Southern Romagna

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Southern Romagna
Flag of Southern Romagna
Motto: We Rock, End of Story
Region Romagna Wakesburg
Capital Unity Rock
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Gerald Bond
Population C. 600 million
Currency Romagnan Bezant (B) 
NS Sunset XML


The Federation of Southern Romagna is currently the other "Great Half" of the founding Nations of Romagna Wakesburg. Initially founded as the Grand Duchy of Southern Romagna under the Wakes to stabilized the region, a violent revolution ousted the Grand Duke and established the United States of Southern Romagna. A second revolution a year later destabilized the government and triggered a civil war. The surviving states created the Federation as an effort to counter the increasing influence of Wakesburg.


===Prehistory=== Southern Romagna as a region has always been rich. The country side consists of fertile land and resources aplenty. The region was settled by Roman Refugees following the fall of the Western Empire. The survivors, calling themselves "Great Romans" made their way in their new region, submitting to Justinian's forces in 550. ===Middle Ages=== After successive barbarian invasions, Byzantine control in the region collapsed, leaving the Romagnans to fend for themselves. The various towns and villages entered into a period of constant warfare with each other, creating a very militant culture compared with other parts of Romagna, the region. Eventually, several small principalities emerged, consolidating territory and entered a new period was bloodshed. ===Renaissance=== The rebirth of knowledge in the west created a pool of experienced scientists and inventors, helping the Romagnan Princes to execute more warfare. This warring continued until the late 1600s, when many principalities collapsed as a result of civil unrest. Many were absorbed into the two surviving regions: The Principality of Grand Watchtower and the Dukedom of Paige. These two powers divided up the southern portion of Romagna, forming the Grand Duchy of Watchtower-Paige under a marriage alliance.

Grand Duchy

The Grand Duchy entered into a war with the Austrian Empire in 1844, soundly defeating the Austrians at the battle of Watchtower and receiving a massive payment as restitution. This glory was short-lived as the Duchy entered a period of decline that lasted until 1899, when a massive army from the new Empire of Wakesburg entered the region. It destroyed the Ducal army on the Paigian Plains and advanced to the Grand Duke's Capital of Grand Watchtower, seizing the city and executing the Duke. The Emperor Nicholas, knowing that he could not hold the country because of the quarrelsome nature of its denizens, appointed a local noble, Alexander Riminsky, to the Ducal Throne and reformed the Duchy by giving up some of the Empire's territories in the south, creating a unified southern state: the Grand Duchy of Southern Romagna. To solidify an alliance, Alexander was married to Anastasia Wake, creating the Riminsky-Wake line.


The Grand Duchy, using its new-found power, co-founded the region of Romagna Wakesburg with Wakesburg. The Duchy's policies echoed those of their Imperial neighbors when ever possible, but in 1951, following a massive anti-monarchy demonstration, the Grand Duke Michael granted a constitution, establishing an empowered legislative body known as the Estates-Congress. While this worked at the time, it created territorial divides. Michael created districts with respect to the ancient city-states of the Middle Ages. This created a renewed interest in city-state sovereignty. In 1966, the Estates-Congress pushed a very state-oriented agenda, curtailing the power of the Grand Duke. In response, many pro-monarchists staged riots throughout Southern Romagna, starting a civil war with the Estates-Congress and their supporters. The Grand Duke Michael was in Wakesburg at the time. Initial reports claimed that the situation was untenable and that the Grand Duke would either have to abdicate or suppress the riots with the army. The current state of the Ducal army was horribly diminished and made no secret of their support of the pro-monarchists. Many soldiers were suspected of butchery, a record that made their use against the Estates-Congress dangerous. Michael therefor requested Imperial help, and an Imperial Army was sent into the Grand Duchy to put down the rebellion. Michael congratulated himself on his quick thinking and returned to Grand Watchtower. There he found that his actions had seriously undermined the military, and the only reason the rioting had stopped was because of a universal hatred of foreign intervention. This laid the foundation for the 1994 revolution, which ousted Grand Duke Alexander III and established the United States of Southern Romagna.