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Flag of Wakesburg
Motto: Emperors and Kings under One Sovereign
Region Romagna Wakesburg
Capital Wakesburg
Official Language(s) English, Greek
Leader Emperor Nicholas II Wake
Population C. 400 million
Currency Wakesburg Bezant (B) 
NS Sunset XML


The Empire of Wakesburg is a dominant power in the region of Romagna Wakesburg as well as on of the founding members. It is a absolute monarchy, with the Emperor of Wakesburg reigning as virtual dictator. This has necessitated the development of an extensive bureaucracy. The national language is English, with Greek spoken only at the aristocratic levels. The capital city is Wakesburg.


Ancient History to the Middle Ages: Roving bands of barbarians until the coming of the Romans inhabited the region that was to become Imperial territory. A group of Romans, calling themselves the "Great Romans" or Romanus Magnus settled in several villages after the decline of Roman Power. Their territory was eventually named Romagna, which briefly was occupied by the forces of Justinian and the Byzantines in 550 C.E. The arrival of family of Wake into the region in 999 C.E. marked a shift in region politics. The Wakes established themselves in several villages and towns, creating feudal states, constantly warring with themselves. Eventually, the Romagnan villagers, disgruntled and fed up with the constant warfare, rebelled and drove the various Wake rulers and their supporters into exile around 1095. After wandering for 4 years, the surviving Wakes settled into a fertile valley, building up several towns to inhabit. All went well for 9 years, until Vlasios Wake hired a corps of mercenaries and conquered his neighbors. On the cusp of victory against the forces of his Uncle, Honorius Wake, Vlasios was assassinated by his cousin Nicholas, who then took over control of the army and territory. Nicholas knew that the civil war had created a united territory that was held together by mercenaries and Vlasios's army. If he had any chance of keeping his new state together, he needed to pacify the conquered towns through diplomacy. In the conquered towns, the mercenaries were universally hated, so Nicholas disbanded and discharged his hired men. This caused some conflict, such as when a corps of mercenaries, feeling cheated, took the town of Honiara. Nicholas quickly set out with his personal guard and defeated the occupiers. This helped to establish a report between the conquered towns and Nicholas. To help reinforce the new unity, Nicholas built a new city, Nicholagrad, to serve as the new capital of the state. He also established a military-led aristocracy and took on the title of Executor of the Territory of Nicholagrad. This new state built up a new army and eventually returned to Romagna in 1204, occupying large portions and defeating the independent village militias. These new towns and villages were incorporated into the Territory of Nicholagrad.

Industrial Age: In the 1800s, the Territory disintegrated, granting independence to a vast majority of cities. It was 1894 before the Wakes were able to regain control of enough territory to be considered a player on the international stage. Another Nicholas, this one a Wake from Eastern Romagna, built a new capital in his home territory, naming it Wakesburg. He was able to gather a following of 5 million people and was able to annex the surrounding countryside. Nicholas claimed lineage from Vlasios and the Executor Nicholas, and had the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople crown him Emperor of Wakesburg in 1899, 900 years to the day the Wakes first achieved dominance in Romagna.

Empire: The new Empire of Wakesburg spent the following decade consolidating control over the various eastern Romagnan cities and towns, creating a viable, however small nation. Nicholas seized control of Nicholagrad in November 1904, claiming the title of Executor and the surrounding territory. This gave him access to the nearby iron and coal mines and fueled the modernization of his Empire. In 1905, Nicholas sent supplies to the Russian Empire with a promise of good nature to help in the Russo-Japanese War.


The official government of the Empire of Wakesburg is an absolute monarchy. In theory, all aspects of the Government stem from the will of the Emperor. In practice, this has lead to the establishment of a massive bureaucracy dominated more by who you know than actual talent. Imperial Decrees are law, although there is the 1995 December Manifesto, which essentially promised the fair treatment of all Imperial citizens by the monarch. Once a month, the Emperor issues a Manifesto, which includes an official statement about the economy, foreign affairs, public policy and major legal issues that may have occurred. It is traditionally followed by a list of each Imperial Decree from the preceding month, followed by a reaffirmation of the divine creed of the Empire: Emperors and Kings under One Sovereign.


The Empire of Wakesburg has a diverse private sector economy centered around arms manufacturing, beef-based agriculture, and book publishing industries. The Robinson Farms Conglomerate holds 75% of the cattle ranges throughout Wakesburg, while Riminsky Arms are the primary manufactures of firearms. Their main facility, the Nicholagrad Works, produces 90% of the military's weapons. Wake Publishing holds a monopoly over the book-publishing field and is controlled by the head of the Wake Dynasty. It was created by Nicholas I in an effort to create a literary renaissance in Wakesburg.


Extensive mining and exploitation of the landscape has left it scarred and barren in many places. This is a result of the heavy industrialization that occurred during the reign of Nicholas I as he tried to compete in the European market. Many of the great forests were clear-cut to create farmland and supply the cities with building materials. The wild Bassett Hounds have since become an endangered species and protected under Imperial Law. Despite continual protesting on the part of Wildlife Activists, the exploitation of the land continues. In recent years, under the 1995 December Manifesto, several swaths of land in the northern reaches of Wakesburg has been set aside for the Bassett Hounds to keep them form disappearing from the Empire.

Emperors of Wakesburg

The title of Emperor of Wakesburg holds much authority. Aside from controlling just the Empire proper, it also denotes the titular ruler of the Colony of African Wakesburg, Executor of Nicholagrad, the power of Regional Controller of Romagna Wakesburg, and after the dissolution of Trojan Middleville, Holy Trojan Emperor. Currently, it also holds the authority of a UN Regional delegate. Emperors of Wakesburg: Emperor Nicholas I (ruled 1899-1924)

Emperor Christian (1924-1934)

Emperor John Constantine (1934-1950)

Emperor Maurice (1950-1972)

Emperor Eugenius Constantine (1972-1988)

Emperor Darrell (1988-1994)

Emperor Nicholas II (1994-present)