New Spain

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New Spain
Flag of New Spain
Regional anthem: N/A
Founder ISCAR
Population 24 Nations
Forum [2]
Delegate Hezuland
President Emperor Carlos V
Vice-President SkylineHeavyIndustries
Info:NSEconomy RC XML

New Spain was created the 13th December 2006 by some Spanish nations who leaved out the region of Spain. Friends of the Region,Argentina.Recognized diplomaticaly by Republic of Philippines(region) and mantaining diplomatic ties with the regions of England and Portugal. Member region of the COFR.


Founding Nations

*Concilio Vaticano
*Los Antillanos
*Emperor Carlos V

Member Nations

*Concilio Vaticano
*Emperor Carlos V
*Free Region
*Santa Perpetwa
*Septimo cielo
*Ministerio Reclutacion
*Siete Ciudades de Oro

Former Members

*Any fiction name
*The Elven Wizards
*Los Antillanos (left the region for traition)
*Giménez Losantos



New Spain was founded the 13th December 2006 by the nations of ISCAR, SkylineHeavyIndustries, Concilio Vaticano, Los Antillanos, Emperor Carlos V and Hezuland who left Spain looking for freedom.


The 11th January 2007, SkylineHeavyIndustries invaded the northern area of Any fiction name. The 12nd January, SkylineHeavyIndustries attacked Any fiction name with an E-Virus sample released to the nation's water supply and land forces withdrew. Later, the 14th January, the SkylineHeavyIndustries govt declared the war ended.


The final text of the Constitution was posted the 27th January 2007 at the regional forum.



*ISCAR 13th December 2006 - 14th January 2007
*Any fiction name 14th January 2007 - 15th January 2007
*Hezuland 15th January 2007 - Present


*SkylineHeavyIndustries 3rd February 2007 - 8th February 2007 (Acting)
*Emperor Carlos V 8th February 2007 -


*Los Antillanos 3rd February 2007 - 4th February 2007 (Acting)
*SkylineHeavyIndustries 8th February 2007 - Present