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Flag of Ioavollr
Motto: Vikings are the best pirates
No Map
Region Scandinavia
Capital Nomadic: No capital
Official Language(s) Ancient Norse
Population 1 Billion +
Currency Unit 
NS Sunset XML

The Mostly Insignificant Nation of Ioavollr is a massive nation located in the region of Scandinavia. The population is over a billion, and due to the inherently nomadic nature of the nation, there is no capital.


Ioavollr is a fairly straight forward democracy. The citizens may vote for whomever they want, or vote "none of the above" or abstain from voting all together. Minorities are given a moderate amount of political compensation, but abuse is usually curbed before it starts. Candidates are NOT given much help in campaigning and political spending is severely limited, which usually results in already-famous politicians and above-average intelligence debaters gaining top positions.


Ioavollr is reported to keep a fairly steady tax rate of approximately 100%, but in reality that is quite inaccurate. The country uses currency exclusively for foreign trade. Internally the government does its best to promote personal independence by keeping citizens self-sufficient. As such, almost all economic trade is done on the barter system.


A top shelf focus of government in Ioavollr is its education system. With at least a quarter of all government support focused directly on education, Ioavollr boasts some of the best educated citizens in the entire region.


Recently beating education in funding, the environment is a top priority of Ioavollr. Ioavollr takes the environment very seriously, so seriously that it set up a colony nation, Ioavollr Environmental. Recent studies have shown Ioavollr to have the 7th most beautiful environment in Scandinavia, and within the top 2% in the world.

Select Rankings

Ioavollr ranks well in a few categories:

7th Most Beautiful Environment (Scandinavia)
9th Smartest Citizens (Scandinavia) 2,559th Worldwide
8th Most Cultured (Scandinavia), 1,977th Worldwide
108th Most Corrupt Government (of 112, Scandinavia), 85,226th Worldwide (of 91,419)
4th Most Compassionate (Scandinavia) 3,011th Worldwide