Vien Ai Chan

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Vien Ai Chan
Marital Status
Single (once divorced)
Patron Deity
Rael, the Red Chin
President of the Republic

Vien Ai Chan is the first and current President of Drunken Pagan Weirdos. Prior to this, he served in the Imperial Guard of the last Drunken Pagan Emperor, Valentinian II, and his predecessor, Alexius IV, attaining the rank of Lieutenant before the disbanding of the Guard upon Valentinian’s abdication of the throne. Under Chan’s leadership, Drunken Pagan Weirdos has retained many of the same economic and social policies of the Imperial era. Chan is a member of the ruling Intoxicated Socialist Party.



Born in the southern state of Zelbess, Vien Lee Schaffer was the only child of Robert Schaffer, a priest of Rael the Red Chin, and Sammathi Chan, a first-generation immigrant and priestess of Rael. Because his parents were always occupied with temple business, young Vien often found himself playing in the forests surrounding the temple complex. It was here that he made his first friends: a family of endangered blue wolves, whose den soon became his second home, when his parents weren’t looking.

When he was seven, Vien’s father died after a night of excessive drinking and partying brought on by the sudden appearance and impromptu concert of Judas Priest. This affected Vien profoundly; he became even more reclusive and spent more and more time with his animal friends in the forest.

The Teenage Years

Six years after his father’s death, when he was thirteen, Chan and his mother moved to the Imperial Capital of Augustgrad, where his mother had been appointed the Deputy Head Priestess of Rael in the Temple District of the city. Here, Vien couldn’t turn to the cute, fluffy animals of nature for solace, but he found it to be extremely difficult to make friends with some of the other children living in the Temple. He was given a formal education by some of the priests in the Temple, away from the rest of the kids.

As an outlet for his teenage frustrations, Chan soon began taking kickboxing classes, which he found to be supremely easy due to his Asian heritage from his mother’s side. Disregarding the extreme racism of it all, he chose to accept and develop his talents to fill the void left by the removal of the blue wolf family from his life. At the age of eighteen, Chan’s vigilant training and ability led his kickboxing teacher to recommend that he join the national military for a few years, which Chan promptly did, registering under the name of Vien Chan.

Military, University, and Marriage

Of course, the military didn’t really do much of anything at the time, so it was easy living. Chan served in the regular militia for four years, then attended the Augustgrad Military Academy, where he experimented with various drugs, played some video games, and generally screwed around. After graduating near the top of his class three years later, the newly-renamed Vien Ai Chan was offered a place in the Imperial Guard, which he gladly accepted.

Now twenty-five, and a member of the most prestigious military institution in the nation, Chan took to experimenting with various drugs, playing some video games and generally screwing around. It was during this time that he met and married Amanda McCormick, a high-class law student, in a quickie marriage at the Temple of Angeline. They stayed together for five years, until the day when the Imperial Guard was disbanded, with Amanda claiming that Chan “never took life seriously” before walking out in a huff. Chan shrugged and went back to playing Monopoly and snorting coke with his fellow Guard soldiers, mumbling something about how he had no idea what was going on anyway.

The Presidency

After the abdication of Valentinian II, the last Drunken Pagan Emperor, Chan realized that he had thrown a good chunk of his life and his marriage away with his excessive drug use. He set out to balance himself by taking up kickboxing again on weekdays, and only doing the heavy drugs on weekends. It was then that the newly-formed Intoxicated Socialist Party, interested in running a presidential candidate with a military background, chose Chan as their guy, on recommendation from some of his former Imperial Guard companions. Chan accepted the nomination and ran a hard campaign, winning with 39.3% of the vote.

As President, Vien Ai Chan is considered to be a moderate, keeping many of the old economic and social policies of the Imperial state intact, and so far, so good.