosphere Defence Force)

The LADF is the most important part of the Friendly Aliens Military. It consists of the LADF flight wing and the Sector Ship Command. The LADF revolves mainly around the Sector Ships; it holds nearly all LADF aircraft as it patrols around Friendly Alien airspace. If there is an emergency the Sector Ship releases all available aircraft and the Sector Ship Alpha is sent to the warzone whilst the Beta hovers over Planetfall City to protect it from Orbital and Aerial Bombardment. LADF personnel are equipped with ARC SMGS because they can be used better in the cramped spaces of the Sector Ships and Orion Carriers compared to the ARC rifle however soldiers are not permitted to use micro mines unless under strict orders.

HADF (High Atmosphere Defence Force)

The High Atmosphere Defence Force is used to protect against high orbit and space threats using specially designed Orion Carriers capable of travelling into the vaccum of space. The personnel are equipped just the same as the LADF personnel however everyone is given a HADF Battle Visor just incase there is a hull breach and are strictly ordered never to think about using explosive weapons unless under special circumstances.

Stellar Guard

The Stellar Guard protects Friendly Aliens space using mainly Banshees and Jenovas launched from the Nebula Space Station however some new ships have been constructed to add more firepower to the attack. These ships are called the Manta Class Heavy Missile Frigate and the Crossbow Class Missile Frigate.

The Crossbow class is a small spaceship (so small it has been classed as a pseudo capital class ship) with a crew compliment of about 20 which includes 5 Friendly Alien Marines (more skillfull fighters however competant crewman). Friendly Aliens believes in smaller ships with high firepower because they can evade most fire and support the Fighters perfectly standing off from range and firing loads of powerful missiles into targets.

The Crossbow has 4 missile tubes situated on the front, 2 ARC PDTs and 3 SRain launchers for defence, one PTD mounted underneath and one mounted on the top of the ship, the 3 SRain launchers cover the flanks of the ship. The frigate is capable of firing four missiles every five seconds meaning a frigate has a firing rate of 48 missiles in a minute! Which when used with Jenova bombers any target can gradually be brought down in a painful torrent of fire.

The Manta is alot larger than the Crossbow with a compliment of about 100 including 20 marines; it has 18 missile tubes, 16 SRain launchers and 8 ARC PDTs.

Each of these new ships uses an ingenious slope designed armour which deflects as much fire as it absorbs and is powered by large BioGenerators, Retractable HE Solar Cells and Batteries. The ships have very strong ECM and ECCM systems this combined with the ships small size make them increadibly hard to hit. Both ship designs also for go any artificial gravity systems to save power and the also because of the fact these systems are not needed.

Each of the missile tubes are capable of firing 5 different types of missile:

The F-1 Basic which is a typical high yield missile, they lock to the target with an aspect lock and travel as fast possible to the target and explode.

The AR-01 is a fast low yield missile which is designed to destroy the defences and senses of the enemy. It is a Fire and Forget weapon which automatically homes to any sources of radar systems and destroys them. This can mean an enemy's defences can be crippled in minutes leaving their final destruction to the hands of boarding marines or bombers.

The Er-50 Error missile which has a random flight path to confuse point defence systems. They have the same yield as the F1 Basic.

The EM-18 EMP missile is capable of disrupting electrical systems on impact so that ships can be captured and boarded easily. These need to be fired into the enemy ship and exploded in atmosphere because of the nature of the weapon. These are kept incase of emergency and are fired at any ship which needs to be disabled for boarding or any other reason.

The FK-99 Flak missile which is designed to take out ordinance and small ships. It travels towards the incoming ordinance and explodes releasing 1000s tiny ball bearings. These hit the ordinance causing them to explode etc.

Finally there is the large BBT-01 Ground Bombardment missile, there are normally no more then two aboard each ship at one time because they are rarely used and they are so big, if the ship plans to do prolonged bombarding they will have to have their normal magazines replaced at a base or with a Carry-All. These torpedoes are oversized, most of it is a HE warhead and then the rest houses guidance systems. They travel very slow but quickly gather pace as the planet's gravity has a larger and larger effect.

The ratio of Crossbows to Mantas is normally 4:1 this is because of standard Stellar Guard formation protocol. Currently there are about 80 Crossbows and 20 Mantas in active service in the Stellar Guard. To perform utility tasks Carry-Alls are used but a new recently developed Ramming Frigate has been contructed to tow large objects or to push large objects. This has proven to be a very safe method of moving space debris because the Ramming Frigates are not as fragile as the Carry-Alls. The Ramming Frigate has caught the interest of the military as perhaps a military weapon but these have only been rumors.

Special Forces

The main Special Forces of Friendly Alien's are the Super Mutants. The actual definition of a super mutant is an Alien which has grown by at least two times its normal size due to mutation however it is not uncommon for super mutants to have extra appendages aswell. Another common side effect of the super mutant mutation is incredible endurance, when a super mutant receives an injury the wound immediately clots stopping blood loss, the super mutants are so endurant they have 'Life Lights' implanted into them to monitor their brain activity. The super mutant has the ability to recover from any wounds as long as it has brain activity.

Aliens who seem to have developed the Super Mutation are immediately contacted by a Friendly Alien official to join the Super Mutant Special Forces. Normally there are no complaints because it is almost every Aliens ambition to join the legendary SMSF. When they join up they are given about 2 years training in which they develop their strength and train with their weapons.

Squads normally consist of 6 to 10 super mutants. There is no actual commander each Super Mutant is connected to HQ via a communicator and follows order given to them from there. Super Mutants are given the same missions which any other special forces are expected to do except stealth but they excel at close combat and boarding actions for the Stellar Guard.

Super Mutants are given either given as weapons a MG4 Machine Gun, a Pancor Jackhammer or a Thunder Hammer and Tactical Shield. These weapons have been developed for the Super Mutants at great expense to try and stop the 'SM effect' Super Mutants which are impressed by a weapon try to get their hands on it and use it themselves this can range from simple weapons like a flamethrower to extremely large weapons like cannons. Super Mutants throw away expensive equipment in favour of these weapons and it had started to annoy FA Strategic Command so Strategic Command has given them best weapons they can find. When Super Mutants are not on a mission they are either training more or modding their weapons which means as Super Mutants get more experienced their weapons get more and more unique as well as their armour.

Also when a Super Mutant receives a wound the area which was damaged tends to inflame as layers soft flesh and muscles develop over it, this means the more action a Super Mutant sees the larger and more powerful it gets.

In summary the Super Mutants may be few but aswell as getting more experienced after each battle they also get alot stronger meaning their effectiveness gets higher each day. Even now there are those who have been given Eldar status in the Super Mutants, they were once personnel on the StarSearcher who succumed to the Super mutation. These are without question the most ruthless Special Forces in the entire Alliance with such experiance and strength that it cannot be beaten by force alone. They carry brutal weapons customised beyond recognition which iconically mirrors their own visages.


Green Eye Operative During Change

Green Eye- The Green Eye is not actually part of the military however the mutants in which the Eye are formed of, the changlings, have seen battle. The changelings are another type of mutant even rarer than the super mutant; they have the ability to change themselves at will into anything they touch which has the same mass. The existence of the changelings was first known by other members of the Alliance when one tried to spy on Super Roman Spartan activities since then they have been used in both war time and peace for espionage, sabotage and assassination. The changelings whom work for the Eye are called Operatives. Operatives have full security clearance in all Friendly Aliens military establishments and they have power to arrest anyone they believe is breaking the law; military or otherwise.

Friendly Alien War Heroes