King James Richard I

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King James Richard I
King of New Britannia
Reign Unknown - 18 June 2006
Coronation Unknown
Predecessor None
Successor King Caleb I
Spouse Queen Melinda Rose
King Caleb I
Prince Clay
Prince Cole
His Sovereign Majesty, James Richard I, by the Grace of God, of New Britannia and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith
Royal House House of Thomas
Royal anthem N/A
Father Charles
Mother Frances Joan
Born 7 April 1942
New Britannia
Baptised 7 April 1942
New Britannia
I.Q. 131
Height 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight 121
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Religion Protestant

Early Life

James Richard I was born on the 7th of April, 1942 to Charles and Francis Joan. He was raised in aristocratic New Britannia, which was under the control of a foreign republic. He was educated in maths, sciences, philosophy, military strategy, politics, history, English, Latin, French, German, and Spanish. He was a skilled fencer and horseman. He was raised a devout Protestant.

Rise to Power

At the age of 19, he waged a war against the foreign republic with the help of the aristocrats. He ceased control and freed the oppressed people. The was crowned King of New Britannia and remained until his assassination in 2006.

Civil War

When King James Richard I of New Britannian Empire (nation) was assassinated in early 2006, New Britannia broke out into a civil war. The people still did not know of the heir to the throne when a foreign region entered the war to aid the rebels. The war was bloody and most royalist natives sailed to the neighboring continent now called New Britannian Empire. The rebels eventually surrendered and were executed for treason. King Caleb I was coronated. New Britannia had also gain territory: the continent of modern New Britannian Empire.