Magic of Eden-IV

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Eden-IV sports an individual magic system that I am going to explain in the following article. Magic on Eden-IV is based upon psionic capacities harnessed to control the six Colors Of Magic, which represent different elements. Magic has a major place in everyday life, but especially the various militaries of Eden-IV. While most of Eden-IV's inhabitants possess no to limited psionic capacities, some with more potential are trained by the organization HOUSE, who recruits them as children and harnesses their powers for combat. But even these do not match the ancient Sourcerers that had plunged the planet into the Psion War.

Colors Of Magic

As mentioned, magic on Eden-IV is categorized in six colors, each representing different elemenental properties. Some colors may contain mostly offensive spells aimed at damaging whatever they are targeted at, others such as White Magic (Weisse Magie) contain mostly curative and support magic. The more someone relies on the spells of a certain color, the more spells, with increasing power, will become available to that person, while the capacity to perform magic of other colors decreases.

Colors of magic.jpg

The synchronicity o a person with a certain color is usually displayed by placing dots into the colored fields of the hexagram shown above. These dots are then connected with lines to form the Aura shape of that character. Once a certain color drops into the white area, because the opposing color has been trained to the maximum, it becomes impossible to return, since with a zero synchronicity with a certain color, no spells of this color are available and without casting spells of a color, one cannot increase his sync with that color.

White Magic

Element: Positive Energy

Type: Curative, Protective

White Magic is aimed at curing wounds and various other ways of aiding in combat without doing actual damage. Some White Magic spells can, however, be used quite efficently against enemies with an affinty to Black Magic, or undead enemies.

Spells of this category are:

  • Pure
  • Pura
  • Purea
  • Purera
  • Rejuv
  • Rejuvena
  • Rejuvenea
  • Rejuvenera
  • Barrier
  • Barria
  • Barriea
  • Barriera
  • Bless
  • Kyrie
  • Kyria
  • Asumi
  • Amaterasu - ultimate White Magic. Cures all party members to full health, revives all fallen party members at full health and removes all negative status effects and puts up all beneficial status effects. Harmful to undead, demons and Black Mages, so it can also be used as a weapon.
  • Genesis
  • Genesa
  • Genesea
  • Genesera

Black Magic

Element: Negative Energy

Type: Destructive, Cruel

Black Magic consists of pure negative energy aimed at causing pain and destruction amongst its targets. Unlike elemental spells, Black Magic cannot be used for anything else than destruction. A destructive fire-element spell could also be used to light a torch or to start a campfire. With a Black Magic spell, this is not possible, since it will always only cause destruction, never a positive effect. It should be noted, however, that Black Magic spells are not even the most effective spells when it comes to destroying a target, since they too often seek to make the target suffer instead of doing actual damage to kill it quick. A good example for this is the Maleficent spell, the ultimate Black Magic. It does only moderate actual damage, but pounds it's target with the complete array of status effects.

Spells of this category are:

  • Aggravatia - Target looses health depending on the wounds it has already suffered.
  • Curse - Next hit on the target will cause instant Death.
  • Darkness - causes "Blind" status on all opponents unable of Darkness Vision.
  • Death - Kills target. Useless against non-living opponents.
  • Destruct - Tears the target into bits and pieces, regardless of the material it is made of.
  • Doom - Puts up a timer. When the timer reaches zero, the victim suffers an instant Death effect.
  • Madness - Puts the target Confused and Berzerk.
  • Maleficent - Ultimate Black Magic. Medium damage, but hits with every single negative status effect.
  • Pain (poisons and blinds)
  • Punish (target receives damage for every action performed after being hit by this spell)
  • Pandora (massive status effects)
  • Pandemonium (summons are stream of demons that do a great number of various minor attacks to the target)
  • Plague - causes disease.
  • Zombie - raises one fallen character or monster as zombie to serve the caster.

Red Magic

Element: Fire, Nuclear

Type: Status Effects

Red Magic is connected with the powers of fire and the powers bound up within atoms. It is essentially the magic of energy itself. It is also related to status effects, notably Berzerk, Radiation and in the case of the Tachyon- spells, Haste and Slow.

  • Candel
  • Candela
  • Candelea
  • Candelera
  • Flam
  • Flama
  • Flamea
  • Flamera
  • Pyre
  • Pyro
  • Pyroa
  • Pyrora
  • Atom
  • Atoma
  • Atomea
  • Atomera
  • Nuke
  • Nuka
  • Nuclea
  • Nuclear
  • Tachyon
  • Tachyono
  • Tachyonea
  • Tachyonera

(Atomor and Atomagra belong into this category aswell, but they are only used by monsters and cannot be learned by characters)

Green Magic

Element: Life, Poison

Type: Support

Green Magic is mainly support magic. It is capable of healing, similar to White Magic, but does also contain harmful spells. However, both aspects are by far not as powerful as they are in magic specialised on one of them and the main purpose of green magic are support spells, like Analysis. Green Magic is used by telepaths in civilian service to help plants grow or locate an area were growing crops would be efficient. Generally speking, Green Magic takes alot of time for its effects to show, and only the most skillful telepaths could use it as acctual weapon by accelerating plant growth to trap an enemy in roots and vines, but such spells exist aswell.

Spells of this category are:

  • Vita
  • Vitra
  • Vitea
  • Vitera
  • Bio
  • Biora
  • Biorea
  • Biosphera
  • Gaia
  • Gaiara
  • Gaea
  • Gaiera

Blue Magic

Element: Wind, Water

Type: Imitation

Blue Magic is bound to the rather flexible elements Water and Air. Besides the spells that belong to this category by default, a telepath who is trained in Blue Magic may also use the flexibility of these elements to imitate and replicate some other magic spells which do not belong to any color. The Sourceress Tormatha used this special factor to such a degree that she actually not only managed to change her magic repertoire, but her physical form as well, turning herself into a human/black dragon/water elemental hybrid form. Her successor, Sourceress Maleficent can also transform into a black dragon (though without te Water Elemental properties). But since she uses solely Black Magic, it is unlikely she mastered Blue Magic to such a level, that she achieved said transformation in the same way as Tormatha did.

Spells of this categorys are:

  • Ozone
  • Ozona
  • Onzonea
  • Ozonera
  • Tornado
  • Tornada
  • Tornadea
  • Tornadera
  • Atmosphere
  • Atmosphera
  • Atmospherea
  • Atmospherera
  • Aqua
  • Aquana
  • Aquanea
  • Aquanera
  • Mare
  • Marera
  • Marerea
  • Marerera
  • Ocean
  • Oceana
  • Oceanea
  • Oceanera

Yellow Magic

Element: Earth, Electricity

Other Types

There is also non-aligned magic that does not fit into any of the above categories, like Cyborg Maleficent's Galaxia and Galaxiae spells, which are amongst the most powerful and usually categorized as "Space" or "Astral" magic, which is not part of the Hexagram. Some of this magic can be replicated using Blue Magic, other types are exclusively used by certain monsters or characters. There are also psionic abilities based upon unrefined telepathic powers. Usually, attacks using this are very powerful, since they are generated by a will strong enough to overcome the strict barriers placed upon such powers, but are usually very destructive in nature and hard to control. Examples for this include the "Psycho Blast", "Mind Blow" and "Psi Wave" Scorpio uses when going Psi-Berzerk.

Unaligned Magic spells are:

  • Psycho Blast - powerful attack that launches a ball of psychic energy at the target. Sometimes, the target is turned around. (Psionic)
  • Mind Blow - a shockwave that robs the target of all its Psi-Energy of the color opposing the orientation of the caster. (Psionic)
  • Psi Wave - a shockwve that boils the minds of all organic target around the caster, independant of being friend or foe. (Psionic)
  • Mind Control - Controls the mind of one target. (Psionic)
  • Supernova (Space magic)
  • Supernovae (Space magic)
  • Galaxia (Space Magic)
  • Galaxiae (Space Magic)
  • Aura (Aura - it's a seperate class) - special move of Vedess. Bestows various beneficial effects (Stat raises, sometimes status effects) upon allies in battle as long as Vedess is alive (Passive ability). The effect the Aura has depends upon the currently preferred Color of Magic of Vedess and the intensity of this preferation.
    • White - Aura of Benevolence. Instant healing spells will occure when a team member is injured. Removes negative status effects, bestows positive status effects at random on highler levels. The downside: Damage will be decreased.
    • Black - Aura of Hatred. Puts all allies into Berzerk status, increases attack.
    • Red - Aura of Courage. Increases attack as well, removes panic status and protects from panic.
    • Green - Aura
    • Blue - Aura of Learning. Experience gained in battle is increased.
    • Yellow - Aura of Honor

This may be related to Wikipedia:Aura (strategy games).

  • Aural Vampire (Xeno's magic) - is used by Lydia Weapon's WEAPON part to drain Psi Energy from Lydia.
  • The Abilities Lydia gaines when Xeno possesses her could also be considered Magic, but they are more based on technoloy.
  • Enchantment / Magisaber / Psisaber / Soul Blade - Another special move of Vedess, this consists of him casting an unknown magic spell on his weapon, charging it with psionic energy. He then attacks the target, releasing the magic upon it in addition to doing physical damage. The spell cast on the weapon can be any med-level non-white and non-black magic (though later he also uses high-level) and is picked at random.


Any magic that is cast uses up so-called Psi Energy of its color. Since by nature even a telepath posseses only limited energy, technology of Eden-IV has brought forth Psionic Drugs, substances that increase the psychic energy of a certain color. To increase one's Red Magic energy, there is a substance called Red. Blue Magic is powered by Nalcon, Yellow by Camylla, Green by Bios, White by Angelus and Black by Cerberus. There are other names for these substances depending upon their purity and the manufacturer, but these are the basic types. All else is dealt with in the relevant article.


Main article(s): ArmSuits#Psi-Link

Using certain receivers installed inside an ArmSuit, ArmSuit pilots can actually use their psionic powers to enhance the powers of their ArmSuit. A spell a pilot knowns can be linked to a certain aspect of his Suit, and, in relation to the Psi-Energy the pilot stocked for the color of that spell and the pilot's Sync to that Suit, affects the relevant component. Of course, when magic is cast, this will decrease the amount of stocked energy, and thus, the efficiency bonus will also drop.