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Flag of Coronadia
Motto: Tis Life
Region Congo Islands
Capital Verona
Official Language(s) English, Spanish, Zulu
Leader Electorate Alia Mogabuma
Population 1,358,000,000
Currency Corona 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic Empire of Coronadia

Founded in 1821 in the region known as the Congo Islands(Located closest to the continent of Africa), Coronadia have been through violent revolutions, democratic elections, kings, and yet today the country still stands.


Originally the country was inhabited by the Lutia Natives, descendants of Zulus, who tended to live in nomadic groups traveling around the coastline. However, in 1678 the country was colonized by Spanish Explorers. Led by Suarez Moreno the brutally subdued the Lutia through means of warfare. The Lutia tribes that were left all fled to the East where the Spanish colonized choose not colonize. The Western Part of Coronadia was ruled as principality of Spain while the East was still uncolonized. Those Lutia tribes that remained were either shipped to Africa and then shipped the Americas or remained as slaves in the colony.

Ten years after the colonization of the West, the English invaded the East. The Lutia tribes once again had to band together to fight a foriegn enemy, but their spears and arrows were no match for rifles and guns. After 5 months of fighting the English had pushed the Lutia to southern edges of the country. They would have exterminated the Lutia had it not been for the harsh weather of the fifth month. Instead the English left the Southern Edge to Lutia and set their lands as a basic slave states. The small Lutia tribes joined together to establish their own country. They established a monarchy and called their country Lula. After many years Lula established it's own currency and national language, even a national flag and motto.

In 1787 the Eastern Part of Coronadia was granted it's freedom and the predominately White colony established a democracy. They called their country Buckingham. The 90,000 Lutians who still lived in Buckingham were granted citizenship and equal rights, however they wanted more. They rallied for unification of Lula and Buckingham. In 1794 the countries of Lula and Buckingham joined together to form the Country of Luliham. A democratic republic was established and the King in Lula stepped down.

In the West the Country was ruled with an Iron fist by the Spanish Prince Suarez Moreno VI. He violently oppressed his peoples, both Luitan and Spanish. The Country was in rambles and in 1801 it's people revolted, led by Sergio Coronado, a Spanish Farmer. Both Lutians and Spaniards fought the Prince and in 1802 Liliham declared war on the Prince. The War for a Country, as it was called, took the lives of at least 4 million men, women, and children and displaced an even greater amount. After three years of warfare the Prince was killed by his generals, they in turn surrendered. The day the fighting in the land eneded was on April 5th 1821, but On April 30th 1821 the countries untied to form the Democratic Empire Coronadia.


Highest Point: Mount Sumbya (20,593 ft)

Lowest Point: Ocean of the Dead (-878 ft)

Desert: 10%

Largest Desert: The Thermopola Desert (13,000 Km)

Forest: 2%

Plains: 7%

Jungles: 30%

Arable Land: 50%

Mountains: 10%

Largest River: The Kayana

Largest State: Elizabeth

Smallest State: San Paulo


Largest Cities:

1.)Pascal City-10,674,213



4.)New Madrid-2,479,162

5.)Elizabeth City-2,359,411

State Population:





5.)San Paolo-5,000,000+






Coronadia is known for it's unstable economy. With the GDP per Capita changing with each electoral election. The country's main exports are sugar, spices, and marble.

Currency: The Corona (C)

Exchange Rate: 5C=1$

GPD Per Captia: $4,165

Unemployement Rate: 11.89%

Consumption: $2,000,000,000,000+

Government Budget: $3,684,567,563,208.00

Govenment Expenditures: $3,610,876,211,943.84

Government Waste: $73,691,351,264.16

Trade Partners: Azubalia 70%, Spain 20%, England 10%

Exports: $736,069,010,307.51

Imports: $738,360,939,699.00

Trade Deficit: ($2,291,929,391.49)



Current Population: 1,400,000,000+

Birthrate: 12%

Death rate: 4%

Average Female Life Expectancy: 80.5 Years

Average Male Life Expectancy: 76.3 Years

Population Increase/Decrease: +2%

Male Literacy: 99%

Female Literacy: 97%

Age Groups:

0-13: 16%




70+: 9%


Immigration Influx: 1.2%

Immigrant Groups: Africans, British, Mexicans, Azubalians

Emigration Rate: 4%

Population Makeup:

45% Lutian

30% British

12% Spanish Descent

3% Other

National Languages: Lutian, English, Spanish