Duke James of Balmoral

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Duke James of Balmoral
Duke of Balmoral
Reign N/A
Coronation N/A
Predecessor None
Successor None
Spouse Duchess Emily
His Grace, Duke James of Balmoral, fourth in line for the throne of New Britannian Empire.
Royal House House of Thomas
Royal anthem N/A
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Born 11 August 1919
New Britannia
Baptised 11 August 1919
New Britannia
I.Q. 139
Height 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight 137
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Religion Protestant


Duke James of Balmoral is the Great Uncle of King Caleb I. He was born 11 August, 1919. He was made Duke of Balmoral by King James Richard I, his favourite nephew. He had a strong influence over his nephew. He even convinced him to rebel against the foreign republic that had conquered New Britannia and become King. He is one of the most influencial Dukes in the Empire and definately the most celebrated.